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<br>PSY 110 Week 1 Support Systems Journal Entries<br>PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection<br>PSY 110 Week 3 Applying Positive Habits<br>PSY 110 Week 4 Working in Diverse Groups<br>PSY 110 Week 5 Building Networks<br>

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  1. PSY 110 All Assignments For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PSY 110 Week 1 Support Systems Journal Entries PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection PSY 110 Week 3 Applying Positive Habits PSY 110 Week 4 Working in Diverse Groups PSY 110 Week 5 Building Networks PSY 110 Case (Thinking about Race, Ethnicity, and Culture) and Case (Keeping Your Mouth Shut) PSY 110 POWER Learning Ch 3 and Ch 7 PSY 110 POWER Learning Ch 3 and Ch 6 PSY 110 POWER learning Ch 1 and ch 8 ********************************** PSY 110 Assignment Week 4 Working in Diverse Groups Worksheet (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com

  2. Week 4 – Working in Diverse Groups IN YOUR OWN WORDS, answer the following questions in the boxes below. Please answer the following questions with 50-175 words per response: 1) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is cultural competence? (at least 50 words) 2) How is cultural competence advantageous in the workplace? (at least 50 words) 3) What two or three strategies can you use to develop cultural competence? (at least 50 words) 4) What strategies can you use to become more at ease with differences and diversity? (at least 50 words) 5) What does your ideal workplace look like? How would you like to be treated? How should you treat others? (at least 50 words) ********************************** PSY 110 uop Case (Thinking about Race, Ethnicity, and Culture) and Case (Keeping Your Mouth Shut) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com

  3. Thinking about Race, Ethnicity, and Culture 1. Were race and ethnicity discussed in your family as you were growing up? In what ways? 2. Do you demonstrate—through your behavior, attitudes, and/or beliefs—your own ethnic background? How? 3. Are there cultural differences between you and members of other races or ethnicities? What are they? 4. Are you proud of your ethnicity? Why? 5. Think what it would be like to be a member of a racial group or ethnicity other than your own. In what ways would your childhood and adolescence have been different? How would you view the world differently? In 150 word for each question please review the following. This does not need to be in APAformat. The Case of ... Keeping Your Mouth Shut Jorge Azar had immigrated with his parents to the United States from the Dominican Republic when he was 11 years old. Although Jorge had become fluent in English, he still spoke with an accent. Jorge had never felt self-conscious about it before. He'd lived most of his life in America in New York City, surrounded by dozens of different accents. Now, though, Jorge had relocated with his wife out of New York. He'd enrolled in college to earn his degree in software engineering, and he was sitting in a classroom in which he was the only Hispanic. Jorge suddenly felt nervous to open his mouth. He was sure that no matter what he said, his fellow classmates would disregard it because of his accent. Despite graduating from high school in the top of his class, Jorge was struck dumb at the idea of answering the questions his instructors asked. One day, Jorge couldn't avoid the problem anymore. In one of his programming classes, his instructor called on him by name to explain a technical term. Jorge knew what the term meant and how to explain it ... but he was afraid that as soon as he spoke, he'd be laughed at. As the moments ticked by and the class waited for Jorge's response, he started to wonder why he'd enrolled in college in the first place.

  4. 1. Can you identify with Jorge's situation? Are there aspects of yourself that you feel self-conscious about? 2. What assumptions does Jorge fear his classmates will make? 3. What assumptions about his classmates is Jorge making? 4. What advice would you give Jorge to help him feel more comfortable, not just speaking in class, but in college in general? 5. Have you ever judged someone based not on what they say, but how they say it? What did you learn from this incident, and how could you avoid it in the future? ********************************** PSY 110 uop POWER learning Ch 1 and ch 8 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 1: Becoming an Expert Student ThIt was during the second week of classes that the questioning started. Until then, Jesse had been fairly confident in his decision to enroll at a college in the Denver suburbs to gain training to be a medical technician. He had been excited to try something new and to start a new career, but more and more he was wondering if he'd made the right choice. To get to campus, Jesse had to take a forty-five-minute bus ride, because his wife needed the car to get to her office in downtown Denver. Jesse was also keeping his part-time job as an executive assistant at a doctor's office, a job that meant another long commute. And on top of that, Jesse

