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Python Iterators


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Python Iterators

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  1. Python Iterators Iterators are objects to be iterated onto. You'll learn what iterators are in it during this python tutorial, and also how to apply a Python iterator. We'll also explore how iter and the next methods can be used to build our own Iterators. What are the iterators in Python? Iterators are all over Python. Iterators are artifacts in python that is widely used to iterate over a set of values, elegantly implemented within them for loops, understandings, generators, etc., but concealed in plain sight. It is only an entity iterated upon. An object capable of returning data, one item at a time.

  2. Technically speaking, the Python iterator object has to follow two special methods, iter () and next (), named the iterator protocol, collectively. 1. __iter__ method. This is called upon to create an iterator. It will return an object with a next step, or next. 2. Next method The next method by the iterator returns the following value for the iterable. If using an iterator with a ' for in ' loop, next() on the iterator object is implicitly named by the loop. To mark the end of the iteration, this method will use a StopIteration. How to Apply Python Iterators Iter() method All of these things, lists, tuples, dictionaries have a method iter() that can be used to have an iterator:

  3. Example: Run an iterator, and print every value x = iter(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]) print(next(x)) print(next(x)) print(next(x)) Output apple banana cherry 2 Next() Method Example: mylist = iter(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]) x = next(mylist) print(x)

  4. x = next(mylist) print(x) x = next(mylist) print(x) Output apple banana cherry Iterate over a dictionary in Python Python dictionary is an unsorted set of information values that generally store data values like a map that, unlike many other data types that only hold a single value as a part, Dictionary holds the key: value pair. In this, there are several ways to iterate over a dictionary. ● Iterate by all keys ● Iterate by any value

  5. ● Iterate all the key, value pairs Read More... Also, Visit Here Python Tutorial for Beginners Original Source

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