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Merries Newborn Care - 8 Tips For Stressed-out Parents

Learn this 8 tips if your are stressed out parent.

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Merries Newborn Care - 8 Tips For Stressed-out Parents

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  1. Merries Newborn Care: 8 Tips For Stressed-out Parents

  2. A newborn in the house means a lot of unadulterated joy and also a 24 hours vigil. Taking care of a newborn changes your life and kind of also turns it upside down. The 24x7 having to look after a newborn is as stressful a job as it is exciting and joyous. With constant fatigue and being on your feet, the entire experience can be a little daunting for first-time parents especially. So here are 10 newborn care tips that every stressed-out parent should follow for a little reprieve.

  3. Take care Of Yourself: One of the biggest reasons for stress in new parents is seen to be the lack of rest and sleep. That is why it is important that you take care of yourself along with your baby. Sleep when your baby is sleeping, and figure out a night time schedule with your partner that will allow you both rest and sleep in the night while still caring for your baby.

  4. Go with the flow: Get yourself in a headspace where you allow yourself to get used to the daily nap sessions, the crying spells, and the naps. Also, let’s not forget the inevitable last-minute diaper changes that are imperative before you head out with your baby anywhere.

  5. Expect a roller coaster of emotions: Experiencing a myriad of emotions is quite natural during early parenting and there is no reason to stress over it. So, get ready to go from admiring your baby’s tiny fingers all gripping your one finger to feeling a loss of your freedom and worrying about how you’re going to take care of a baby all in a span of minutes.

  6. Stock up on your baby care essentials: Good newborn baby diapers such as Merries diapers provide higher absorbency, exceptional breathability, and snug and soft fit diapers. These features help in reducing instances of diaper rash. Also, always keep a small pack of diapers on you if you’re going out for a short trip, and don’t count on finding a convenience store at the last minute. Be prepared so you won’t stress out.

  7. Establish visiting rules: Newborn baby means your family and friends will drop by frequently to check up on you and to admire and play with your baby. And although it is always good to be around your support system, you should also establish some ground rules. Let your friends and family know when it is okay for them to visit and how much time you have. Also, if you’re not up for it, don’t be shy to tell them that you’re tired. Have all your visitors wash their hands or sanitize well before holding your baby. Avoid interaction of your baby with anyone who is unwell.

  8. Get out of the house: Don’t coup yourself in your house with a newborn or else you’ll start feeling stir-crazy. Get out of your house, take a walk, go to the park with your baby, and try to relax when you can. If you have someone trusted one watching over your child then get out and have some ‘me’ time for yourself.

  9. Ask for a helping hand: Don’t shy away from asking your closest, trustworthy people for help with your baby. They can look after your baby while you run errands, or they can run errands for you, fold your laundry, clean the dishes. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you feel like you need it. It is commonly seen for parents, especially moms to suffer postpartum depression or mental health issues. Remember that parenting is a challenge on a good day and there is nothing wrong with seeking help if you need it.

  10. Enjoy the moment: Don’t let the stress steal your precious memories as your child’s newborn days won’t last long. Children grow faster than you think. Savor these memories.

  11. Thank You!

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