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What Is VoIP? Why Your Company Needs VoIP Telephony?

Get to know what VoIP is and the benefits it provides to the businesses. If you are still not using this technology, then here's why you should use it.

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What Is VoIP? Why Your Company Needs VoIP Telephony?

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  2. WHATISVOIP? VoiceOverInternetProtocol (VoIP) isthetransmissionof voiceovertheinternetinthe formofdata. ItisalsocalledIP Telephony. Itallowsyoutomake inexpensivecallsbothlocaland international.

  3. HOWDOESVOIPWORK? TheVoIPProtocolfirstconverts thevoicefromitsanalogform toadigitalsignal. Themessage/signalis transmittedovertheinternet. Itisthendecodedtoitsoriginal formatthereceiver'send.

  4. WHYYOURCOMPANYNEEDS VoIPTELEPHONY? VoIPtelephonyoffersseveral benefits. Duetowhichmostofthe organizationshavealready switchedtoit. Let'sfindoutthebenefitsinthe nextfewslides.

  5. 1. COST-EFFICIENT Internationalcallsare chargedlessasVoIPcalls areinternet-based. Italso reducesadditional hardware, installation, andmaintenancecosts.

  6. 2. HIGHLYSCALABLE Additionorremovalof VoIPtelephonyis effortlessand customisableasit requiresminimal hardware.

  7. 3. MOBILITY WithVoIP, onecanwork onthegoaswell. Agents canconnecttotheir customersfromhomeor whiletraveling.

  8. 4. ADVANCEDFEATURES VoIPoffersadvance featureslikeauto- attendant, chat, video- conferencing, voicemail, callforwarding, andcall transfer.

  9. 5. ENHANCEDFLEXIBILITY Itmakescommunication flexible. Agentscan connectfromanywhere, asVoIPphonesare portable. Italsooffers flexibleplans.

  10. ABOUT US Acefone deliverscloud-based communicationservices suchas - contactcentresolutions, freephonenumbersand, WeofferVoIPserviceswithcost- effectiveplansthatbringyouseamless communicationexperience. Knowmore:   www.acefone.co.uk hostedphonesystem

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  12. REFERENCES  TheBenefitsofVoIPforBusiness  Images - Shutterstock

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