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Psoriasis: Types, Causes & Treatments

Psoriasis is among the most common skin disorders in the world. It is common enough to infect about 2 to 3 percent of the worldu2019s population. It is a long-term (chronic disease) with no cure, but treatments ease the condition. Nevertheless, getting a cure is critical as it can be painful and interfere with sleep and focus ability. <br><br>According to DNA Skin Clinic experts, who provide the best Psoriasis Treatment in Bangalore, Psoriasis is a skin disease that can be identified with thick, red, or pink patches blanketed with silver or white scales, also known as plaques. <br>

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Psoriasis: Types, Causes & Treatments

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  1. Pso????is: Ty?e?, Ca?s?? & Tre????n?? Psoriasis is among the most common skin disorders in the world. It is common enough to infect about 2 to 3 percent of the world’s population. It is a long-term (chronic disease) with no cure, but treatments ease the condition. Nevertheless, getting a cure is critical as it can be painful and interfere with sleep and focus ability. According to DNA Skin Clinic experts, who provide the best Bangalore, Psoriasis is a skin disease that can be identified with thick, red, or pink patches blanketed with silver or white scales, also known as plaques. Psoriasis Treatment in Plaque psoriasis is the most common type, infecting about 80-90% of people. They commonly infect one’s feet, palms, lower back, genitals, toenails, fingernails, scalp, face, knees, and elbows. Often these plaques connect and gather in a specific area of the body, making the patient feel uncomfortable and insecure about their looks. Fortunately, this condition is non-communicable. Therefore, people around such patients need not be afraid. One can socialize without the fear of infecting someone else. This article will further discuss the types of Psoriasis, its triggers and other factors causing it, and the best possible treatments. Types of Psoriasis Before getting a treatment, it is important to find the type of Psoriasis one has. Given below are 5 types of Psoriasis that the doctor may identify: ● Inverse Psoriasis: It is an immune-mediated condition and may cause rashes on the skin folds. It can target the buttocks, armpits, groin area, genitals, and under breasts. The rashes are thin and pink without scales. Certain treatments can elevate this condition. ● Guttate Psoriasis: This condition is usually triggered after a sore throat. It can show up as small drop-shaped, red scaly spots in kids. Further, multiple health conditions like stress, tonsillitis, infections, streptococcal, and upper respiratory infections can also trigger this issue. Certain medications like beta-blockers, lithium, and antimalarials can also work as a trigger. ● Pustular Psoriasis: This type often appears as small pus-filled bumps over the plaques or red patches. Usually, it can affect all body parts, but it is more common in feet and hands.

  2. ● Sebopsoriasis: This type of psoriasis typically appears on the face and scalp as yellow grease scales on the plaques. They can also cause inflammation all over the body. ● Erythrodermic Psoriasis: It is linked with burning red skin and peeling sheets of scales. Usually, infection and severe sunburn trigger this condition, and certain medications and the right treatment can stop the symptoms. It is important to find the right dermatologist, one like Dr. Priyanka Reddy, a leading Dermatologist in Bangalore. Opt for a skin doctor who carefully examines a patient's condition and provides the appropriate solution. Let us discuss what exactly causes Psoriasis. Triggers of Psoriasis There can be multiple Psoriasis triggers, including a skin injury like an insect bite, scrape, cut, or sunburn - also known as the Koebner response. Other reasons may include the following: ● Too much alcohol consumption and profound stress ● Certain infections, such as skin infections and strep throat, can also trigger this condition. ● Unsuitable weather conditions like cold and dry weather. ● Another common cause is smoking cigarettes. Even secondhand cigarette smoke can trigger this issue. ● Certain medications can also lead to psoriasis. High-blood pressure medications, animal drugs, and lithium. ● Fast withdrawal of systematic or oral corticosteroids. Are Other Factors Responsible for Psoriasis? Other than external factors triggering the condition, other internal factors can also cause psoriasis. Two main causes of this condition include: ● Immune system: It is thought that imbalances in the immune system may result in the formation of psoriasis or skin lesions. Thus, it is considered an autoimmune condition where the immune cells (mainly T cells that are posted to fight pathogens or any other external invasion which may harm the body) get confused and start attacking the skin cells while causing inflammation. These cells are pushed into the skin's surface and produce red, inflamed areas. This mistake stimulates faster skin production. ● Genetics: Psoriasis is a multifactorial condition caused by the reciprocity among inherited environmental triggers and susceptibility alleles. Technology has made enough progress in the past decade to understand disease genetics. Therefore, psoriasis has also been understood in the same manner. Treatments of Psoriasis Some of the best psoriasis treatment utilized at DNA Skin Clinic are as below:

