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Insect orders by Sitaram Seervi

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Insect orders by Sitaram Seervi

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  1. Welcome to the wonderful world Of Insects

  2. Arthropoda classes and Insect orders

  3. Prepared, edited and compiled by SitaramSeervi P h . D . ResearchScholar Agricultural Entomology Email:–sitaramseervi88@gmail.com Contect:- 9610047740 2021-22

  4. Arthropoda classes (7)

  5. Onychophora Trilobita Trilobite- marine fossils Peripatus (Velvet worm)

  6. Arachnida – Crustacea – Crabs, prawn, Lobester Spider, Mites, Tick, Scorpion Four pairs of legs present Antenna absent Five pairs of legs present Two pairs of antennae present

  7. Chilopoda Diplopoda Millipede Centipede One pair of legs each segment Two pairs of legs each segment

  8. Insect orders 30

  9. Thysanura- Silver fish Diplura – Japigids, Diplurans

  10. Collembola- Snow flea, Spring tail Protura – Telson tails

  11. Pterygota: Exopterygota (16+1}

  12. Plecoptera – Stonefly Stonefly used as indicator of water purity Nymph called Naiads

  13. Ephemeroptera - May fly Nymph called Naiads

  14. Odonata – Dragonfly and Damselfly Nymph called Naiads

  15. Orthoptera Cricket Mole cricket

  16. Isoptera – Termites (Social insects)

  17. Dictyoptera Cockroach Preying mantid

  18. Thysanoptera - Thrips *Complete metamorphosis Fringed wings, Asymmetrical mouth part- Rasping and Sucking (Right mandible absent)

  19. Hemiptera Homoptera Heteroptera Leaf hopper (Jassid) Whitefly Bug Aphid Mealy bug

  20. Anoplura (Siphunculata) Psocoptera Mallophaga Book lice Bird lice Human lice

  21. Phasmida – Leaf insect and Stick insect Dermaptera – Ear wigs

  22. Embioptera – Embids (Web spinner) Zoraptera – Angel insect Grylloblattodea – Rock Crawlers

  23. Mantophasmatodea- Gladiator, Heel walker, ] *Mantid and phasmid (stick insect) like insect *Smallest insect order

  24. Pterygota: Endopterygota (9)

  25. Coleoptera – Beetles and weevils •Larva is called grub •Chewing and biting mouth parts •Largest insect order

  26. Lepidoptera – Butterfly and Moth •Larva called caterpillar •Damaging stage Caterpillar (larva) •Siphoning type of moth parts in adult •Chewing and biting type of moth parts in larva

  27. Hymenoptera- Honey bee, ants, wasp, Sawfly *Geniculate antennae *Chewing and lapping type mouthparts *90% parasitoids belong to Hymenoptera *only sawfly is pest Sawfly- Tenthridinidae

  28. Diptera – House fly, mosquito, Robber fly, Horse fly, Midge •Sponging type of mouthparts •Larva called Maggot (legless) •Pupa called puparium •Hind wings modified into halteres

  29. Neuroptera – Green lace wings, ant lions Larvae and adult are predators

  30. Mecoptera - Scorpionfly Siphanoptera - flea Trichoptera - Caddisfly

  31. Strepsiptera – Stylopids, •Fore wing modified to halteres and called Pseudohalteres •Completely parasitic order •Female insect wingless

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