

Or maybe none of them. I think the great news is, though, that the aversion seems to be dissipating, which I believe is a good thing. It appears like it is somewhat "fine" now for girls to have pubic hair, but then again, maybe I am biased because I exist in a small pocket bubble of the net (perhaps much like a naturist being surrounded by like-minded folks) where it is ok. Right. I am not opposed to body hair or having it all shaved offultimately, it's a personal taste, and frequently one that I choose to approach differently determined by my own mood! Going back a little bit, I 'm interested if there has been differences in responses from women and men to your blog? BtoB: Not a significant difference, I don't think. I'd say the bulk of my following is female but I have no actual means to assess or show that. I get e-mails from both parties and they seem to be shockingly similar. I believe men cope with a lot of these things also, either from another approach or a different point of view but similar things nonetheless. Men have told me they adore it when their partner doesn't shave, women have told me they hate shaving, both have told me I am awful and disgusting and need to "buy a razor."I think the reaction is similar regardless of gender. So there is lots of marked comparisons then. BtoB: I think with the internet you consistently get more comparison. The people who don't really have an opinion just scroll past it with no view, it is the ones who need to either commend you or cry at you who take the time to write. As you have alluded to, our society has lots of mixed up feelings about nudity in general, especially social nudity. As such, lots of effort is put into dividing nudity from sexuality, which makes sense. When I visit a naturist club or plage with my family, the last thing I'd like to see is sexual activity. But sometimes, I believe that we attempt a little too difficult to disconnect the two and demonize sexuality. You were asked about whether or not your were comfortable with the thought that individuals might masturbate when looking at your site. I was quite interested by your answercan you discuss that a bit more and how sexuality plays a part in body acceptance, or being honest with your body? BtoB: Yeah! That's a question that I get a lot, and one of my favourite types of e-mails really are from guys who feel the need to "apologize" to me because they found my blog and began masturbating to a picture or two and then began reading the text and ended up so on board with what I was saying that they felt guilty for using my images for self enjoyment. I totally get what you're saying about practically demonizing sexuality and dividing nudity from it entirely. I believe that the things do not need to be totally independent, you can see a nude body and be turned on by it and it doesn't make you a bad person or a "creep" or anything. Sexuality is such a complex topic, there is no way I could trust to really know and understand it, but in my own experience IT'S tied in to nudity even if we want to fake it is not. There's a vulnerability that occurs when you are naked that is so different than when you are in garments that it is natural to have different feelings when you are naked or looking at someone naked. I guess I do not think that sexuality is bad. do not think nudity is bad. I don't think that joining the two of them is evil. If someone uses my photographs or my body to masturbate to, great for them! They know what they enjoy and pleasured themselves and can return to whatever life they're living. I see no harm in that. I think that nudity does not HAVE to be sexual, and I've been in situations where it definitely is not, but I don't believe it needs to be entirely removed from sexual feelings either. And I guess I should clarify - those e-mails are not some of my favorites because they're apologizing to me, but instead because they're just such honest reports of a lost person and it's amazingly endearing and somehow flattering. That was really my next question. And the reality is that "context" is everything whether or not someone is clothed or nude. BtoB: Absoluely. There are people in my life who I can take a naked bath in front of and it's completely nonsexual (for me, anyway) and then there are individuals who I feel sexually charged around just when I take off my coat. And of course, intention a part of that as well. One of many questions you get from many would-be naturists is if seeing folks naked might relieve desire. It definitely takes away a sexual cause and compels you to reconsider sexuality, but I think in a positive way. Envision what effect that would have on advertisers! One of my favourite posts is when you remark about your interval being a chance to reflect on what other "private pain" others are enduring. It seems that in many ways, this project has provided you an opportunity to gain empathy. I'm also reminded of two other places, your comments on Kasey Edwards letter and Charlotte Roche's book Wetlands.


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