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Privacy and Cookie Policies

By reading this document you will get help in making privacy and cookies policy.<br><br>https://www.mtfxgroup.com/

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Privacy and Cookie Policies

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  1. CONTENT FOR MENDATORY THING How to Develop Effective Policies and Procedures Policies and procedures are the bedrock of any successful organization. They provide clarity and direction for employees, help to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and serve as a guide for effective decision-making. But crafting effective policies and procedures is not always easy. Here are some tips to help you get started: Step 1: Define the Purpose of the Policy The first step in creating an effective social media policy is to define the purpose of the policy. What are the goals of the policy? What does your company hope to achieve by implementing a social media policy? Once you have answered these questions, you can begin creating the actual policy. Step 2: Write the Policy Using a Template If you want to write an effective policy, it's important to use a template as your guide. A template can help you ensure that your policy meets all of the requirements and is easy to read and understand. When choosing a template, be sure to select one that is specific to the type of policy you're writing. For example, if you're writing a policy for employee vacation, be sure to choose a template that includes all of the necessary elements for that type of policy. Step 3: Prepare for Policy Implementation Before a policy can be implemented, there are a few steps that need to happen first. The policy needs to be created, and then it needs to be reviewed by the relevant stakeholders. Once the policy has been approved, it needs to be communicated to those who will be responsible for implementing it. Finally, a plan needs to be put in place for how the policy will be implemented. Step 4: Get Feedback and Assign Enforcers When you have written your post, it is important to get feedback from others to make sure that your ideas are clear and that you are on the right track. In addition, it is also a good idea to assign someone to be an "enforcer" - someone who will make sure that everyone follows the rules and guidelines that you have set forth. This will help to keep things organized and running smoothly. Step 5: Implement and Improve on the Policy The policy head has already gotten some feedback on the new policies from concerned employees but there's no replacing seeing something in action. That’s why even during and after implementation, employee surveys should still be sent out so that any further improvements can happen based on real-life experiences instead of just reading about them or guessing what might work best through theory only." New policies should be reviewed and revised 3 months after implementation. If the new policy is deemed a success, then its next review can come out in 6 months or annually with some commitment from you as well! Following pages are Examples for policies, Created by different Websites from different Niches.

  2. GENERAL This is our Privacy Policy. Please also read our Cookie Policy below. This Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy applies to all our Websites. Find a full list of our Websites in Who We Are. Who We Are We are Notting Hill Media Limited, a limited liability company registered in England with com- pany number 3937009, registered office at Broadway Studios, 20 Hammersmith Broadway, London W6 7AF, UK (“We” and “Us”). We publish the following websites: www.nottinghillmedia.com www.sourcesecurity.com www.securityinformed.com www.thebigredguide.com www.hvacinformed.com www.sourceen54.com www.sourceaccesscontrol.com www.sourcesurveillancesoftware.com www.sourceipcameras.com www.securitypubs.com www.maritimeinformed.com (individually a “Website” or together the “Websites”). How to Contact Us If you need any further information about this Privacy Policy – or want to contact us about any- thing – you can contact us in any of these ways: email us at dpo@nottinghillmedia.com call us on + 44 20 7183 0709 (UK) during office hours (9 am to 6pm GMT) write to us at Data Protection Team, Notting Hill Media Limited, Broadway Studios, 20 Ham- mersmith Broadway, London W6 7AF, United Kingdom. Our Privacy Promise This Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy explains how We collect, process, and use your per- sonal information (“Your Information”). We are committed to protecting your privacy and the privacy of Your Information. We are re- quired by the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) which came into force in the UK and, in the case of GDPR, throughout the EU from 25 May 2018 (the “Act”) to follow strict procedures to protect personal data. For your protection, we are registered under the Act and have given all the appropriate notifications to the Information Commissioner. Please read this Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy carefully. If you don’t accept these terms, then please stop using the Website and don’t submit information through the Website. You can unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of marketing emails we send you. You can also change and update your email preferences via the link in the emails we send you (see How to Contact us above). https://www.nottinghillmedia.com/privacy-policy.html

