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Wisdom teeth

Wisdom Teeth in Thousand Oaks

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Wisdom teeth

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  1. Wisdom teeth Wisdom teeth In Thousand In Thousand Oaks Oaks

  2. What are wisdom teeth? The third molars or wisdom teeth are the last four molars located on each side of the jaws behind the second molars. They are called wisdom teeth because of the age at which they appear since people at that age have more developed and complete wisdom than when the rest of the permanent dentition appears. These usually appear in humans between 18 and 25 years of age and may never appear, although they can appear at younger ages or later.

  3. What causes wisdom tooth pain?  Presence of caries in the wisdom tooth: When the wisdom teeth erupt or are partially visible in the mouth, they can suffer from caries since brushing in this difficult to access area will be deficient. In many cases, inadequate hygiene will cause the wisdom teeth to be more prone to develop a carious lesion and later pain in them.

  4. What causes wisdom tooth pain?  Cysts: Cyst formation occurs when the sac that surrounds (and in which the wisdom teeth are formed) fills with fluid. The cyst can damage the jaw, teeth, bone, and nerves in the affected area. And if not treated in time, it can lead to major problems.

  5. Common Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth Many patients with impacted third molars have no symptoms, but when the patient reports discomfort, it is usually because these teeth are infected, associated with pericoronitis. It may be noted: • · Pain in the posterior area of the affected wisdom tooth. · Inflammation of the face · Trismus or limitation of mouth opening · Halitosis or bad breath · Tenderness with enlargement of the submaxillary ganglions.

  6. How are wisdom teeth extracted?  First, some type of local anesthetic will be applied to the area.  After this, the gum tissue over the tooth or around it will be opened.  In some cases, it is necessary to remove the bone surrounding the wisdom tooth.  Then we proceed to extract the wisdom tooth, depending on the wisdom tooth’s position and anatomy because some of them require sectioning into parts to make it easier to extract.  After the wisdom tooth has been extracted; stitches may be needed, then these should be removed 5-7 days after the surgery.

  7. When do we need an oral surgeon? If a wisdom tooth has not enough or is impacted and is also causing pain, infection, or other dental problems, it may need to be extracted. If the wisdom tooth is also deeply impacted or if extraction requires an in- depth surgical approach, your dentist may recommend that you see an oral surgeon.

  8. What medications are taken? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a safe way to relieve wisdom tooth pain and also help reduce inflammation. On some occasions when an infection is present, antibiotics may be recommended, either before and/or after wisdom tooth extraction, as long as they are prescribed by our dentists in Oxnard, Santa Paula, Ventura, New Bury Park and Port Hueneme or our oral surgeon.

  9. Postoperative Success • Likewise, to ensure postoperative success, it is important to follow the following guidelines: • Avoid smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages or irritating substances, and the use of mouthwashes with a high alcohol content for the next 72 hours after the extraction.

  10. Postoperative Success Check your blood sugar levels regularly. Good blood sugar control will also help your body fight any other bacterial or fungal infections in your mouth and help relieve dry mouth caused by diabetes. Use your diabetes-related medications as directed; changing to a healthier diet and even exercising more can help. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft brush. If you wear any type of denture, clean it every day. Visit your dentist for regular checkups

  11. CONTACT US CONTACT US Channel Islands Family Dental Office Address: 1620 Newbury Rd Suite 5, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 Phone: (805) 410-5151 https://newburyparkdentist.net/

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