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Website Migration Checklist- Make Sure To Cover All Bases

Website Migration Checklist- Make Sure To Cover All Bases

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Website Migration Checklist- Make Sure To Cover All Bases

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  1. Website Migration Checklist- Make Sure To Cover All Bases Ecommerce migration Ecommerce agency Every business that is steadily growing has to undergo an ecommerce migration process at some point of time. There can be several pressing reasons for taking this step like the old platform not being scalable enough or it isn’t mobile friendly or the plug-ins and apps option are very limited or the SEO part is weak. No matter what your reason is to migrate from your current platform to a newer and better one, this step is very crucial and must be done with utmost care and perfection. Choosing the right platform is a big step and building a new website is also a tedious process but shifting a running business from one platform to another is nerve wracking to say the least. The chances of messing up something are heavy! Most ecommerce store owners pay much heed to the platform and development of the new website but what they don’t really consider much is the seamless migration process. If this process of migration is not done with precision and perseverance it could be a disaster for sales, customers, rankings and SEO. If you are ready to migrate your old website to the new and amazing platform then make sure to hire an ecommerce agency to do that for you. On average, a poor migration can take up to 6-8 months of recovery period which can be a big blow to your business revenue. A successful migration might have a slight dip in traffic and sales but only for a very short time, after that you’ll see a steady gain in organic traffic, sales, customers and rankings. This article is an easy to understand checklist for all you non-technical people, so that you can minimize the impact of migration on the business during the transition period. Website Migration Checklist First thing that you need to understand that whenever you are initiating this migration process your business will see a slight decline on your hard earned SEO rankings, organic traffic and sales. But this transition period is a first step towards a new era of business boom. With this checklist I aim to not eliminate the short term decline but to minimize the impacts of it so that it doesn’t become a long term problem and also stimulate you to be proactive enough and predict the consequences of the process and put a plan of action in place to combat any outcomes. 1.Preparation is Crucial

  2. Just like for anything major in life if you’re prepared then it becomes easy and ends up better, right? Ecommerce migration is one such major event that needs proper planning and perfect execution. Consult your ecommerce agency and figure out which type of migration is required for your business to grow as there are several types of migrations like, new platform, redesigning, structural changes, changing domain name, moving from HTTP to HTTPS or content migration. Once this is settled its time to zero on the scope of migration and decide on a time frame to get it done. Make sure your ecommerce agency, developers and experts’ panel are all on one page and in it together for a smooth migration. 2.Strong Backup Proper planning before migration also includes having a backup for all the data on your current website. If something dreadful happens you should at least have back up data so that you can start over as soon as possible. Consider having a backup for crucial elements like internal 404s, Alt tags, header tags, response code, Meta tags and broken links. These are the most crucial ones but I would recommend having the entire site data as backup. Another important part is to see your current site's performance before migration. You should know about the organic traffic, rank, pages crawled, site structure, site speed, its mobile optimism and other things so that you can compare your newly migrated site performance check for yourself whether or not your efforts pay off. You should also make sure that all your old URLs are redirected to the new and improved site so that customers have a seamless transition. Lastly, I would strongly recommend having a migration deadline, as your new website will bring in more sales, customers and improved ranking. You must do it sooner rather than later. 3.Final Pointer of Checklist Before your newly migrated site gets live again ensure all the data transferred is working perfectly. The data transferred should be working just like the old one without any glitches or hiccups so that customers don’t feel a thing. Once your site goes live, start monitoring its performance as a successful migration should only have a slight dip and then it should be back up shortly. Conclusion Ecommerce migration is a good thing for your business when done properly and at the right time. In order to make this process a right step for your business, make sure you tick all the pointers in the checklist above. Best of luck for your migration!

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