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about. came. has. live. lived. off. should. tree. after. can’t. have. love. old. sister. two. again. could. help. made. once. your. so. took. did. her. make. one. some. very. another. do. here. man. or. take. want. as. don’t. him. many. our. than. water.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. about came has live lived off should tree after can’t have love old sister two again could help made once your so took did her make one some

  2. very another do here man or take want as don’t him many our than water back dig his may out ball door way that home more over their

  3. were be house down much people them what because first how must push them where bed from if name pull there when been girl jump new put these

  4. who boy good just next ran three will brother got last night saw time with but had laugh not school by too would half little now seen took

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