

Compose a guest post for I Will Teach You To Be Rich This is a comprehensive guide to writing an effective guest post for high-traffic bloggers. These suggestions work because I Have used them myself to write on sites such as The Four Hour Workweek site and Get Rich Slowly, causing hundreds of tens of thousands of new readers, tens of tens of thousands of new e-mail subscribers, and thousands of publications sold. While many new bloggers write content and pray for others in the future, proactive bloggers write incredibly great content, reach out to others within their field, and immediately establish a name for themselves. I am surprised why more people don't do it: You create heaps of links, get exposure to new readers on massively popular blogs, and get new subscribers to your website's RSS and email subscriptions. When done right, traffic increases in a powerful measure-function, and guest posting is one of the best methods for getting more and more capable readers, when done consistently. Measure-function-guest-post An overly simplified visualization of effective guest places drive traffic. For example, I did this when I found I Will Teach You To Be Rich in 2004, and despite having a readership of over 250,000/month, I used extensive guest posts (linked below) to help make my book a New York Times bestseller. Here 's the deal: I get multiple pitches for guest places each week, and most of them are absolutely terrible. They are often "me-too" posts which contain nothing new, list-y articles that make everyone's eyes glaze over, or bizarre rants about Ron Paul and gold. What I'm looking for I am thrilled to send a lot of traffic to people with fascinating thoughts -- particularly up-and-coming bloggers. I'll speak for myself, although many high-traffic bloggers will inform you the same thing: it's dead in the water If your guest post is simply a rehashed old point. Here's what I look for. First content that tells my readers something new. This is just the main factor of all. Posts which are backed up by research, graphs, data, and pro quotations, not your opinion. It is not difficult to write what you believe. It's much tougher to generate data that backs up an argument. Meaty discussion. Short posts normally get rejected (though there are exceptions). Common errors with guest posts Composing the guest post toss me. Please send me multiple story ideas, with bullet-pointed sub-points, and I would like to suggest the best one for my crowd. See sample pitch below. Not doing your research. Here's a 2-part idea: (1) Notice how I format my posts, then replicate it. I detected that he uses a sizable image with a small caption, then long, detailed posts after I submitted to Tim, for example. Here's my guest post for him. (2) Writing something called "Credit cards are evil!" also shows that you've never read my website and its particular essential messages. Prepare yourself. Here's an over-the-top example to do research and it works. Not sending writing samples. Bloggers are lazy and risk-averse. I do not desire to invest a group of time in back-and-forth email exchanges if the end result turns out to be a crappy post that I can not use, and I don't want to disappoint you by saying "no" after you put in all that work. In case you don't have writing samples, get some -- begin by guest-posting on smaller sites. Consistently contain writing samples -- preferably ones written on other sites -- if your writing style is a good fit, so I could see. Restricting yourself to guest posts in your domain name. There's no reason to. My website is not just about personal finance, it's about entrepreneurship, optimization, lifehacking, etc. For those who really have a fascinating guest post on how you changed your car to make it drive more, or how politicians get policy incorrect, I might be interested. Check out Tim Ferriss's take on this: "Trackbacks from diverse top websites and guest posts on popular sites like Huffington Post. So I will get linked to from social circles to the very first stage, I write on a varied selection of topics. From muscle building to ultralight journey, I tie all of it into a bigger notion of 'lifestyle layout.'" This really is a classic use of the Kevin Bacon game, who had been the most-associated celebrity because he had acted in high-value movies, low-worth pictures, and everything in between (whereas Tom Cruise mainly plays in high-value films just). Bowing trite linkbait. Here's an illustration of a post I shall never run: "23 reasons equities are doomed!" 