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FAQ You Must Know Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent

Do you need more information about buying and selling a property, call Robert Villeneuve West Nipissing. He is an expert in the real estate business and will help you sell your property fast. You can also rely on Robert Villeneuve when buying a home.

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FAQ You Must Know Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent

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  1. FAQ You Must Know Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent Robert Villeneuve Robert Villeneuve

  2. Will a home I sell be at a competitive disadvantage as opposed to homes sold by real estate agents? No, and in many ways, you will have an edge. First and foremost, today's property buyers find their properties online on their own time. If they like your property, they will call you no matter what- and the odds are good that they will be happier dealing with you than with a real estate agent. It's no secret that many properties aren't selling and expire before the agent ever gets the property sold. Search online, and you will see the amount of training material the industry of real estate provides to teach their agents how to influence sellers to renew their listings for a year.

  3. Do properties sell for more when listed with a real estate agent? That is what the NAR or National Association of Realtors, funded by agents, says; however, there is no independent data to back their statistics. If a real estate agent tells you they can get you more money for your property, ask them to bring you a client or buyer. They have to leave you alone to sell your property if they can't. There are lots of listings handled by agents that expire.  A real estate agent's opinion is not going to get your property sold. It's easy for people to make guesses and conjectures; however, to win in today's market, you must deal with hard facts.

  4. How much effort and time is this going to take? It takes a lot of time to sell your property as it takes to plan a long holiday. The marketing side needs the most time up front; however, once you have gathered your facts, it should take you less than a couple of hours to get the marketing plan started. If you used one, you'd have to collect that same information for a real estate agent. And the process has been rationalised for you on websites.

  5. If you are sceptical, take the amount you would pay in commission to an agent and divide it by the number of hours it takes to plan a holiday. The outcomes should assist you in seeing that time you put into selling your property will be well spent. Do you need more information about buying and selling a property, call Robert Villeneuve West Nipissing. He is an expert in the real estate business and will help you sell your property fast. You can also rely on Robert Villeneuve when buying a home. Trendy will show you The easiest and more 01

  6. THANKS For Watching Robert Villeneuve

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