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annotation bookmark

Titles/SubtitlesCharactersSettingVocabulary. Predictions, Key WordingCircle and make notes in margin about all traitsWhere

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annotation bookmark

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    1. Annotation Bookmark Choose a color of construction paper. Fold it like a hotdog. Decorate the front cover with your name and whatever else you would like. Divide the inside two sections in half.

    3. After each natural physical break or setting shift, complete the following tasks. If there is not a break within the page, then complete at the end of each page. Summarize the main ideas from the reading so far. Formulate opinions about characters, actions, setting, etc. Make connections to your life. Ask questions of the author that have not been addressed. Note any patterns or repetitions in character behavior, speech, emotions, or within the author’s writing. Author’s Craft – note any figurative language, specific diction choice, use of imagery, important details, and/or sentence structure.

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