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Covert Copy Traffic

Covert Copy Traffic

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Covert Copy Traffic

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  1. Covert Copy Traffic

  2. Read On To Discover The Simple Trick That Will Double Your Social Traffic In 7 Seconds Or Less! • From:SorenJordansen, John Merrick & Cindy Battye aka The IM Wealth BuildersSubject: How To Double Your Social Traffic In 7 Seconds Or Less • Social sharing is quickly becoming one of the most important factors when Google and other search engines consider how high your blog should rank.To put it simply... The more people sharing your content the more important you look to Google.And every time someone shares one of your blog posts you get a backlink right?That part is actually wrong!And I'll show you why in a bit - but first we have to talk a little bit about Facebook.Most people think that Facebook is the biggest social sharing site in the world - and of course it is...But at the same time Facebook only accounts for 25% of all Social sharing on the internet!So what's the biggest method of social sharing?The answer surprised me at first - but after thinking about it - it made perfect sense.There are about 1 billion people in the world with a Facebook account - but what is the single tool that every internet user has?The answer is of course... an email account - and that's why:

  3. Email Is The The Internet's Original Sharing Tool &Email Is Still #1 - Totally Dominating Social Sharing! And as I said, when you think about it, this makes perfect sense...Before there was a Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or any other social sharing site like that - people would share web content by mailing it to each other.Often people would forward those emails to more friends and this was how viral marketing was originally born.Old habits die hard...And even with the birth of sites like Facebook - email is still the number 1 way people share content on the internet.Just think about this for a second...We all have at least one of those "annoying" friends who insist on forwarding you every single joke or interesting article they ever receive via email!Just look at this screenshot...

  4. Up To 70% Of All Social Sharing Is DoneVia Email Vs Only 25% On Facebook Yep that's right!On average the mighty Facebook only takes up 25% of all sharing.And all the other social sharing sites combined don't even come near that!That leaves email with a huge chunk - up to 70% of all social sharing.Now you might be thinking that this isn't a problem...After all those social sharing buttons on your blog include an "Email this to a friend" link don't they?Well I thought the same - but then I discovered that...You can set up all the fancy social sharing buttons, popups, floaters and gimmicks that you want...It does not matter at all - because...

  5. For Every 1 Visitor Who Uses Your Social Sharing Buttons90 Will Have Shared Your Content By Copy & Pasting! That's right...Not only is email the preferred way of sharing - People do it by cutting and pasting your content!And of course when they do - you get no benefit whatsoever.You get no backlinks - no referral traffic - no nothing!Recent stats have shown that...

  6. Up To 6% Of All Visits To Your Site Results InA Copy & Paste Share You Get Zero Credit For! Yeah that I thought so too...That's an awful lot of traffic you are missing out on!And as I said - old habits die hard...Now, even the invention of social sharing sites like Facebook, people are still copy and pasting when they share there too!They are copy and pasting to share your blog content on forums, on Facebook, on Twitter, on their own blogs and of course via email.You've put blood, sweat and tears into creating that content - or have paid through the nose for writers or plugins to generate the content for you.The least you would expect is a link back with a chance for some referral traffic when people share your content.But unfortunately you get none of thatUntil now that is...Because we set out to create a solution to this problem and what we came up with was a slight change to the old adage...

  7. If You Can't Beat Them Join Them...Make Them Work For You! At first I got angry learning that people were copy and pasting my content, sharing it without giving me credit and links.We thought about creating a plugin that would prevent this.But then I calmed down and realized that...People wanting to share my content is always a good thing!And if up to 70% of them prefer to do it via copy and pasting... and I don't get credit for it - then that is my own fault... not them stealing!You'd want those 70% to keep doing what they are doing - you just want to make sure they include your link.We wanted to create a simple plugin that would automatically detect when people copy something from your blog...And when they then paste the copied content into email, Facebook or whatever - the plugin should automatically include a link back to youThat's exactly what we set out to create (and then some!) - and thus Covert Copy Traffic was born.So without further ado..

  8. Let's Take A Look At How The Covert Copy TrafficPlugin Works... And What It Can Do For You! Then they would paste the copied text into email or some other source - and I would get nothing from it!But because I have the Covert Copy Traffic plugin installed - some clever "magic" happens behind the scenes...And when they go to paste the content into their email or Facebook - this happens...

  9. More Info

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