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Workforce Planning Model Workshop

Workforce Planning Model Workshop. 13-14 December 2007 WELCOME. Welcome / Overview. Dykki Settle & Kathy Alison. Introductions . Getting Started – At your table Quick Introductions (Name, Organization, Job Title, Location) Discuss your expectation for the workshop

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Workforce Planning Model Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Workforce Planning Model Workshop 13-14 December 2007 WELCOME

  2. Welcome / Overview Dykki Settle & Kathy Alison

  3. Introductions • Getting Started – At your table • Quick Introductions (Name, Organization, Job Title, Location) • Discuss your expectation for the workshop • Identify 2-3 expectations to share with larger group • Take 10 minutes

  4. Workforce Planning Model Workshop Goal • Select a workforce planning model • Agree upon a set of key features • Identify a technical advisory team for the development of an easy-to-use Open Source software program that can be used globally by countries for predictive modeling and health workforce planning

  5. Workshop Objectives • Explore existing human resources for health (HRH) projection models • Create a prioritized features list for Open Source workforce projection software • Establish a multi-organization technical advisory team to guide the Capacity Project’s software development • Build agreement and collective ownership around model and features for workforce planning software

  6. Day 1 Workshop Context / Software Prototype Existing Human Resources for Health Projection Models WHO Projection Model Strengths / Weaknesses of Existing Models Review of Day / Adjourn Cash Bar / Reception Day 2 Build Agreement on Projection Model Identify features needed for Model / Prioritize features Identify technical advisory team Agree on next steps / review decisions / evaluation Adjourn Initial technical advisory team / Capacity Project development team session Agenda

  7. Guidelines for Working Together • Actively participate in all sessions • Provide your ideas / insights • Listen to each other / build on each others’ ideas • Use each other as resources • Start on time • Mute cell phones

  8. Workshop Context & Software Prototype Introduction to iHRIS + Discussion Dykki Settle, Capacity Project

  9. Coffee Break 30 minutes

  10. Existing Human Resources for Health Projection Models: Overview of Key Features Pam McQuide Capacity Project

  11. Reflections on Existing HRH Projection Models—Table Discussions • Based on Pam’s Overview of Existing HRH Projection Models • Do you have any clarifying questions? • Are there other models that should be highlighted? • What do you see as the most important features / aspects of the various models? • Take 15 minutes

  12. Lunch – On Your Own One Hour

  13. WHO Projection Model Overview + Discussion Peter Hornby, WHO / Keele University

  14. Strengths / Weaknesses of Existing Projection Models – Table Discussions • At your tables, select • Facilitator • Notetaker • Someone to report out • Identify strengths of existing models, including WHO model • Identify weaknesses of existing models, including WHO model • Capture on flipchart / be prepared for 5-min. report • Take 30 minutes

  15. Coffee Break 15 minutes

  16. Table Reports • Each table will report strengths • Link to other reports • Each table will report on weaknesses • Look for agreement

  17. Review of the Day (agreements, issues still to be addressed) Dykki Settle

  18. Announcements &Day 2 – Overview Kathy Alison

  19. Networking / Cash Bar Time: 5:00 – 7:00 Venue: (outside of U3-435)

  20. Day 2: Workforce Planning Model Workshop 14 December 2007 WELCOME BACK

  21. Overview of Day • Gain agreement on projection model • Identify features needed for workforce planning model / prioritize features • Identify technical advisory team volunteers • Agree on next steps / review decisions / evaluation of workshop • Adjourn • Initial technical advisory team / Capacity Project development team session

  22. Gaining Agreement on Projection Model Developing iHRIS Plan Version 1 Dykki Settle & Pam McQuide

  23. Coffee Break 15 minutes

  24. Identify Features of Workforce Projection Software Objectives of Discussion Task Dykki Settle

  25. Identify Features of Workforce Projection Software – Group Discussion • Select the feature you would like to discuss: model features or software features or other? • Model features (Shannon Turlington) • Required / desired data inputs • Required / desired outputs • Supply and requirements calculation methods Software features (Luke Duncan) • Usability • Interface • Data quality assurance • Security • Linking w/ other systems Other areas? Identify the most important features for your area & capture on flipchart (legible) • Take 45 min / be prepared to report & post flipcharts

  26. LUNCH – On Your Own One Hour

  27. Prioritize Features • Review features identified in each area • You will each have 3 dots for model features and 3 dots for software features • Select your top 3 features in each area – one vote per feature

  28. Timeline / Milestones Map the timeline for development of the model Dykki

  29. Identify Technical Advisory Team Clarify role of advisory team Volunteers? Dykki

  30. Summarize Decisions / Next StepsFirst Technical Advisory Group MeetingWorkshop Evaluation Dykki & Kathy

  31. Adjourn Thank you for your participation Advisory Group meeting here in 5 minutes

  32. Initiation of Technical Advisory Group • @ 30 minutes – Shannon / Luke + group members • Clarify purpose & roles of advisory group & Capacity Project team • What is needed from advisory group • Identify who will do what / when – to initiate collaborative effort

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