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What is Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, anxiousness, or worry that typically occurs without a genuine threat. It differs from fear, which is the bodyu2019s natural response to immediate danger.

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What is Anxiety

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  1. What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, anxiousness, or worry that typically occurs without a genuine threat. It differs from fear, which is the body’s natural response to immediate danger. Anxiety is part of the body's natural reaction to stress, so it can be helpful at times, making you more alert and ready for action. Anxiety disorders and regular feelings of anxiousness are two different things. Many of us get anxious when faced with particular situations we find stressful. However, if said feelings don't subside, the anxiety could be more chronic. When feelings of fear or nervousness become excessive, difficult to control or interfere with daily life, an anxiety disorder may be present. Anxiety disorders are among the most common types of mental disorders in Canada, and 3 million Canadians aged 18 years or older reported that they had an anxiety disorder.

  2. Am I Anxious? If you have grown up in a society with less emphasis on mental health, you may not even know what symptoms to look for. Some people suffer from anxiety, and they are aware of it, the same way as they know they have blonde hair or they are fond of chocolate chip ice cream. But the symptoms for other people may be subtle.

  3. Most Common Symptoms of Anxiety Feeling irritable, restless or tense A persistent sense of imminent danger, panic A persistently increased heart rate Breathing rapidly Sweating Agitation Feeling tired Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry Having trouble sleeping Experiencing gastrointestinal problems Though it is impossible to live with anxiety disorders, there are ways to manage so you don’t have to continue living in a state of fear. With the proper treatment, you’ll learn to manage your general anxiety.

  4. How is anxiety treated? Standard treatment for anxiety involves psychological counselling and therapy. This might include psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or a combination of therapy and counselling. CBT aims to recognize and alter the maladaptive thought patterns that can precipitate an anxiety disorder and troublesome feelings, limit distorted thinking, and change the scale and intensity of reactions to stressors. This helps people manage how their body and mind react to specific triggers. Psychotherapy is another treatment that involves talking with a trained mental health professional and working to the root of an anxiety disorder. Sessions might explore the triggers of anxiety and possible coping strategies.

  5. Final Thoughts Today, more so than ever, anxiety and other mental health issues have become an important topic for discussion. So it is important to find the best possible method like Anxiety therapy in Montreal. Anxiety counselling in Montreal is a highly effective and safe procedure to overcome anxious thoughts and feelings.

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