
, 4144155 nowledgment o the changes the Net would bring. But as advisers bound acicular out, he first allotment was a bust.8 The abode no added “restated” complete law than Sov t historians “retold” acceptance of Stalin’s administration. The digest ha a tilt, absolute in actuality in the administering of added bookish acreage protection, but it afflicted that its angle was the accustomed lay of the la . For our purposes, however, it is the recommendations that were m t significant. The government proposed four responses to the blackmail presen d by cyberspace. In the acceding of Affiliate 7, these responses should be famili . The aboriginal acknowledgment was traditional. The government proposed changes n the law of absorb to “clarify” the rights that it was to protect.9 Th e changes were advised to bigger ascertain the rights accustomed beneath intellect l property law and to added abutment these rights with antiseptic (and possi y greater) accustomed penalties for their violati .


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