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NewsLetter January2022

News Letter January 2022 of Pushpanjali Hospital, Agra

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NewsLetter January2022

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  2. January 2022 | Page : 2

  3. January 2022 | Page : 3 Stethoscope Is Not Just An Instrument It’s A Jewelry SUCCESS STORY Dr. Rajnish Kumar Singh Senior Consultant Physician Dr. Atul Gupta Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Vascular Surgeon admi?ed in emergency with severe bleeding from long deep cut in neck due to accidental cut by manja of a flying kite while he was riding on scooter. The pa?ent was stabilized in ICU and ?ghtly dressed to stop bleeding. Later, the pa?ent immediately shi?ed for emergency surgery with full explana?on to a?endants regarding the risk and could be death on the table. On exploring the incised wound, the internal jugular vein was sharply cut with superficial abrasion in the caro?d artery with a full cut of sternocelidomastoid muscle. The trachea was narrowly escaped having minimal impact. The wound was thoroughly washed, end to end repair of anastomosis of IJV was achieved with full homeostasis. Muscles and subcutaneous ?ssue are repaired perfectly. Then, the pa?ent was immediately extubated and recovered from anesthesia and shi?ed to ICU in a stable condi?on with stable vitals. Postopera?vely Pa?ent recovered well without any unwanted event. On day four, the pa?ent was discharged with advice of regular dressing and follow-up. This life-saving and prompt decision for surgery caused survival of pa?ent life. All a?endants are very happy and thankful for this to Pushpanjali Hospital. Pa?ent Pappu Singh aged forty three years case of Hypertension. Presented with headache, le? hand numbness, weakness, nausea & blurring of vision. CT brain revealed right parietotemporal venous thrombosis, MRI brain was done for confirma?on which confirmed superior sagi?al Sinus thrombosis. Pa?ent was conserva?vely treated with LMH, and deconges?ve therapy, He responded well and was discharged in normal condi?on with normal sensa?on & power in le? upper Limb a?er one weak. Mr. Rajeev Yadav twenty eight years, male HAPPY PATIENT HAPPY US

  4. January 2022 | Page : 4 Modern surgery has been like a miracle to those who thought the pain was going to go on forever SUCCESS STORY-1 LAPAROSCOPIC NEPHRECTOMY for Non Func?oning Kidney Dr. Dilip Kumar Mishra HOD - Pushpanjali Institute of Uro Sciences me. This pa?ent, Mrs J, thirty years female was treated mul?ple ?mes by other doctors and DJ stent was inserted to release her symptoms. Her reports suggested a Right PUJ obstruc?on. We did Laparoscopic pyeloplasty with three ports. She has a crossing vessel at PUJ going to lower pole which made surgery a bit difficult. We did Anderson Hynes dismembered Pyeloplasty over the crossing vessel. Post op, pa?ent did very well and got discharged on 2nd day. She has been doing well in follow up. I thank all the OT team and Dr. Dipali for their excellent work. Case of Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty done by SUCCESS STORY-2 done in succession to the previous case. This case was similar to the previous case of Lap Nephrectomy posted last week. Here again, Mr R, sixty years male had loss of le? renal func?on due to a large Impacted upper ureteric stone. We finished this case within two hours, pa?ent was fine post opera?vely. The message is clear, if the stone is neglected, it leads to loss of kidney func?on. I Hope people become aware of the fact and not delay treatment of renal stones. Another case of Laparoscopic Nephrectomy LAPAROSCOPIC PYELOPLASTY for Pelvi Uretric Junc?on Obstruc?on with Crossing lower pole vessels Post op Xray with DJS Opera?ve Pics HAPPY PATIENT HAPPY US

  5. January 2022 | Page : 5 Healing With Care SUCCESS STORY Dr. Anil Sharma Consultant Orthopedic Dr. Rohit Jain Consultant Physician 30 and varus 30 degrees, i decided to total knee replacement for her in stage manner. On ?bial side bone defect was an?cipated so both metal augment and revision stem was kept. Once medial release and reduc?on osteotomy was done defect was less than 10% of surface area and 2mm of depth it was planned for screws and cement support with long ?bial stem. At the end pt and me both are happy with correc?on. This lady came to me with waddling gait, ffd was admi?ed in our hospital, with chief complaints of slurred speech, ?ngling sensa?on along with seizure episode and generalised weakness. At that ?me her Blood pressure was high she was given IV an?bio?cs, IV fluids and other suppor?ve treatment. Her MRI brain and B/L renal Doppler was nega?ve. Her Vit D and folate level were low. Her Neurology and Orthopedic opinion was done and advice followed. A s h e r c o n d i ? o n b e c o m e s haemodynamically stable, she was shi?ed to ward and is now being discharged on conserva?ve management. Mrs. Anar devi seventy three years old female BEFORE AFTER HAPPY PATIENT HAPPY US

