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On one hand, juicing can be an effective way to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, which are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Drinking fresh juice can also be a convenient way to consume these nutrients on the go, especially for people who don't enjoy eating whole fruits and vegetables.<br><br>On the other hand, juicing can also remove important fiber from the fruits and vegetables, which can help regulate digestion, support a healthy gut microbiome, and keep you feeling full for longer. Additionally, some juicing methods can produce heat, which can destroy nutrition.

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  1. Is Juicing Lifestyle A Good Choice? Fresh vegetables and fruits, leafy greens, nuts, seeds are bursting with nutrients. They contain vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and fiber, which are essential to leading a healthy life. Eating more fresh produce regularly can aid in weight loss, better heart health and also cuts the risk of chronic diseases and cancer. Fruits, vegetables, greens should make up for a major portion of our daily food intake. They should be the biggest block at the bottom of the food pyramid. But it is not always possible to eat so much fresh produce in a day. Juicing helps concentrate a whole lot of fresh produce into more consumable form. You may not exactly be able to eat a cucumber, couple of tomatoes, an apple, a carrot, a bunch of spinach, a piece of ginger, a wedge of lemon, some grapes, a bell pepper or two, right? But in juice form all this fresh produce might make a glass of juice. Extracting nutritious juices from fresh fruits and vegetables, has become a popular and lifestyle choice for many. You can juice with a best juicer under $100. Folks with very busy lives and those who don't have time to make elaborate meals with the right balance of proteins, carbs and fats find juicing an easy and fast way to get the needed nutrients to their bodies. While some folks believe juicing makes more nutrition available to the body others claim lack of fiber actually hinders absorption of nutrients from the juice. What is juicing and why juice at all? Juicing is the process of extracting juice from fresh fruits and vegetables. During this the skin, pulp, seeds and fiber are removed and only the liquid of the fruits and vegetables get through the sieve producing juice which contains most of the nutrition from the fruit. Juicing can be done by either squeezing by hand or using motor-powered juicers. How did juicing take off is such a big way? Juice detoxes and cleanses started off the trend where people drink only juices for 3 days to several weeks claiming to cleanse their systems with healthy and freshly made drinks. The folks who follow these programs believe that their body is rid of harmful toxins and healed by drinking fresh juices. While there is no clear data or studies to prove this, it is very popular because people who follow these detoxes and cleanses feel a difference in their daily lives. While juicing is a easy way to get more nutrition into the system it should be the only way to get it. Try to consume whole fruits and vegetables in addition to juices to get the right mix and maximum benefit from juicing. Your body also needs the fiber from fresh produce for better digestion and best absorption of nutrients. So, while drinking juices is good, eating the fruits and vegetables whole is also important. According to nutritionists, juice should be considered as supplemental to our daily diet. While concentrating on eating balanced meals, it may not be possible to get all that the body needs to work at peak condition. So, supplementing it with fresh juices helps overcome any deficiencies in our nutrient profile. Also, our food travels long distances before making their way to our tables. They also undergo a lot of processing during this time. By the time we consume the fruits and vegetables a part of the nutrition is lost. So, to compensate for this loss drinking juices is a useful way to get more nutrition to our body. By this we are giving our bodies a boost in immunity and better health.

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