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Overview Of Ketamine Use, Benefits, And Side Effects

Major depressive disorder or depression is one of the most debilitating mental health conditions. Usually, conventional pharmacotherapy such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) requires several weeks (4 weeks to 12 weeks) of use to show improved symptoms. Novel interventions such as Ketamine therapy in Montreal show rapid action on mental health problems such as depression.

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Overview Of Ketamine Use, Benefits, And Side Effects

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  1. Overview Of Ketamine Use, Benefits, And Side Effects

  2. An Overview Of Ketamine Use, Benefits, And Side Effects Major depressive disorder or depression is one of the most debilitating mental health conditions. Usually, conventional pharmacotherapy such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) requires several weeks (4 weeks to 12 weeks) of use to show improved symptoms. Novel interventions such as Ketamine therapy in Montreal show rapid action on mental health problems such as depression. Undoubtedly, ketamine is a very effective medication. It shows an almost immediate effect on the alleviation of depression symptoms as well as acute anxiety disorders.

  3. What is Ketamine? Ketamine comes from a class of drugs called dissociative anesthetics. Ketamine is often marketed as Ketanest, Ketaset, and Ketalar. While the other drugs of this class, such as dextromethorphan (DXM), laughing gas or nitrous oxide, and phencyclidine (PCP), possess similar qualities, at this stage, it is only ketamine that has been extensively studied for the treatment of major depressive disorder.

  4. KETAMINE THERAPY BENEFITS Historically, ketamine has been used to as an anesthetic. It has an excellent safety profile and is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs. Ketamine can rapidly relieve pain and produce relaxation in humans as well as animals. Therapeutic Uses Ketamine, invented in 1956, has been used as an anesthetic in surgery since the 1970s. It has been used safely on children and adults alike. For medical use, ketamine drug is given through an intravenous (IV) line or injected into the muscles.

  5. It is best known for being safe as an anesthetic, as it does not lower the rate of breathing or decrease blood pressure. It is very versatile. It does not require the patient to be oxygenated, nor an electricity supply, nor highly trained medics. In 2014, scholars found that ketamine infusion has reduced the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The test was conducted on over 41 patients, which are undergoing a range of mental traumas. In medical practices, ketamine is often used in procedures like: • Skin grafts • Cardiac catheterization • Diagnostic procedures on the ear, eye, throat, and nose • Minor surgeries like dental extractions • Orthopedic procedures

  6. Treating Depression Ketamine is beneficial for some patients with mood disorders. Researchers of the APA (American Psychological Association) state that many doctors considered ketamine "off-label" for patients with treatment-resistant depression. Thought, the FDA has not yet approved it for treating depression. As such, ketamine therapy in Montreal is seen as a viable and reliable source for the treatment of major depressive disorders.

  7. Treating Anxiety Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues. Research suggests that approximately 1 out of 5 people suffers from some form of anxiety disorder. Ketamine therapy can be used to treat anxiety. However, one must first consult with a medical doctor to receive advice and requisite prescription. Anxiety therapy in Montreal can be used to treat anxiety disorders.

  8. Side Effects The uses of ketamine might have some side effects, such as: • confusion, hallucinations, and delirium • drowsiness • dissociation over body • changes in perceptions of sound or color • agitation • difficulty in learning or thinking • change in eyesight or dilated pupils • not able to control movements of the eye • nausea • muscle stiffness and involuntary muscle movements • slurred speech • amnesia • numbness • heartbeat slow • changes in behavior • more pressure in the brain and eyes

  9. CONCLUSION Whether you opt for Ketamine or Psychedelic therapy in Montreal, it is strongly advised that you speak with a professional before self-administering Ketamine therapy.


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