  3. Our Privacy Policy Marlin Travel is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information Marlin Travel is committed to protecting your privacy. Indeed, we attach particular importance to protecting the personal information that you share with us and we strive to maintain your trust in this regard. When you do business with us, we need to collect some personal information about you such as your name, email address, passport number and payment details. This information is used, for example, to process your booking and travel arrangements and purchases. Some of this infor- mation is shared with our trusted partners such as hotels and airport ground handlers to ensure that your baggage arrives safely at your destination. In this privacy policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) we explain how we collect, use and protect your personal information. This Policy applies to all personal information we process about you when you do business with us, purchase or use our services, visit our website or otherwise interact with us. This Policy was developed to comply with the requirements of the privacy protection legislation in force. Please refer to the “How to Contact Us” section if you have any questions, comments or re- quests regarding the Policy or your personal information. Our full Policy can be accessed below. Full Privacy Policy Our commitment We have developed and implemented internal policies and procedures designed to provide ade- quate protection of the personal information in our possession and we review these on a regular basis. We educate our employees about the importance of protecting personal information by provid- ing them with training on this topic and by issuing directives outlining their role and obligations in this regard. We take reasonable measures to ensure that our agents, mandataries, representatives and em- ployees comply with the provisions of the privacy protection legislation in force. What is the scope of application of this policy and controller? The provisions of this Policy apply to all personal information collected and processed by our agency within the framework of its activities, unless otherwise indicated when collecting such personal information. We have assigned the task of ensuring the protection of our customers' personal information and answering privacy questions to Transat Data protection officer. https://www.marlintravel.ca/privacy-policy

  4. Welcome! The Canadian Real Estate Association (“CREA”) is committed to clearly explaining to you what it does with your personal information. On this webpage you’ll find information about the types of personal information we gather, how we use it, and whether we provide some of that infor- mation to anyone else. For starters, you’ll see that we refer to “privacy policy” and “privacy policies” throughout this webpage. Don’t get confused! The simplest way to wrap your head around this is to think of CREA’s “privacy policy” as the combined total of all of CREA’s “privacy policies”, which are specific portions of our overall policy. When we say “personal information” what we mean is any information about an identifiable in- dividual not including: The name, title, business email, business address or telephone number of an individual when collected, used and disclosed solely for the purpose of communicating or facilitating communi- cation with the individual in relation to their employment, business or profession; Aggregated information that cannot be associated with a specific individual. It’s also important to note that CREA interacts with people falling into several different catego- ries. This includes: REALTOR.ca logo over a red background. REALTOR.ca Finger pointing to CREA’s website on a tablet. All CREA sites A diverse group of real estate professionals smile during a meeting. REALTORS® and Global Affiliates A couple meeting with a REALTOR®. Buyers and Sellers CREA also has some general privacy policies that always apply regardless of who you are, what CREA product you are using, or how you otherwise interact with us. To find out more visit our General Privacy Policies. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this privacy policy, please direct them to: The Chief Privacy Officer (CPO), The Canadian Real Estate Association 200 Catherine Street, 6th Floor Ottawa, ON K2P 2K9 Phone: (613) 237-7111 Email: privacy@crea.ca https://www.realtor.ca/terms-of-use

  5. CANADIAN PRIVACY NOTICE: In compliance with Canadian privacy regulations defined by the Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), MTFX has prepared this Privacy Statement. The Privacy Policy for our Canadian operations is slightly different. Please download it for your reference. INTRODUCTION MTFX USA Inc., MTFX Inc. and MTFX Global Inc. (collectively, “MTFX Group”) are committed to respecting your privacy. MTFX Group has developed this U.S. Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) to advise you of the ways in which MTFX Group collects, uses, shares and protects your information. Any person accessing, browsing or otherwise using a website where this Privacy Statement is posted (each, a “Site”) either manually or via an automated device or program, is a “User” for purposes of this Policy. MTFX USA Inc., together with MTFX Inc. (Canada) and MTFX Global Inc. (Canada), are hereinafter referred to as the “MTFX Group.” PARTICIPATION IN THE EU-U.S. PRIVACY SHIELD PROGRAM MTFX Group complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries. MTFX Group has certified that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles of Notice, Choice, Accountability for Onward Transfer, Security, Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation, Access, and Recourse, Enforcement and Liability. If there is any conflict between the policies in this Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program please visit https://www.privacyshield.gov/. Organizations that participate in the U.S.-E.U. Privacy Shield Program must comply with the seven Privacy Shield Principles, which require the following: Notice. Organizations must publish online privacy notices containing specific information about their participation in the Privacy Shield (including, where applicable, the entities or sub- sidiaries of the organization also adhering to the Principles); their practices around collecting, using and sharing personal data with third parties; their privacy practices, including an individ- ual’s rights to access and correct data, and the choices they make available to individuals re- garding limiting data collection and use. The thirteen specific items to be addressed in the notice also include (i) any relevant establishment in the EU that can respond to inquiries or complaints, (ii) the independent dispute resolution mechanism designated to address complaints, a hyperlink to the complaint submission form of that dispute resolution body, (iii) the possibility, under certain circumstances, for EU individuals to invoke additional binding arbitration; (iv) the possibility that the organization may be held liable for unlawful transfer of personal data to third parties; and (v) the organization’s obligation to disclose personal data in response to national security or law enforcement requests. Choice. Participants must provide a mechanism for individuals to opt out of having personal information disclosed to a third party or used for a materially different purpose than that for which it was provided. Opt-in consent is required with respect to the sharing of sensitive information with a third party or its use for a new purpose. https://www.mtfxgroup.com/privacy-policy/

