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Teeth Straightening with Invisalign Treatment in London Ontario

There's a good chance that you've seen a lot of talk about dental care and teeth whitening and how it can straighten teeth. But, as it's a relatively new method for teeth straightening, it's possible that you do not be aware of it.

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Teeth Straightening with Invisalign Treatment in London Ontario

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  1. Teeth Straightening with Invisalign Treatment in London Ontario You've likely heard a lot of discussions about dental health and teeth whitening and the way it can help Invisalign. It's just an extremely new technique for dental straightening. Likely, you're not informed about it. Please don't fret about it. In this post, we'll review the specifics of Invisalign braces as well as how they can aid in straightening your teeth. Find out more. What Is Invisalign? As its name implies, Invisalign is an "invisible" aligner of teeth type of retainer. Aligners are a replacement for traditional braces made from metal. There are clear and removable trays that are fitted with your tooth. A 3D image of the mouth of the tray is custom-made to your specifications. The result is that the teeth move to the correct position via the actions of the aligners. As the process continues, you'll need to replenish the tray each week. How Does Invisalign Straighten Teeth? Invisalign moves your teeth gradually by applying gentle pressure similar to braces made from metal. The aligners you have customized assist in getting your invisalign before and after into the best position. The procedure isn't painful; however, some discomfort may be felt. But don't worry. It's normal and is an indicator of alignment function. However, you must be sure to wear your aligners for no more than twenty hours each day. The possibility of removing the tray is superior to traditional braces. In addition, treatments that use Invisalign tend to be less time-consuming than other techniques for orthodontics. Invisalign treatment usually takes about six months shorter than braces made from metal! Of course, it's dependent on the degree of your bite and teeth. The typical healing time with minor dental problems ranges from 6 to 12 months. The dentist may request to keep your dental trays for up to 18 months if you have a more severe issue and require more time to straighten your teeth. The patient's commitment to wearing aligners can also impact the length of treatment. Thus, aligners must be worn throughout the day for at least 20 hours to ensure they can do the task correctly.

  2. How to Get Straight Teeth: How Long Does Invisalign Take? The length of time required for Invisalign to align teeth and shift the teeth into their final positions is different for every individual. But, in general, Invisalign can straighten teeth in between 9 and 12 months. A majority of patients will wear a retainer for the night throughout this time to protect the results. According to the guidelines mentioned in the preceding paragraph, your Invisalign retainers must be worn 20 to 22 hours a day. They should be removed when you eat, brush your teeth, or consume hot drinks like tea or coffee. (Heat makes the retainer melt and loses its shape.) Because the aligners cover your teeth entirely, following eating, it's suggested to brush your teeth to prevent food particles from becoming stuck in the aligners. Additionally, you'll have to visit your dentist every four to six weeks to assess how your teeth are doing and then purchase a new set of aligners. They'll continue to be used until the moment arrives to schedule your next appointment. Does Invisalign Straighten Teeth Better Than Metal Braces? Cleaning your Invisalign tray should be the only additional step to your dental hygiene routine. It is suggested to clean your Invisalign aligners with a specific cleaning solution to ensure they are in good shape. It is also recommended to scrub frequently. However, most teeth you have are kept with braces made from metal. The braces' crevices food particles are trapped. Bacteria are responsible for forming plaque and tartar created by leftover food.

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