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Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight

Have you found yourself yo-yo dieting and gaining back weight? Come learn about how mindful eating is different from diet culture.

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Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight

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  1. 10/14/22, 10:37 AM Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight - The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness  SHOW The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness Start exercising. Eat Healthier. Get active. Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture – How To Actually Lose Weight Posted in Weight loss For Beginners Nutrition , , Differentiating Between Mindful Eating and Diet Culture https://blog.mypacer.com/2022/03/09/mindful-eating-vs-diet-culture-how-to-actually-lose-weight/ 1/7

  2. 10/14/22, 10:37 AM How does mindful eating differ from the thousands of diets out there? Well, ?rst off – mindful eating is NOT a diet! It is a form of eating that allows you to reconnect with your natural, innate ability to eat based on internal and physical sensations. Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight - The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness We are all born with the innate ability to recognize are completely in sync with these patterns! Babies cry when they are hungry and they push the food or bottle away once they feel satiated. But, once we reach childhood, we begin ignoring these innate signals and eat based on other external factors (such as a parent forcing their child to ?nish their entire dinner before having dessert). hunger and fullness . As infants, we With mindful eating, we want to allow our bodies to eat based on the way they were bi- ologically meant to. This way of eating allows us to take better care of our bodies and fuel ourselves with an abundance of nutritious foods. When we practice mindful eating, we will naturally prevent overeating and lose weight with ease. Components of Dieting According to Oxford Languages, the term “diet” is de?ned as: “Restricting oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight.” The ?rst word in that de?nition explains it all – RESTRICTION. Focusing on restriction and deprivation does not work and is an ineffective way to eat for life. We need to focus on incorporating more foods into our diets instead of taking foods away. https://blog.mypacer.com/2022/03/09/mindful-eating-vs-diet-culture-how-to-actually-lose-weight/ 2/7

  3. 10/14/22, 10:37 AM Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight - The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness Let’s compare some of the key differences between mindful eating and traditional diets. Willpower Rigidity Short-term Unsustainable Counting calories and/or grams of macros Guilty thoughts Restriction  Deprivation Avoidance Denial Societal pressures Rules Judgment Weight-cycling By the looks of that list, diets tend to be correlated with a bunch of negatives. Alternatively, let’s look at the components of mindful eating. Components of Mindful Eating Meanwhile, let’s take a look at some of the key terms associated with mindful eating. Flexibility Satisfaction https://blog.mypacer.com/2022/03/09/mindful-eating-vs-diet-culture-how-to-actually-lose-weight/ 3/7

  4. 10/14/22, 10:37 AM Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight - The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness Internal signals Intuitive eating Permission Lifestyle Compassion Long-term Empowerment Consciousness  Acceptance Sustainable weight loss or maintenance  Con?dence This list looks like a breath of fresh air! Of course, when comparing these two ways of eating, the mindful approach is the way to go. It is more satisfying and ?exible, all while assisting with sustainable weight loss and increased satisfaction around eating.  Why Do Diets Not Work? Dieting tends to be a quick ?x for weight loss. But, always ends up in rebound weight gain, sometimes gaining even more weight than before the diet started! Most forms of dieting are associated with restrictive behaviors and the abolishment of certain foods. In fact, calorie deprivation leads to changes in a variety of cognitive functions that re- sult in a total preoccupation with thoughts of food. Studies have found that with re- striction of calories, the sense of smell becomes heightened and the drive to eat be- comes of utmost importance. Consequently, the preoccupation and obsessive food thoughts will most often lead to insatiable cravings, over-eating, and binge eating.  https://blog.mypacer.com/2022/03/09/mindful-eating-vs-diet-culture-how-to-actually-lose-weight/ 4/7

  5. 10/14/22, 10:37 AM Let’s face it – dieting is stressful! This additional stress leads to an increase in the pro- duction of cortisol. Cortisol is an important stress hormone that is supposed to help the body ?ght in?ammation. But, when cortisol levels remain high due to prolonged stress, it can lead to an array of metabolic disorders and diseases. Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight - The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness Negative Effects of Diet Now, let’s take a look at some of the chilling facts about dieting and the dangerous ef- fects that dieting can cause. It rarely works! It has been found that 95% of all dieters regain their lost weight and often more within 1-5 years Yo-yo dieting (repeated cycles of gaining and losing weight) has been shown to increase the risk for heart disease, metabolic disorders, and premature death Diminishes satiety cues (leading to overeating and binge eating) Lowers metabolism to compensate for the decreased intake of nutrients Increases the risk of eating disorders Causes side effects such as headaches, menstrual disturbances, hair loss, fatigue, and electrolyte disturbances Increases the risk for osteoporosis, fractures, and broken bones Lowers self-esteem and self-con?dence Diminishes cognitive abilities, such as memory and attention Above all, this is why the goal for healthy living should be shifted away from “weight loss” and “dieting” to a lifestyle approach that focuses on incorporating balance, vari- ety, and moderation. With an increased focus on nutritious eating and the ability to recognize hunger and fullness, the body will be able to naturally maintain a healthy weight. https://blog.mypacer.com/2022/03/09/mindful-eating-vs-diet-culture-how-to-actually-lose-weight/ 5/7

  6. 10/14/22, 10:37 AM Mindful Eating vs Diet Culture - How To Actually Lose Weight - The Pacer Blog: Walking, Health and Fitness Mindful Eating Leads to Successful Weight Loss Mindful eating gives you the freedom to break away from years of deprivation diets and failed attempts at weight loss. It allows you to tune into your inner cues and eat based on personal food preferences, hunger sensations, and satisfaction. This way of eating results in sustainable weight loss because you will learn to eat based on your body’s innate ability to honor hunger and fullness.  Over time, your ability to recognize these internal cues will become second nature. It just takes time and practice! Get Pacer To Learn More Pacer offers lessons about weight loss and mindful eating. If you don’t have Pacer yet, download Pacer for FREE! (on mobile) Get Pacer! References: Albers, S. (2020). Mindful eating handouts. Eating Mindfully. Berkeley Education. (2005). Feeling stressed and depressed? kNOw Dieting: Risks and Reasons to Stop https://blog.mypacer.com/2022/03/09/mindful-eating-vs-diet-culture-how-to-actually-lose-weight/ 6/7

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