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Don’t Forget About These 9 Factors Before You Buy Linux Shared Hosting

In order to get the best Linux shared server, you have to find the best web hosting company that accomplishes the above criteria.

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Don’t Forget About These 9 Factors Before You Buy Linux Shared Hosting

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  1. Don’t Forget About These 9 Factors Before You Buy Linux Shared Hosting As soon as your website has been prepared and is ready to go live, the next step is to find a web hosting service. And there are multiple options available to host your website online. But Linux shared hosting is the best choice for newly built websites. There are several Things you need to look at when you go to buy a web hosting service for your website. You need to think of your budget, website performance, and many more things. Cheap Linux shared hosting completes all requirements of yours you want in your server. It is a budget-friendly option and provides all the resources the new website wants. Through this article, we will enlighten you about all the factors you need to look into a Linux Shared Server before purchasing it for your website. What is Linux Shared Hosting? Shared Hosting, as its name suggest is a web hosting type where hundreds of website are being hosted on a single server. They share all resources and storage space. It is fully maintained by the web hosting company and the company allows server space and resources according to the plan users purchase from them. Every server requires an Operating system to function and when a server runs on a Linux Operating system it is known as a Linux server. And when a Linux to sever is used for shared Hosting it is known as Linux shared Hosting.

  2. Linux Shared Hosting: 6 Things to Keep in Mind While you Purchase 1. Customer support: If you aren't tech savvy then you might not have much knowledge about servers and things. And if you face any problem regarding your server then what will you do? So must check that your Linux shared Hosting provider give you 24/7 customer support from a qualified technical team. 2. Datacenter location: Data center location affects your website performance. The same applies to your website traffic as well. In order to reach more people in USA, you must also ensure that your data center is located there. In this case, if you do not have a data center close to your target audience, it may have an adverse effect on your business. 3. Company Reputation: This is one of the most important thighs you should look for in a Linux shared hosting provider company. Must check that your web hosting provider has a good market reputation. Check all the reviews and compare them with other companies. If you think that our web hosting provider has a good rating then you should buy Services from them. Otherwise, look for another company. 4. Server uptime: Many companies say that they provide 100% server uptime. But this is not possible. Every server has to go down for some time due to some technical glitches or for some maintenance. But must check that your web hosting provides at least provide you minimum 99% server uptime guarantee. 5. Data Backup: In a 2018 report, the Us government faces more than 500$ billion of loos just because of cyberattacks and Website data loss. Therefore, it is necessary that your web hosting provider creates a backup of the website data on a regular basis. 6. Security: Linux shared Servers are fully managed by the web hosting company. It is the company's responsibility to provide a fully secure web hosting server. Also, make sure that your Linux shared Hosting comes with a free SSL certificate. 7. Add-on Domain: If you have more than one website for your business you have to buy a Web hosting plan for each website. But if you buy a Web hosting plan from the Best Web hosting

  3. company then they will give you an option of adding on a domain. So you can host multiple websites in a single web hosting plan without paying any extra money. 8. Bandwidth: Basically, bandwidth refers to how much data is transmitted over the internet in a given period of time. It is a very important factor in website performance Because if your Linux shared Hosting plans come with a high Benadiwth then our website will perform faster and send data to users at lightning speed. Must check that your web hosting provider gives you enough Bandwidth. 9. Storage and RAM: Every website has some backend files that need to be stored on the server. And the space it takes for a server is not known as storage space. And RAM is internal storage that ensures how fast your server will perform. Must check that your Shared Linux hosting servers comes with enough RAM and Storage space that fulfill your website’s needs. Conclusion Linux shared Web hosting is one the most preferred web hosting in the world for new websites. Because Linux is an open source and very easy to use. Also Shared hosting doesn't cost too much so anyone can afford it. In order to get tey best Linux shared server, you have to find a web hosting company. And to get that must check that your web hosting provider accomplishes the criteria. If you pay for something it has to be good. I hope this article helps to get your Server with the best configurations.

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