99% of list-y articles are idiotic link-bait and will be forgotten by the very next day. High-traffic sites, for the large part, want amazing posts that will stand the test of time. Making the site post all about your opinion. Nobody cares about you. Use , graphs, and pro quotes to back up your argument, and create a fascinating thesis. Not convinced? Observe the citations in the trunk of any Malcolm Gladwell novel as evidence. And he's Malcolm Gladwell. Yeah, it takes work. Underestimating how much time it requires to write a great post. My post on Tim's site (see below) took over 18 hours to compose. It sold numerous books in one day. Including your affiliate links. Simply don't do it. The truth is, if you're linking to another Amazon novel, you should add myAmazon code (see ) to make my life easier. Making me do work that is additional. It must be completely prepared to be added into WordPress when you submit the last guest post and it'll just magically work. This implies you need to compose your byline, format your post, add images on your own server (but also attach them to the e-mail), and otherwise make it 100% ready to go. More on this particular here. Guest posts I've composed Here are some examples of guest posts I've written on other websites. They take me, normally, 12 hours to compose each but generate excellent ROI -- the commenters get something fascinating to speak about the other bloggers are joyful because they get innovative new content, and I get cross -traffic. Spending an additional few hours to make a guest post radiance is what makes the dissimilarity between result that is mediocre and over-the-top success. The Psychology of Automation: Creating a bulletproof personal finance system (Four Hour Workweek) The Psychology of Passive Barriers: Why your buddies don't save money, eat healthier, or clean their garages (Get Rich Slowly) The Best $20 You Will Ever Spend (Get Rich Slowly) Realtors Would Like You to Time the Market! (Bargaineering...note that I should have picked a much better name) Looking to Earn More Money? Quit Wasting Your Time (Free Money Finance) Measures to writing a guest post on a high-traffic site Read my website. So I get to know you, leave several thoughtful opinions. Have your personal site. This is not needed, but 100% of my guest posters that are past have had their own website. Send me a quick word with your pitch. Here's an example: Subject: 3 client post ideas: & eating out, rebalancing, automation Hi Ramit, My name is Mike and I run My website hosts about 25,000 readers/month and I am attempting to grow it by reaching out to other bloggers. I've been reading your website for 3 years and I'm an enormous fan (my favorite post was your $28,000 question on true how we all delude ourselves). I am interested in writing a guest post something you've never posted on -- and I have 3 thoughts that I believe your readers would adore: REBALANCING - Some intriguing, fresh sub-idea 2 - Some intriguing, fresh sub-notion 3 - Some fascinating, new sub-idea 1 AUTOMATION - Some fascinating, innovative sub-thought 1 - Some interesting, new sub-idea 2 - Some intriguing, unique sub-notion 3 EATING OUT - Some fascinating, new sub-notion 1 - Some intriguing, fresh sub-idea 2 - Some intriguing, new sub-notion 3 I know you are active, so I send it to you in one document, which you are able to drop right into WordPress and can write everything up. I will handle all editing, bylines, etc (feel free to edit) so that is super-simple for you. Plus, I guarantee the guest posts will get your readers thinking and speaking to each other. What do you believe? Thanks, -Mike Write up the post if I agree and send it totally done. Here's among the top guest-post e-mails I Have ever received: guest-post-will-chen.001 The results of great places that are effective There are tangible and intangible results of guest posts that are efficient. The first is traffic, but most of all, it is targeted traffic of individuals who care about hearing what you need to express. Next, you develop relationships with bloggers, who will be far more inclined to run future guest posts of yours. Third, you start to become better known in your community, whether it is personal-finance bloggers, fitness fanatics, etc. As you develop a reputation, this result that is intangible becomes increasingly important. Particular must-dos for guest places Be specific: SHOW, don't tell. Writing a guest post that says "Spend than you make" leads to two things: Me wanting to kill you, and my readers saying "Tell me something I don't understand." Show us how you did it, should you've got an interesting technique for automating, earning, saving, or investing money. Use examples, spreadsheets, and screenshots. Here are 30 tips with tons of content that is tactical -- they're good examples to begin with when thinking about writing a guest post. Produce a Catcher's Mitt. This one gets overlooked a lot. When you compose a guest post and it gets taken, ensure your site is ready to take new readers. Consider it: If a bunch of new readers come to your site and find out your last 5 posts have been about your cat, microwave, and favorite cereal, they are never coming back. I love to create what I call a "catcher's mitt," or some means to gently receive new readers. This may be a "Welcome, I Will Teach You To Be Wealthy readers...check out my top posts" box, or something similar. Just remember to engage new readers, because it's trivially easy to leave your site. This is the last mile. Willing to submit a guest post idea? Please contact me and put "Guest post notion" in the subject line.


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