  5. needed to find time among work, classes, and studying to help care for his five-year-old son. Maybe, Jesse was beginning to think, college hadn't been such a good idea. True, he could earn more money as a medical technician and begin a more promising career. But was it really worth all this added time and stress? Plus, Jesse had never done very well academically. Why would college be any different? If he wanted to make more money, he could just add more shifts at his current job. Why bother with college? Jesse thought to himself. What an expense, and what a hassle. For what?e Case of Review the following questions answer in 150 word for each questions. This doesn’t have to be in APA format 1. college education? What arguments could you provide Jesse as to the value of a 2. Do you think that Jesse's doubts are common? 3. about the value of college? What might you suggest that Jesse do to help deal with his doubts 4. especially strong during the beginning weeks of college? Why might a student's doubts about the value of college be 5. education? Do you have additional ones? Do you share any of Jesse's concerns about the value of a college P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 8: Making Decisions and Problem Solving

  6. The Case of Erica had a problem. She and her friend Karen had found a two-bedroom apartment to share for the upcoming year. The apartment was on the expensive side, but they had decided that it was worth it because it was in a great location. She and Karen had jointly paid the security deposit on the apartment. However, because Karen hadn't been around when it came time to sign the lease, only Erica had signed it. Consequently, Erica was legally responsible for fulfilling the terms of the lease. Now, only two weeks before they were scheduled to move in, Karen told Erica that she had realized she couldn't afford the rent and that she had decided she had to live with her parents. Erica was simultaneously furious with Karen and panicky at the thought of having to pay the rent by herself. How was she going to deal with the problem? Review the following questions answer in 150 word for each questions. This doesn’t have to be in APA format 1. personal and social considerations that should be taken into account in solving the problem? Is the problem a purely financial and legal one, or are there 2. responsibility for solving it as well? Is the problem solely Erica's problem, or should Karen take 3. What alternatives does Erica have for dealing with the situation? 4. alternative? How should Erica go about evaluating the outcomes for each 5. Erica for dealing with the situation? Based on your analysis of the problem, what advice would you give **********************************

  7. PSY 110 uop POWER Learning Ch 3 and Ch 6 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 3: Taking Notes The Case of ...Not Missing a Thing Some people write down a few things in class. Others write down most things. Jennifer Beck wrote down everything. The woman was virtually a human dictation machine. She spent her time in class in a whirlwind of notetaking, writing down in a clear, meticulous script seemingly every word her instructor uttered. By the end of a term, her notebooks were so lengthy that they approached the size of telephone books from a small city. Yet despite her thorough notes, Jennifer was only a mediocre student. She was a hard worker and studied her many notes thoroughly before tests. But she never managed to get grades higher than a C+. It seemed unbelievable to her. She worked incredibly hard in class taking good notes. Why wasn't it paying off? 1. How do you think Jennifer defines "good notetaking"? 2. 3. Why does Jennifer's method of notetaking produce such poor results? What is she missing? 4. 5. If you asked Jennifer to summarize the instructor's main ideas after a class lecture, how successful do you think she would be? Why? 6.

