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Feb. 26: Rosie O'Donnell, right, stands with her partner Kelli Carpenter after getting married at city hall in San Franc

Feb. 26: Rosie O'Donnell, right, stands with her partner Kelli Carpenter after getting married at city hall in San Francisco. . Feb. 26: A woman kisses her partner shortly after they were married in San Francisco, Calif .

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Feb. 26: Rosie O'Donnell, right, stands with her partner Kelli Carpenter after getting married at city hall in San Franc

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  1. Feb. 26: Rosie O'Donnell, right, stands with her partner Kelli Carpenter after getting married at city hall in San Francisco. 

  2. Feb. 26: A woman kisses her partner shortly after they were married in San Francisco, Calif

  3. March 17: A couple is pronounced "married" by Unitarian Rev. William Sinkford during their ceremony in Boston, Mass. 

  4. Netherlands OKs World’s First ‘Gay’ Marriages(April 2001) • For the first time in human history, a nation has embraced same-sex marriage after the Netherlands passed a law which legalized it, and “gay” activists predicted other European countries will soon follow suit. In April, the mayor of Amsterdam united four homosexual couples as the ground-breaking law went into effect. “You are writing history,” Mayor Job Cohen told the eight homosexual participants.

  5. “This is the first civil marriage to be celebrated between two women and two men. That is unique in the world.” The Dutch ceremony was the result of a 15-year crusade, according to an AP story. “I’m proud to be Dutch,” said one of the homosexual men who got married. “This makes it all real.” Media reports said only seven Christian protesters stood outside city hall, holding signs that simply said, “Come, let us return to the Lord.”

  6. OTHERS SOON FOLLOWED: • Belgium followed suit during Jan. 2003. • Next came Ontario, Canada in June 2003. • By Aug. 2004, SSM had become available in three Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Ontario, & Quebec) & in one territory (Yukon). • Lawsuits underway in Manitoba & Nova Scotia. • If, as expected, courts in the latter provinces approve SSM, then over 80% of Canadian same-sex couples will be able to marry in their own province.

  7. Status of Same-Sex Marriage in U.S. • Currently, only one man & one woman can be joined in matrimony & have their marriages recognized by the state, except for the residents of Massachusetts who successfully won a court battle for the right to marry. • Same-sex couples were able to obtain marriage licenses in San Francisco, CA, & in various towns in New Mexico & New York for short intervals of time during 2004. However, none were able to register their marriages.

  8. Status of Same-Sex Marriage in U.S. • As of August 2004: • 37 states have enacted “Defense of Marriage Acts” that ban same-sex marriage. Other states have similar legislation pending. • 4 states (AK, HI, NE, NV) have amended their state constitutions to ban SSM. • 4 states (MD, OR, WI, WY) have marriage laws that specifically prohibit SSM. • 5 states (CT, NJ, NM, NY, RI) and DC have no explicit prohibition of SSM.

  9. Status of Same-Sex Marriage in U.S. • As of August 2004: • One state (MA) allows SSM, but only to residents of the state. • The Supreme Court of Massachusetts ruled on Nov. 18, 2003 that the state cannot refuse to marry same-sex couples. • Marriage has been available for both opposite-sex & same-sex couples as of mid May 2004.

  10. The Homosexual Agenda • Books, Magazines, & Newspapers • Television • Movies • Main-Stream Media • Educational Fields • Medical Field • Denominational Churches

  11. The Homosexual Agenda • Widely Found In Many Children’s Books • The Miss Meow Pageant (ages 4-8) • Becoming Visible (gay history; 14 & up) • Jack and Jim (ages 4-7) • Who’s In A Family? • All Families are Different • One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads • ABC, A Family Alphabet Book

  12. The Homosexual Agenda • Widely Found In Many Children’s Books • When Grownups Fall in Love • Living In Secret • It’s Perfectly Normal (ages 10 & up) • 123 A Family Counting Book • Heather Has Two Mommies • Daddy’s Roommate • The Sissy Duckling (ages 5-8)

  13. The Homosexual Agenda • Many TV Shows Are Filled With It • Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (Bravo/NBC) • Boy Meets Boy (Bravo) • The Amazing Race (CBS) • It’s All Relative (ABC) • The L Word (Showtime) • Queer as Folk (HBO) • The Wire (HBO)

  14. The Homosexual Agenda • Many TV Shows Are Filled With It • Degrassi: The Next Generation (NICK) • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (WB, UPN, FX) • Dawson’s Creek (WB) • A Minute with Stan Hooper (FOX) • Coupling (NBC) • Two and a Half Men (CBS) • Six Feet Under (HBO) • The Shield (FX)

  15. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • More Understanding • It is important for everyone to understand more about the diversity in people’s sexual orientation. If you are a teenager, this brochure provides information to help as you discover more about yourself, your friends, and your place in the world. There also is information that may help your parents understand you better. • American Academy of Pediatrics Brochure

  16. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • Normal • How do you know if you are gay? Many young people go through an anxious stage during which they wonder, “Am I gay?” It is normal to feel this way as your sexual identity is taking shape. Maybe you feel attracted to someone of the same gender or you have had some same-sex activity. This is normal.

