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LLDD – issues for consideration

LLDD – issues for consideration. Ben Finnigan Inclusion Manager – London YPLA . Championing Young People’s Learning. Overview . Majority of learners access mainstream provision Programme Costs, Foundation Learning, and ALS Independent Specialist Provision .

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LLDD – issues for consideration

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  1. LLDD – issues for consideration Ben Finnigan Inclusion Manager – London YPLA Championing Young People’s Learning

  2. Overview Majority of learners access mainstream provision Programme Costs, Foundation Learning, and ALS Independent Specialist Provision

  3. NCF process – from April 2010 LAs have statutory responsibility to ensure learning provision for young people a) aged 16-18 with a learning difficulty / disability (with or without a learning difficulty assessment) or b) for those aged 19-25 with a learning difficulty assessment YPLA has the duty to provide funds to LAs which enable them to meet their duty Funding is provided through additional learning support (for most young people with LDD) or through a learning disability assessment Provision for 25+ and those aged 19+ without learning difficulty assessment funded through SFA NCF sets out commissioning guidance and timeline

  4. NCF : LLDD outline process May- September Strategic analysis by 14-19 Partnerships, children’s trusts and SRGs; LAs forecast LLDD needs September onwards Learning Difficulty Assessments Carried Out October – December National and Regional Statement of Priorities ; local commissioning statement; national funding rates January – March Establishing Learner Numbers, moderation at SRG, RPG and national levels; YPLA approval of SRG / LA plans, indicative allocations agreed March – August Any national appeals undertaken, final adjustments made.

  5. Independent Specialist Providers Contracted by YPLA Decisions on placements have transferred to Local Authorities Timescales remain the same Over £19K

  6. Planning for future learners Analysis of current learners in school and their needs Identify breadth of provision available regionally Gaps and how to plug this in the region

  7. Learning Difficulty Assessment Responsibilities Content Timing Using LfLWAF and RAS - pilot

  8. Multi Agency Involvement Transition arrangements Value for money and best practice Planning Joint Funding

  9. Progression/transition How to measure progression? Annual reviews and their efficacy Progression and the influence on the transition process Seamless learning from one phase to the next

  10. The world of work Employment Supported Employment Voluntary/community work placements

  11. ‘All young people should get the choice of study and provider that is right for them’‘We want to make sure there is a seamless pathway for young learners through to adulthood’ Championing Young People’s Learning

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