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Would-be Parents Must Know about the Benefits of Stem Cell Banking

A stem cell is a cell which is having the unique capacity to develop into any specialized type of cell in the body. These cells can be used to replace the damaged cells of the body.

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Would-be Parents Must Know about the Benefits of Stem Cell Banking

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  1. Title: Would-be Parents Must Know about the Benefits of Stem Cell Banking Stem cell is a cell which is having the unique capacity to develop into any specialised type of cell in the body. These cells can be used to replace the damaged cells of the body. This can be possible by saving the stem cells and using them in future at the time of need. What are stem cells? Stem cells are the undivided and undifferentiated cells that can grow into mature cells when introduced into the body of a person. It mainly replaces the damaged cells and regrows into new cells. By the help of this ability, stem cells can treat many diseases such as different types of cancers, blood diseases, genetic disorders and many others. Sources of Stem Cells Stem cells are originated from mainly two sources embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. 1.Embryonic stem cells–The name itself suggests that these stem cells are obtained from embryos. These stem cells are the inner mass cells of the blastocyst. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and can develop into any type of cell in the embryo. This potential of stem cells give rise to the development of more cells to the embryo which then grows into a baby. 2.Adult stem cells–adult stem cells are the undifferentiated cells which are found in a human body and have the ability to replace the damaged cells and regenerate the tissues. These stem cells are also known as somatic stem cells and are found in children as well as human adults. These stem cells can be isolated from the adults and can be grown in the laboratory so that they can used for stem cell therapy of

  2. the patient. The adult stem cells can be extracted from any part of the body but the richest source of adult stem cells is the bone marrow. However, both of these above sources are mostly prohibited by the medical specialists due to the following reasons: •The embryonic stem cells are needed for the growth of the baby so if those stem cells are collected then there is achance of getting an underdeveloped baby. •On the other hand, when the adult stem cells are used for stem cell therapy then there are chances of getting the infection of Cytomegalo Virus (CMV) and may also cause graft vs host disease that leads to rejection of stem cells. So, the medical experts then researched and found that umbilical cord blood also contains stem cells that can be extracted and stored for future use. Cord blood stem cells– Cord blood is the richest source of hematopoietic stem cells which are the basic cells of blood and immune system. They have the capability that they can regenerate themselves into any type of cells of the body. This helps them to repair the damaged tissues, blood vessels and organs of the body. This regenerating property makes the stem cells able to treat various life-threatening diseases. In addition, there are many advantages as compared to other stem cells such as it is easily available, collection procedure is safe and risk-free, gets perfectly matched with the recipient, do not possess any type of rejection and also do not have the chances of getting any kind of infection.

  3. Method of collection and storage Once your baby is born and separated, the umbilical cord is clamped and then the cord blood is collected in a single-use sterile 250mL blood bag. This cord blood along with cord tissue and mother’s blood sample is then kept in the Kit box which is transported to the storage laboratory by maintaining a controlled temperature. In the laboratory, the cord blood is processed by an advanced automated technology known as AXP®II for harvesting hematopoietic stem cells. These stem cells are then stored in compartmentalized cryopouches at -190°C in liquid nitrogen.

  4. What is stem cell banking? Stem cell banking is the method of extraction, processing and storage of stem cells. This storage facility is known as stem cell bank where the cord blood stem cells of a newborn baby is stored for future use. Banking of the cord blood is a procedure of preserving the stem cells which is generally thrown away after the birth of a baby. Regarding cord blood parents have three options – store them in a private bank by paying fee, donate the cord blood to public bank or you can throw them as a medical waste. In all of these options saving your baby’s stem cells in a private bank is the best option as it will give you the ability to own your sample stem cells. Types of Stem Cell Bank There are mainly two types of stem cell bank – Private cord blood bank and public cord blood bank Private cord blood bank - In private cord blood banking, parents have to pay for storing their baby’s cord blood. This cord blood stem cells can be used in future by the baby as well as its family members such as siblings, parents or grandparents. In this type of bank, the family will own the cord blood and only they can make decisions about what to do with their sample. Public cord blood bank - In public cord blood banking, the cord blood sample of the baby is donated to the cord blood bank where it can be stored and is given to any patient who is in need of transplant and can also be used in doing medical research. Difference between private and public bank Private bank Public bank Proposed Use Preserved for both the baby and its family members for treating more than 80 diseases such as cancers and any blood related diseases. Donated by the parents for the patient who needed stem cell treatment to cure any life- threatening disease. Also, available for medical research for treating various medical conditions.