  3. ● Corticosteroids: This medication is used to treat mild to moderate Psoriasis. They are available as lotions, creams, ointments, sprays, gels, and shampoos. For sensitive areas such as the face and widespread patches, mild ointments are recommended by the doctor. Whereas for less-sensitive and smaller areas, stronger drugs are recommended. ● Vitamin D Analogues: This synthetic vitamin D source is prescribed to slow down skin cell production. This particular drug may be used alone or with corticosteroids. ● Retinoids: This vitamin A derivative is available in the form of cream or gel. They are critical in regulating epithelial cell growth and immunity, stimulating angiogenesis. Also, it is useful in promoting collagen production. Therefore, allowing smooth and better-looking skin. Nevertheless, breastfeeding or pregnant women should avoid this drug. ● Calcineurin Inhibitors: This drug is used to lessen plaque build-up and inflammation around delicate areas near the eyes. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should also avoid calcineurin. Further, one should avoid using this medication without a doctor's consultation, as it can cause skin cancer and lymphoma. ● Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is a chemical peel used to peel the upper layer of the skin. It can effectively remove the topmost skin layer while aiding in the scale removal of scalp psoriasis. It can work solely or combined with other medicines to enhance its effect. ● Coal Tar: This effective medication can reduce itchiness, scaling, and inflammation. However, it can irritate the skin a little bit. This is to be noted that breastfeeding and pregnant women must not go for this therapy. When coal tar is combined with light therapy, it is called Goeckerman therapy. Goeckerman therapy is more effective than coal tar therapy alone, making the skin more responsive to UVB light. ● Anthralin: It is one of the topical medications which is made from goa powder. It can delay skin growth when applied to the skin. Further, it is useful to clear scales while giving the skin a smoother appearance. It must be kept away from sensitive body parts such as the face and genitals as it can irritate the skin and stain anything it touches. There are also some more light therapy treatments provided at the clinic such as UVB broadband, UVB narrowband, Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA), and Excimer Laser. Extra Tips: Dr. Priyanka Reddy, a leading dermatologist in Bangalore, has also provided some additional tips for people suffering psoriasis. That are as follows: ● Apart from the medications, one must adopt a certain lifestyle and follow general tips, for example, eating a proper nutrition-rich diet where the food items known to trigger Psoriasis must be avoided.

  4. ● Further, one must ensure they stay away from skin injuries as they can provoke psoriasis lesions. Also, people must be careful while cutting nails, shaving, and avoiding getting piercings and tattoos. ● One must stay away from stressors as they can lead to flare-ups since the body overcomes stress with inflammation. ● Patients can also use turmeric. It has been a proven remedy to relieve Psoriasis. One can even take turmeric pills if they can’t consume enough turmeric in their meals. ● The patient must avoid tobacco and cigarettes as they can trigger Psoriasis. If one already has this skin condition and still smokes tobacco, their condition can worsen. ● Being obese or even overweight can put a person at risk of developing Psoriasis. Further, obesity is even linked to more severe psoriasis symptoms. Developing psoriasis can have a life-altering effect on one’s life. Once a happy person is now insecure and maybe deprived of sleep too. Psoriasis can not be healed, but its treatments can relieve a person enough to lead a normal and happy life. If one is looking for a Psoriasis treatment in Bangalore, one can visit the DNA Skin clinic. A team of experts equipped with the latest technology will be there to ensure the best skin treatment. Book an appointment today! ____________________________________________________________________________

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