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Rajeev Lakhanpal Shares 5 Tips for Starting a Business

Rajeev Lakhanpal's success comes from being able to utilize his unique skills and experience to market technology that is far beyond the beaten path. A blend of highly sophisticated, yet easy-to-use software has allowed him to build an empire that underlies a business that is global in reach.

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Rajeev Lakhanpal Shares 5 Tips for Starting a Business

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  1. Rajeev Lakhanpal DirectorofAmaterasuTechnologiesPrivateLimited

  2. AboutRajeevLakhanpal RajeevLakhanpalistheDirectorofAmaterasuTechnologiesPrivate Limited,acompanyentirelydrivenbyinnovationandtechnological perfection. After witnessing some of the top brands come to India, Rajeev Lakhanpal decided to venture into this field and started his careerattheageof19intheshippingfield.

  3. RajeevLakhanpalShares5Tips forStartingaBusiness

  4. 1. EstablishaBusiness Plan Abusinessplanisoftencomparedtoablueprint,layingout thestepstoproceedfromideatomarketandbeyond. Drawingupabusinessplanhelpsstakeholdersfocusonthe feasibilityofanenterpriseandwhereitisheaded.

  5. 2.InvestinTime Timeisonefactoranentrepreneurcancontrol.Investingin time doesn’t necessarily mean spending all waking hours (andneglectingsleep)todevelopabusiness.

  6. 3.RemainFinancially Cautious Financial caution enables entrepreneurs to maintain more controlovertheirbusinesses.Italsomakesiteasiertobank money for unexpected opportunities or crises. Keeping a closeeyeonspendingcanmakeeachdollargofurther.

  7. 4.EmbraceRisk Entrepreneurscanalsomanage risk,mitigatingfactorsthat couldoverwhelm a business.Entrepreneursmayputatrisk their own money, their family and friends’ money, and investor’smoneywithnoguaranteeofsuccess.

  8. 5.SeekFeedbackand Mentorship Mentorshipandfeedbackcancomefromavarietyofsources, including other entrepreneurs as well as investors and informal advisors. They can provide outside, objective perspectivesfromdifferentexperiences.

  9. ContactUS NewDelhi,India

  10. ThankYou

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