  8. 7. Do you think it would be easy or hard to study for a final exam using Jennifer's notes? Why? 8. 9. Do you think Jennifer evaluates her notes during or after class? Do you think she ever rethinks them? What questions would you ask to help her perform these steps? 10. 11. In general, what advice would you give Jennifer on notetaking? In 150 words for each question answer the following. This doesn't have to be in APA. P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 6: Careers The Case of ...Interviewophobia Dale had found his dream job. A few weeks before finishing college to get his degree in fitness training, Dale found an online job posting for an entry-level training job with the professional basketball team that played in his area. Dale had long been a fan of the team. The salary and benefits were excellent. The facility where the team trained was only ten minutes from Dale's house. In short, the job was perfect, and Dale was thrilled when, a week after submitting his résumé, he received a call about scheduling an interview. But then Dale started to get nervous. He had failed miserably at the only job interview he had ever had, for a sales position at a retail company after he finished high school. He'd actually gotten into an argument with his interviewer. What if the interview for the fitness trainer position went just as poorly? Other worries started creeping into Dale's mind. What if the interviewer asked questions about Dale's limited training experience? What if Dale forgot to mention the key experiences on his résumé? What if he wore the wrong clothes? As the interview approached, Dale went from excited to terrified. He was certain he would blow the interview. So much for my dream job, he thought.

  9. 1. What advice would you give Dale? How is this interview different from the one he experienced just after finishing high school? 2. 3. What steps could Dale take to ready himself for the interview? How could he build his confidence? 4. 5. What could Dale do to prepare for questions about his work experience? 6. 7. What tactics could Dale employ to make sure the interview remains cordial, and to get on his interviewer's good side? ********************************** PSY 110 uop POWER Learning Ch 3 and Ch 7 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 3: Taking Notes The Case of … Some people write down a few things in class. Others write down most things. Jennifer Beck wrote down everything. The woman was virtually a human dictation machine. She spent her time in class in a whirlwind of notetaking, writing down in a clear, meticulous script seemingly every word her instructor uttered. By the end of a term, her notebooks were so lengthy that they approached the size of telephone books from a small city.

  10. Yet despite her thorough notes, Jennifer was only a mediocre student. She was a hard worker and studied her many notes thoroughly before tests. But she never managed to get grades higher than a C+. It seemed unbelievable to her. She worked incredibly hard in class taking good notes. Why wasn't it paying off? Review the following questions then in 150 word for each question answer the following. This doesn’t have to be in a APA format 1. How do you think Jennifer defines “good notetaking”? 2. Why does Jennifer's method of notetaking produce such poor results? What is she missing? 3. If you asked Jennifer to summarize the instructor's main ideas after a class lecture, how successful do you think she would be? Why? 4. Do you think it would be easy or hard to study for a final exam using Jennifer's notes? Why? 5. Do you think Jennifer ev 6. aluates her notes during or after class? Do you think she ever rethinks them? What questions would you ask to help her perform these steps? 7. In general, what advice would you give Jennifer on notetaking? P.O.W.E.R. Learning, Ch. 7: Technology and Information Competency The Case of … It had already been a long day for Joelle. She'd worked two hours of overtime at her job supervising a call center. She'd driven home and immediately sat down at her computer to start work on her paper for her marketing class the next day. It was already 11:00 p.m. by the time she finished her research on the web. Then she began writing, opening a new file in her word processing program. Joelle worked hard, drinking coffee to help her concentrate on the paper—and to keep her eyes open. When she was about three-quarters of the way done, her computer screen suddenly froze. Joelle pushed every button she could think of, but finally had to switch her computer

  11. off and then switch it back on. She opened the file for her paper … and saw an empty page. To her horror, Joelle realized that her paper had been lost. She looked at the clock—it was almost 3:00 a.m. Did she really need to start her paper all over again? Review the following questions then in 150 word for each question answer the following. This doesn’t have to be in a APA format 1. How well did Joelle use her time to work on her paper? What advice would you give her about the preparation stage of working on a paper? 2. Clearly, Joelle should have saved her work frequently while she was working. What else should she have done while working on her paper to help her recover from such a catastrophe? 3. Do you think Joelle's instructor would be sensitive to her problem? Do you think he or she would be willing to give her an extension? What could Joelle do to make her case that she had nearly finished the paper? 4. What should Joelle do next to begin reconstructing her paper and recovering as much of her work as possible? ********************************** PSY 110 uop Week 1 Support Systems Journal Entries For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Support Systems Journal Entries

