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JLL Painting & Home Improvements, Inc

JLL Painting & Home Improvements, Inc.<br><br> 1 845-445-4063<br><br>https://jllpaintings.com/<br><br>https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12975995811130098506

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JLL Painting & Home Improvements, Inc

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  1. JLL Painting & Home Improvements, Inc. + 1 845-445-4063 Interior and Exterior Painting Contractor Tips on How To Do Your House Painting Right Many people are learning DIY or Do-It-Yourself skills. The reasons are noble as well as practical. Noble because they are trying to learn skills and become satisfied upon seeing the work of their hands. Practical because they get so save a lot of money than hiring a professional to do it. All it takes is to have patience, time, and of course good power tools. One of the most popular things that people do by themselves is house painting. After all, you just need a can of paint, a good brush or rollers then just start painting your walls. The only catch though is that house painter starters or novice, they can't get exactly the professional result that one gets when hiring a paint contractor. However, with much practice, soon you can achieve professional painting results. Here are some tips to help you achieve a professional house painting result: 1. Remove the old paint. The old paint might already be peeling off and contains mildew, dirt and stains. To help you remove as much peeling and cracking paint as possible, use a scraper. Make sure you purchase one that gives you a good grip. Scrapers can be bought in hardware or DIY stores near you. They come with angled blades to help you scrape more paint. 2. Stir paint thoroughly blending well all the ingredients especially the resin sitting at the bottom of the container. Add a paint conditioner for smoother strokes. Always select a methylated based paint because this prevents mildews and can effectively conceal ink and pen marks. 3. Just have enough paint on your container, do not overfill it as it can cause a lot of mess. Leave a clean spot on your container to park you paint brush or roller. 4. Always buy a good quality paint brush. Though it costs a bit more but it yields good painting results. 5. Use the technique, "cutting in". This means painting the corners or edges first using just your sight and reflexes in making straight angles. The secret to mastering this technique is practice. Other than using a paintbrush for house painting, you can also use a sprayer. Some paint contractor prefer this method because it is faster than using a brush, plus it also gives a more even finish. Another house painting method is through a roller. When using a roller, just roll in one direction which is always away from you. When starting with a roller, always apply paint at the center or your painting area so that you could offload excess paint on either side. Generally, it takes 2 - 3 coatings to complete the task.

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