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OLED vs LCD – Which is Better? - Microtips Technology USA

LCDs use CCFL or cold-cathode fluorescent lamps backlight whereas OLEDs use organic material to emit light in different combinations of colors without using any backlight. In this PPT, we shall compare OLEDs and LCDs based on different parameters.<br>For more information, visit<br>https://www.microtipsusa.com/blog/oled-vs-lcd

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OLED vs LCD – Which is Better? - Microtips Technology USA

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  1. OLEDvsLCD Whichisbetter?

  2. OLEDVSLCD:WHICHISBETTER? Brightness SinceLCDsexhibitfull-screenbrightness withtheirLEDbacklights,theygeta competitiveedgeoverOLEDsinthis parameter. However, in the modern-age displays,brightnessisnotgivenmuch importanceintermsofimageclarityand lightoutput.

  3. OLEDVSLCD:WHICHISBETTER? ContrastRatio Thestandardcontrastratio ofLCDsof computersmayvalue1000:1,whereasthe contrastratio of LCDTVdisplaysmaygo around4000:1.Thecontrastratio of the OLEDdisplayscangoashighas 1,000,000:1.Themorethecontrastratio is, thebetteryourdevice’spicturequality willbe.

  4. OLEDVSLCD:WHICHISBETTER? ViewingAngle Viewingangleisone ofthemostcrucial parameterswhereOLEDswinoverLCDs.If yousitoff-axisinfrontofanLCD,youmay notconsidertheimageinitsactual appearance asthe visuals would fade away, whichisnotthecasewithOLEDdisplays.

  5. OLEDVSLCD:WHICHISBETTER? PowerConsumption UnlikeLCDsthatalwaysneedthebacklightto illuminatetheirpixels,OLEDsuseorganicmaterial toemitlightandcreateanimage.Havingtrue blackisanothercrucialreasonwhyOLEDs consumelesspowerthanthecontendingLCDs. Wecansaythatitismoreaboutthebrightnessof theimagebeingdisplayed.

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