  5. Rights Complete right to own the stem cells as well as immediate access is provided to the clients when they save their baby’s stem cells in a private bank. Once donated the parents or the baby do not have the right to own their sample stem cells. Collection and transportation Process of collection is very easy, simple, risk-free and can be done within 5-7 minutes. Phlebotomist arrives at the birthing center and transports the collected blood to the bank’s storage laboratory. Collection method is same as private bank but the transportation of the collected blood is the responsibility of the client. Compatibility Sample is perfectly matched with the baby; siblings have 75% chances of getting matched and parents are having 25% chances of getting matched A suitable match is needed for stem cell transplantation otherwise it may lead to graft vs host disease causing rejection of the donor cells. Pros and Cons of Private cord blood bank Private cord blood banks are funded privately and they charge an amount of fee for processing and storage. By paying the fees the parents can store their baby’s stem cells for their loved ones. Pros •Parents will have the right to own their baby’s stem cells and they are the one to decide who can use them. •During the time of transplantation, the stem cells are less likely to be rejected by the recipient as the stem cells are taken from the family member. Also, there is a lesser hassle in search of an unrelated donor who is a match. •Rate of success of stem cell transplantation by using related cord blood stem cells are higher than that of using stem cell sample of unrelated donor. •Private cord blood banks will provide the transportation charges of sample from the birthing center to the storage laboratory as well as from the storage laboratory to the treatment center.

  6. Cons •Parents have to pay the fees for collection and storage. Pros and cons of Public cord blood bank Public cord blood banks offer cord blood banking at no cost to the family for anyone who meets their donation requirements. They are usually supported by federal or private funding, which is why they can perform these collections for free. Pros •Cord blood banking is free of cost. •Stored stem cells are available for anyone who is in need. Cons •Parents will no longer own the stem cells after you donate them, so they may not be available if you or a family member ever need them. •Public cord blood banks do not pay the fees associated with transporting the stored cord blood to a medical facility if they are needed for a transplant. If this is not covered by your insurance, it could be very costly to use stem cells from a public cord blood bank. Knowing that cord blood stem cells are beneficial for some fatal diseases is excellent news for many parents-to-be. Now what is essential to remember is that in majority of families, all the diseases for which cord blood transplantation could be used are extremely rare. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that the possibility of children needing their own stem cells ranges from 1 in 1,000. It means that if you have a family history of diseases such as Sickle Cell Anemia and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or any other that can be treated by stem cell therapy, then cord blood banking might become an important to be considered by the expectant parents. Benefits of stem cell banking •Blood from the umbilical cord can save lives. Cord blood is abundant in the stem cells that can be used to treat diseases that are harmful for blood and immune systems such as leukemia and certain tumors, sickle cell anemia, and metabolic disorders. For transplantation, there are a few ways to get stem cells (umbilical cord and placenta, bone marrow, peripheral / circulation), but cord blood is easier to match with recipient and the collection of cord blood during birth is a painless method. •Cord blood therapies have achieved more success. "Over the last 10 years, the outcomes of cord blood transplants have increased. This is due to the

  7. researchers and physicians learning more about cord blood dosing, better matching and better supporting patient care. •You can always use your own cord blood. This only applies that if you are paying to a private bank for storing your baby's cord blood, then you will have the complete right to own your baby's stem cells. And no one else can access that stem cell sample without your permission. On the other hand, if you are donating your cord blood to a public bank, then anyone who is in need of stem cells and gets a match can use the stem cells of your baby. How to choose bank? Before opting for stem cell banking, as an expectant parent you must look for these 9 important things in a company: 1.Stability – You can analyse the stability of the company by checking whether the company is listed in a stock exchange or not and for how many years the company is serving its client. 2.Technology – What type of technology is used by the company, is it using an advanced technology as well as does it meets the international standards? 3.Accreditation – Is the company AABB accredited and having the certification of FDA? 4.History – By knowing about the achievements of the company from the day of its establishments. 5.USPs – Know about the unique facilities offered by the company to their clients. 6.Processing time – Does the bank process the cord blood sample within 72 hours. The reason behind is a normal cell have the viability time of 72 hours after that it starts decaying. 7.Proper transportation – Does the company have the facility of maintaining temperature while shipping the sample? The reason behind is the cells if kept in normal temperature then it reduces its viability. 8.Clinical attribution – Does the cord blood banking company is having the accreditation of CAP? Which means whether the storage laboratory is meeting all the international standards of pathological techniques or not. 9.Service – Finally the most important thing the client must check is the complete services provided by the company. Right from the registration through the processing and even after the storage of the sample in the cord blood bank.

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