  12. This week, you will create journal entries to help you reflect on this week's resources and your personal connection to them. This will give you practice in writing about these ideas and will help you to apply these tools in different areas of your life, such as school, home, and work. Reflect on some strategies for becoming a successful student that you learned from this week's learning content, including the textbook, videos, and classroom discussion. Hint: The recommended Connect Activities include a self-assessment on time and stress management you might find helpful. Write four separate journal entries of 175 to 250 WDS each (that is the equivalent of a half-page to three-quarters of a page each.) For this assignment, there is no specific formatting requirement, but make sure to proofread for grammar and spelling. The goal is to relate the course content to your real-world experiences. The following are the four entries you need to W about: 1. After reading Ch. 2 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, answer the following: • How can you use what you learned from the chapter and those activities to best support your personal, academic, and work life? • How can they help you improve time management and decrease stress at home, work, and in school? 2. After reading Ch. 5 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, answer the following: • Which three strategies seemed most useful to you? Why? • How can you use those strategies to improve your own learning? 3. After reading Ch. 10 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, reflect on the sections on handling stress and keeping well, and then answer the following: • What three suggestions for handling stress do you think will be most useful to you? Why? • How do you think your support system can help to decrease your stress at school, home, and in the workplace? 4. After watching this week's Psychology of Learning videos on this week's Electronic Reserve Readings page, answer the following:

  13. • How do you think classical and operant conditioning and cognitive learning play a role in terms of your study habits, and stress and time management? Combine your entries into one document and include a title page. ********************************** PSY 110 uop Week 2 Learning Style Reflection For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Learning Style Reflection This assignment will allow you to reflect on the information you learned in the section "Discovering Your Learning Styles" in Ch. 1 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning. Hint: • reflection. • presentation option. • If you have an auditory/verbal style, be sure to include some audio, either in the notes or in the body of the slides. Discover more about your Learning Style by completing this week's recommended Connect Activities. Select and complete one of the following assignment options. If you have a read/write learning style, consider the written reflection. If you have a If you have a read/write learning style, consider the written If you have a visual/graphic learning style, consider the

  14. visual/graphic learning style, consider the presentation option. If you have an auditory/verbal style, be sure to include some audio, either in the notes or in the body of the slides. Written Reflection Write a 700- to 1,050-word response to the following questions: 1. What learning style are you? 2. What factors led you to that decision? 3. How are learning styles associated with successful adult learning? 4. How do learners’ needs impact motivation to learn in both academic and professional settings? 5. Knowing your learning style, what can you do to ensure academic success? For example, what can you do to take better notes? How can you prepare for tests? 6. How can understanding growth and fixed mindsets impact your learning? 7. How can understanding the field of psychology help you with your behavior and mental processes? ********************************** PSY 110 uop Week 4 Working in Diverse Groups For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com

  15. Working in Diverse Groups This week is about working in diverse groups and developing cultural competence that can help you in many scenarios. Imagine now that you have found a job opening that is looking for someone to join its diverse team. To narrow down candidates for the job, the description says candidates should be prepared to explain in a brief presentation their knowledge of how they work with others. Read Ch. 9: Diversity and Relationships to review strategies that will help prepare you for this assignment. Hint: The Connect Activities in the recommended section of this week can also help you to learn more. Working in Diverse Groups Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that allows you to showcase your knowledge about working in diverse groups to a potential employer. Make sure to read the information in Chapter 9 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning and Your Life. (Hint: The Connect Activities in the recommended section of this week can also help you to learn more.) A further review of Chapter 1 and Chapter 8 will help you to recall what you discovered about your learning style and how to solve problems. Here is a guideline for developing your presentation: 1. The first slide should be a title slide for the presentation. 2. An introduction slide should come after the title slide. This slide should allow you to introduce the topics you will be discussing. 3. For the next two to three slides, discuss what topics from Weeks 1 through 3 that might help you when working in diverse groups. For example, you could talk about learning styles, and how that might impact your work in a group or work assignment versus in an individual assignment. (Tip: Think about information that was covered in Week 2 when covering this portion.) 4. For your next two to three slides, explain how developing cultural competence can be useful to you when working with others in school? How can it be advantageous in the workplace? What two or three

