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Automated Email: The future of Email Marketing?

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Automated Email: The future of Email Marketing?

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  1. Automated Email: The future of EmailMarketing? What is email marketing? Well, it’s one of the most successful techniques of digital marketing which has helped many businesses to flourish and outgrow their geographic location, transforming into truly global organizations. With that amount of power, advertising through email should make everyone millionaires. However, that’s simply not the case because successful marketing requires so much more. One of the techniques for successful email marketingthat has recently been catching steam is through automated emails. Here is why automated emails are the future of emailmarketing: Automatedemailsarefairlysimpletounderstand,evenfornewentrepreneurswhoarelookingfor fresh marketing opportunities. Automated email marketing is sending, to your subscribers and potential customers, your business’s offers and other details based on triggers that you set. The objective,however,remainsthesame.Toengageyouraudienceandturnthemintobuyersinorder to generate revenue. For that very purpose, Email marketing services work day and night for their respectiveclients. The question remains. What exactly are these triggers? Emails should be based on subscriber activity(oralackofit),responsesandtrends.Anexampleofautomatedtriggerscanbemilestone emails and cart abandonment emails, the former of which are the emails you get from businesses on special occasions such as your birthday or the day you became a subscriber to theirnewsletter.

  2. A successful email marketing campaign is personalized, with the hopes of developing an interest in that particular subscriber’s mind. One of the techniques for email personalization is though noticingthesetrendsinyourcustomersandusingthemtosettriggers.Thesetriggerscanbebased oncustomer’sbuyingtrendsduringholidayseasons,specificmonthsoftheyearandanindividual customers transactions and interactions with your business. These interactions could include buying, leaving a review, visiting the business location and not buying or showing any interest in the business’s products. Through collecting and analyzing user behavior, you can send targeted contentthatissolelyrelevanttoanindividualuser.Thesetargetedandtimedemailsoftenreferred to as auto-responders, observe and analyze real-time results and campaign performance. It is because of these specifically targeted, personalized marketing interactions, that automated emails is such a long-term and successful email marketing technique. This method comes under the umbrella of behavioral email marketing. The advantages to marketers and business owners of automated emails are immense. Not only do they generate a vast majority of email marketing revenue, but they also save time through automaticallycreatingemailsandfollowingthemupconsistentlywithautomatedemailsequences. On top of all that, automated emails leave you tension free and don’t require you to stand on your tip toes for the rest of your marketing campaign. Simply leave it up to your email marketing companyand let their system work for you, on your terms. So get to saving time, increasing engagement and creating and executing successful email marketing campaigns throughautomated emails.

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