  6. January 2022 | Page : 6 SUCCESS STORY Dr. Manish Sharma HOD - Pushpanjali Institute of Cardiac Sciences came to us with complain of severe shortness of breath and altered sensorium. She was diagnosed as a case of CAD/ICMP/acute LVF with deranged KFT, Type two respiratory failure and Co2 Narcosis, severe MR/severe PAH/sepsis in sep?c shock /LVEF=35% pa?ent is a known case of hypertension with/Hypothyroidism/obesity/OSA. 2D echo revealed moderate LV systolic dysfunc?on with severe MR, moderate TR, Severe OAH. Treated with I/V an?bio?cs, PPI, Diure?cs,inotropes NIV support oral B-Blocker, An?platelet therapy and other suppor?ve treatment, pa?ent was taken on NIV support. She responsed well and a?er six days of hospitaliza?on, discharged in hemodynamically stable condi?on. Mrs. Veena Jain seventy one years old female Dr. Vineet Chauhan HOD - Pushpanjali Institute of Gastro Sciences pediatric ICU with chief complaints of passing large volume of fresh red blood in stools since last five to six days. Mul?ple units of blood were transfused somewhere else. Then they came to us for consulta?on and advised urgent unprepared Colonoscopy. Colonoscopy revealed deep transverse colonic ulcers. Biopsy was taken and an? tubercular was started. The child responded to the treatment and discharged a?er six days. His parents revisited in OPD with biopsy report which was sugges?ve of intes?nal tuberculosis. They were very thankful to the department of Gastroenterology at Pushpanjali Hospital, Agra. Fi?een years old child was admi?ed in HAPPY PATIENT HAPPY US

  7. January 2022 | Page : 7 Work In Silence Let Your Success Be Your Noise SUCCESS STORY Dr. Vibhanshu Gupta HOD - Pushpanjali Institute of Renal Sciences chronic' kidney disease pa?ent presented to us with swelling over body, breathlessness and severly deranged renal func?ons. Her chest X-ray was sugges?ve of le? sided pleural infec?on while Echo cardiography revealed valvular dysfunc?on and Pulmonary artery hypertension. She was found to be hypo-thyroid and was started on Thyroxin and regular Hemo dialysis with gradual improvement in swelling. Her pleural fluid was tapped and sent for inves?ga?ons. Blood pressure and cardiac medica?ons were op?mized. She gradually improved and was subsequently discharged with advice to con?nue maintenance Hemo dialysis , AV Fistula was created. This is an example of how Hemodialysis support can improve quality of life of pa?ents with associated Cardiac and Pulmonary comorbidi?es. Mrs. Urmila Bhadauriya, who is a known HAPPY PATIENT HAPPY US

  8. January 2022 | Page : 8 Once you choose hope anything Is possible SUCCESS STORY Dr. Rohit Mahesh Gupta Ear Nose Throat (ENT) Specialist Dr. Arun Gupta Arthroscopy & Joint Replacement Surgeon since five years. But from last six months the pain in both knee had increased so much, that even ac?vi?es of daily living became cumbersome. She's been diagnosed as a case of grade four osteoarthri?s in both of her knees. She took all the available medica?on for osteoarthri?s. Enrolled herself in physiotherapy, but there's no sign of relief. She has consulted to Orthopaedic surgeon at Delhi also (where her daughter works), who suggested her for total knee replacement surgery. Then they consulted Dr. Arun Gupta, Joint Replacement specialist at Pushpanjali Hospital Agra, who suggested that in grade four osteoarthri?s, nothing short of total knee replacement will give a defini?ve answer. A?er looking at Dr. Arun’s vast experience in total knee joint replacement they made up their minds and she underwent few preopera?ve inves?ga?ons and got admi?ed for surgery. She underwent simultaneous GOLD total knee replacement surgeries of both knees under painless epidural anaesthesia. A?er surgery, she was able to stand a?er twelve hours and start walking a?er twenty four hours. On second postopera?ve day, she was able to use western commode on her own. Mrs Gupta was accompanied by her husband Mrs. Gupta was suffering from knee pain Pa?ent Gunjan Dixit, Thirty five years old female underwent right Tympano Mastoidectomy with Ossiculoplasty in September 2021. She was suffering from right ear discharge and decreased hearing for eight to ten years. Pa?ent had also underwent le? ear surgery somewhere else two years back for similar complaints; and was unfortunately not sa?sfied. No improvement in hearing and occasional discharge. This January, pa?ent came to us for le? revision surgery being happy with the outcome of her right ear surgery with a be?er hearing. We did le? ear revision surgery with reconstruc?on of le?-ear middle Ossicles using conchal car?lage. Now pa?ent can hear well from both ears. HAPPY PATIENT HAPPY US