  16. strategies can you use to become more culturally competent? (Tip: Refer to the section, "Developing Cultural Competence" in Chapter 9.) 5. For your next two to three slides, explain what your course text says about diversity, and how that plays a role in building relationships? (Tip: Refer to the section, "Building Lasting Relationships in Chapter 9.) 6. After the body of the presentation, you will need to develop a conclusion slide. This should wrap up yourpresentation, so that your audience (a potential interviewer in this case) will be reminded of your key points. Note: For help withPowerPoint®", refer to "How to Create a PowerPoint®" located in Materials for this assignment (on the right side of the classroom in the assignment view). In the meantime, here are some tips: • Organize the slides with bullet points and use the notes sections for comments that should accompany/explain each slide. • Keep in mind that when you are putting together a presentation, your slides should follow the 6:6 rule - there should be no more than 6 bullet points per slide, with about 6 word per bullet point. That means that the majority of the information in your slideshow will be in the notes section. • It is important to remember that the slideshow is clear and logically organized; whether the notes section is used effectively; incorporates effective design elements (font headings, spacing, color); whether the slideshow is functional (including working audio clips, visual components and links) and whether grammar, usage, spelling and punctuation follow standard American English. ********************************** PSY 110 UOP Week 5 Building Networks

  17. For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com This assignment is a way for you to bring together all you have learned in the course. Through all the course’s learning activities and assignments you have been learning important tools and strategies to keep you moving forward and juggling life, in general. This assignment, in particular, will help you to explain how the skills and strategies you are learning can help you with academic and professional networking! Review Ch. 3 and 6 this week. A quick review of Ch. 3 on notetaking can help you with help with brainstorming for this final assignment. Ch. 6 on careers can help provide you with ideas for needed resources. Remember to take time to review your assignments from the last four weeks. Review and reflect on what you have learned about the following five categories of questions listed below. Using Microsoft® Word, provide an explanation that responds to each of the following five categories. Your word count should be between 250 to 350 words for each category. Information Competency (250 to 350 words)  Think about your profession, and identify at least one industry or professional organization you would like to join. What is that organization? How can joining this organization benefit you in terms of networking? How do you think it can help you maintain or improve your skills? Why?  What kinds of portfolio items can you collect that will help you develop a professional network? Why do you think these will help?  How can social media help you develop an academic or professional network? What sites do you think would be helpful? Why?

  18. Learning Skills Reflection (250 to 350 words) • What stress and time management strategies do you think you can use when juggling school, personal life, and your networking? • What have you discovered about your learning style(s)? How do you think you can use your personal styles to develop an academic or professional network? Thinking and Problem Solving (250 to 350 words) • What are some strategies to help you problem solve in both your academic and professional networking? • Identify at least one person who could potentially be a mentor for you in your career. Why and how do you think this person will be able to help you grow? • How can you continue to examine your career goals over time? How can you stay current in terms of assessing career opportunities? What would you do if you want to change your mind from one career path to another? Grit and Growth Mindset (250 to 350 words) • What strategies will you use to keep up your motivation to network when life's challenges come up and try to distract you from your networking goals? Utilization of Support Mechanisms (250 to 350 words) • How can job sites be part of a professional network? • How could an internship or shadowing a professional help you build a professional network? What are some academic associations or school clubs that can be useful in creating an academic network? How could faculty members be useful in creating an academic network? **********************************