  6. Privacy Statement DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACY POLICY This policy is intended for all visitors to our website, our employees, applicants, customers and partners and is always important if we receive data about you. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you have become a customer or even if a contractual arrangement exists between us. In each case, this policy should make it to transparent for you how we deal with data. In the following, we explain which information is collected during your visit to our website, how we use this information and for what purpose and who we share it with. In addition, we explain your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data, such as right to information, rectification, objection and erasure. We will only use your personal data (hereinafter: ‘Data’) in accordance with the applicable data protection law. If we use your Data for purposes other than those stated in this privacy policy, we will inform you about these purposes and where necessary obtain your permission for this. 1. Data Controller Within the legal meaning of Data, the Data Controller is the company named in our ‘Imprint’ on our website. You can also contact our management representatives mentioned there or contact our Data Protection Officer. A Data Protection Officer is not bound to the instructions given by management. You can contact them by email at datenschutz@statista.com or by post at the address stated in the ‘Imprint’ with the note ‘for the attention of the Data Protection Officer’. 2. Process and purpose of storage When you visit our website, your computer transmits your IP address to us, and depending on the nature of your visit to our website and your computer’s settings, we save small text files on your hard drive (‘Cookies’) as part of this process. We create these files so that our website functions better for you. It is a form of short-term memory of your browser. You can switch off this short-term memory by making the appropriate adjustments within your browser. We also place text files on our system, which could contain the following information about you: type of browser and browser version, operating system used, the URL of the website which you came from, the name of your computer and the time of your visit (‘Log files’). The Log files are not assignable to a specific person by us. We do not combine this Data with Cookies or IP addresses. We do, however, reserve the right to subsequently assess this Data in individual cases if there are specific reasons that indicate unlawful use. The Log files help us to understand on which kind of computers our web pages must function and when a particularly large (or small) number of people are using our web pages. In this way, website structure, servers and database systems can be adjusted accordingly. When you create a user account with us or enter into a contract with us as a customer (e.g. by ordering goods, having a newsletter sent to you, etc.), we create a customer account for you in our system. This account contains the master data that you have provided to us, your order and, where applicable, your billing data (‘Customer data’). We store and process this Data because otherwise we cannot fulfil our contract with you. If you enter into a contract with us as a cus- tomer, we also use your Customer data in order to inform you about current campaigns and at- tractions that we are promoting, provided that you have not objected to the use of your Data in this way. https://www.statista.com/imprint/#privacy

  7. Privacy Officer To confirm our commitment to privacy, Adecco has appointed a qualified member of our senior management team as the Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer is available to offer more information on our practices and policies, to ensure compliance by everyone at Adecco and to rectify any complaints. The Privacy Officer can be contacted by mail at the following address: Privacy Officer The Adecco Group - Head Office 20 Bay Street, Suite 800 Toronto, ON M5J 2N8. Adecco’s Privacy Officer will review any new processes, procedures or practices affecting the privacy of our employees, our suppliers and our clients to ensure they are compliant with our Privacy Policy. Adecco’s Privacy Officer commits to being aware and knowledgeable about any changes in the Canadian privacy legislation and to ensuring Adecco consistently meets or exceeds the privacy requirements. Information Protection, Identification and Consent Adecco maintains that it will identify the purpose(s) for collecting personal information and inform the affected individuals of the intended purpose. When the intended use for the collected information involves releasing it to an interested third party, Adecco will ensure the individual grants consent before any information is released. Consent for these purposes can be either explicit or implicit depending on the sensitivity of the information. Adecco will only collect information for which there is an intended purpose. The collected information will only be used for the purposes stated. Should the information be necessary for purposes other than those stated, separate consent will be obtained. This is true for all situations except those where Adecco has obtained general consent or where the particular use is required by law or required by the police for an investigation. All third-party suppliers, vendors and clients to which personal information may be released will have been carefully screened to ensure their Privacy Policies meet or exceed the legislated requirements. Retention and Safeguards Adecco has set mandatory retention time frame limits based on Employment and Labour Standards and will retain personal information only as long as is outlined in the applicable legislation. Third party suppliers have been instructed to follow the same guidelines. In addition, the information, while retained, will be secured by appropriate safeguards relevant to the sensitivity of the information. https://www.adecco.ca/en-ca/privacy-policy/

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