  9. January 2022 | Page : 9 Dr. Dilip Kumar Mishra Head of the Department Pushpanjali Institute of Uro Sciences M.S., M.Ch.(Urology), M.R.C.S.(Edinburgh, UK), F.R.L.S. (Japan), F.I.C.S. (Chicago, USA) Ileal Chimney Reconstruction For Bilateral Ureteric Strictures History: 23 yrs Male History of Bilateral PCN inser?on and PCN change very month since Last 9 months History of COVID infec?on and ICU admission prior to this History of Gangrene of le? great toe and gluteal region during ICU admission Renal Failure and Bilateral HUN iden?fied for which Bilateral PCN Inserted Current nephrostogram Nephrostogram Report Continued...

  10. January 2022 | Page : 10 CT Images CT Nephrostogram Continued...

  11. January 2022 | Page : 11 Biochemistry Cystoscopy and RGP Bladder good capacity. Not good enough for a bilateral Boari Flap Right RGP : No contrast going beyond lower ureter; ureteroscopy (4.5 Fr Scope), narrow ureter, guidwire not passing beyond mid ureter Le? RGP : Similar pictures as right side Planned for major reconstruc?on - IDEAS - Bilateral Ileal ureter Transverse Uretero-ureterostomy Bilateral Boari Flap Cutaneous ureterostomy Yang-Mon? reconstruc?on Continued...

  12. January 2022 | Page : 12 Ileal Chimney Reconstruc?on Post Op X-Ray KUB Post Op Nephrostogram Continued...

  13. January 2022 | Page : 13 Next Problem : Bilateral lower calyx stones Had both Nephrostomy in situ Used both as mini PCNL tracts and removed bilateral stones Video-Post reconstruc?on Mini-PCNL for lower calyx stone FOLLOW UP Pa?ent is doing well Both DJ Stents removed Renal func?on is normal 6 months post op Continued...

  14. January 2022 | Page : 14 Out Reach OPD's Dr. (Prof.) Santanu Chaudhury Cancer Specialist Dr. Vipul Mishra Intensive Care Specialist (ICU) Pulmonologist Dr. Atul Gupta Cardiac Sciences Dr. Jyoti Goyal HOD - Internal Medicine Dr. Gaurav Dhakre Neurosurgeon Dr. Shreyansh Chahar Urologist Dr. Vineet Chauhan Gastro Sciences Dr. Rohit Mahesh Gupta Ear, Nose, Throat ENT Specialist

  15. January 2022 | Page : 15 Motivational Training Program

  16. January 2022 | Page : 16 Motivational Training Program Public Awareness Program

  17. January 2022 | Page : 17 Proud Moments Proud Moments Proud Moments

  18. January 2022 | Page : 18 Celebration Celebration Celebration

  19. January 2022 | Page : 19 Celebration Celebration Celebration Republic Day Celebration 26th Jan 2022 At - Pushpanjali A Super Speciality Hospital & Trauma Centre

  20. January 2022 | Page : 20 Patient's Feedback Your Opinion Is Important To US

  21. January 2022 | Page : 21 Patient's Admiration We are so proud to have you as part of our Pushpanjali family. We hope that you keep up the good work fory more years to come. HEALTH FOR ALL People caring for pepole Sunil Kumar Hospital Staff

  22. January 2022 | Page : 22 We Cares HEALTH FOR ALL Pepole Caring for People 7505400400

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