  19. PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Learning Styles and Motivation Reflection Complete the following worksheet by answering all the questions in the boxes below. 1. After reading the section, “Discovering Your Learning Styles” in Ch. 1 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning and taking the Connect quiz, answer the following in 50 to 175 words: What is your preferred receptive learning style? Do you agree or disagree with the results? What tips does the textbook offer to help you study better or learn new skills at work? 2. After reading Ch. 8 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning, answer the following in 50 to 175 words: What strategies can you use to make good decisions and problem solve in your personal life, at school, at work, finding a job, buying a car, etc.? 3. Based on information in Carol Dweck’s video, how can understanding growth and fixed mindsets impact your learning? Respond in 50 to 175 words by providing details and examples of what you can do in your daily studies. (If you would like additional

  20. information on these terms, feel free to read the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings.) ********************************** PSY 110 Week 3 Applying Positive Habits (Option A-Email) (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Applying Positive Habits Select Option A, as a refresher to this week's readings, consider learning more about making a commitment to learn and apply positive habits by completing this week's recommended Connect Activities. Option A: E-Mail Write a 350- to 700-word e-mail in Microsoft Word© to a student that discusses the strategies you are learning about this week. Ensure you include answers to the following: • What are some notetaking strategies?

  21. the web? How do you ensure you are finding authoritative information? What are some tips to sort through vast amounts of information on • information competency, help avoid ethical dilemmas in future studies or in the workplace? How can developing good habits, such as notetaking and Tip: When writing your e-mail, review the sections in Chapter 7 titled, "Writing Effective e-mail Messages" and "Netiquette: Showing Civility on the Web." ********************************** PSY 110 Week 3 Applying Positive Habits (Option B-Pamphlet) (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Applying Positive Habits This week's assignment offers you the opportunity to think of developing study habits that can guide success in your studies and in your career. You read about how to take notes and process information in Ch. 3 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning. Next, Ch. 7, reinforces some of this information as you read about how to better use technology and sort through information.

  22. Imagine now that you are working part-time at the university's student resource center. It is your turn to provide advice to a student who is asking for help. Applying Positive Habits Select Option B, as a refresher to this week's readings, consider learning more about making a commitment to learn and apply positive habits by completing this week's recommended Connect Activities. Option B: Pamphlet Create a handout to inform college students the strategies you are learning about this week. Ensure you include answers to the following in 50 to 175 words: • What are some notetaking strategies? • What are some tips to sort through vast amounts of information on the web? How do you ensure you are finding authoritative information? • How can developing good study habits help you to avoid plagiarism in your future studies or in the workplace? Tip: Use the template provided for you or use the Brochure Builder. ********************************** PSY 110 Week 5 Building Networks Worksheet (New Syllabus) or more classes visit

  23. www.snaptutorial.com Building Networks Each week you’ve been learning important tools and strategies to keep you moving forward and juggling life, in general. This assignment will help you to identify career resources and explain how the skills and strategies you are learning can help you with your networking. Ch. 6 on careers can help provide you with ideas for needed resources. This week’s brief articles and video on the Electronic Reserve Reading page also provide helpful information. Answer all of the questions in the following table. Respond in 50 to 100 words: • Who are the people in your life that can help you build your professional and academic networks? Consider your friends, family, current and past co-workers, current and former classmates, teachers, community members, and neighbors. Respond in 50 to 100 words: • What is a professional organization you would like to join? How can joining this organization benefit you in terms of networking? Respond in 50 to 100 words: • What are some academic associations or school clubs that can help you with your academic network? Respond in 50 to 100 words: • How can you leverage social media to improve your professional and academic networks? Respond in 50 to 100 words: • Identify at least one person who could potentially be a mentor for you in your career. Why and how do you think this person will be able to help you grow? Respond in 50 to 100 words: • How can you continue to examine your career goals over time? How can you stay current in terms of assessing career opportunities? What

  24. would you do if you want to change your mind from one career path to another? **********************************

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