  17. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • Sexual orientation develops as you grow and experience new things. It may take time to figure it all out. Do not worry if you are not sure. If over time you find you feel romantic attractions to members of the same sex, and these feelings continue to grow stronger as you get older, you probably are gay or bisexual. It is not a bad thing,it is just the way you are.

  18. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • You’re Not Alone • You are not alone. About 10% of the population is gay. You cannot tell by looking at people whether they are gay. Gay people are all shapes, sizes, and ages. They have many types of racial and ethnic backgrounds.

  19. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • Coming Out • In the long run it feels better if you do not keep these important feelings a secret… keeping your identity a secret can be a burden…choose a good time & place to tell your family. If this information comes out during a family conflict or crisis, it may be harder for your parents to accept it. Remember, you have had time to accept your identity. Give your friends & family time, too.

  20. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • Coming Out • Often family & friends will be relieved that you have helped them to understand you better. Try your pediatrician, parents, a trusted teacher, or a counselor. Members of the gay, lesbian, & bisexual community, or gay & lesbian youth groups, also can be helpful. They can be a real source of support & a place to find healthy role models.

  21. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • A Message to Parents • When your teenager is gay, lesbian, or bisexual…Take a little time to come to grips with your child’s sexual orientation. You may need to readjust your dreams for your child’s future. You may have to deal with your own negative stereotypes of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people.

  22. Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Teens: Facts for Teens & Their Parents • A Message to Parents • But you must not reject your teenager for his or her sexual orientation…Your teenager did not choose to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Accept her or him & be there to help with any problems that arise. Your pediatrician may be able to help you with this new challenge or suggest a referral for counseling.

  23. No Choice in the Matter • The American Psychological Association & the American Academy of Pediatrics agree that homosexuality is not an illness or disorder, but a form of sexual expression. • No one knows what causes a person to be gay, bisexual, or straight. There probably are a number of factors. Some may be biological. Others may be psychological. The reasons can vary from one person to another. The fact is, you do not choose to be gay, bisexual, or straight.

  24. BORN THAT WAY? • Ann Landers (4-16-02) • “Your brother did not decide to become gay; he was born that way. I hope all the family…will accept the situation. His sexual orientation does not change the kind of person he is…I urge you to respect his privacy & allow him to determine how he wants to handle it. Meanwhile, please be as supportive as possible. He needs to know you love him no matter what.”

  25. How Have We Reached This Point? • The Nation Exalts Unrighteousness • Proverbs 14:34 • Everyone is Their Own Standard • Prov. 14:12; Judg. 21:25; Isaiah 5:20 • Tolerance & Softness Toward Sin • Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 4:3-4 • The Removal of God Across this Land • Psalm 14:1; Romans 1:28

  26. What Does the Bible Say? • Attitude to the Scriptures is Essential • 2 Tim. 3:16-17; I Peter 4:11; John 12:48 • God’s View of Homosexuality in the OT • Gen. 18:20; 19:1-7, 24-25; Lev. 18:22; 20:13 • God’s View of Homosexuality in the NT • Rom. 1:24-32; Jude 7; I Cor. 6:9-11; Rev. 21:8 • What Constitutes a Marriage? • Matt. 19:4-5; I Cor. 7:2; Gen. 1:27-28

  27. The Truth About Same-Sex Marriages: • Homosexuality is a perverse sin that is an abomination in the eyes of God. • The practice is against nature itself. • Those who practice this work of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. • It ignores and rejects God’s plan for the home instituted from the very beginning. • The legalization of gay marriages will lead to the acceptance of more perversions.

  28. What Must We Do? • Continue to Boldly Teach the Truth • Eph. 6:19-20; Jude 3; I Tim. 6:12 • Confront the Sin & Vanquish It • Eph. 6:17; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 • Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner • Rom. 12:9; Rev. 2:6; Luke 19:10 • Teach Homosexuals the Gospel • Mark 16:15; I Cor. 6:11; Rom. 1:16

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