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Christmas in the German speaking countries

In Germany Christmas celebrations start a lot earlier than in England. ... (das Christkind) or the Weihnachtsmann (Father Christmas) to bring the presents. ...

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Christmas in the German speaking countries

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    Slide 1:Christmas in the German speaking countries

    MFL Sunderland 2007 DF http://www.sunderlandschools.org/mfl-sunderland

    Slide 2:Adventskranz

    In Germany Christmas celebrations start a lot earlier than in England. Most German families have an Adventskranz (a type of wreath). There are four candles on the Adventskranz and one is lit on each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas day.

    Slide 3:Adventskalender

    Most German children also have an Adventskalender. These are also popular in England now. For each day up to Christmas, there is a door to be opened. Sometimes behind this door you will find a picture or sometimes a piece of chocolate

    Slide 4:St. Niklaus

    On the eve of the 6th December, German children are visited by St. Niklaus (Santa Claus). They leave their shoes or boots out and when they wake up they find them filled with chocolates, fruit, nuts, sweets and St Niklaus figures.

    Slide 5:Der heilige Abend

    German speaking families celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve (der heilige Abend). The parents decorate the tree in the Weihnachtszimmer (Christmas room) with apples, sometimes with real candles, baubles (Kugeln) and with Engelshaar (angels hair tinsel).

    Slide 6:Der Weihnachtsbaum

    At the top of the tree the parents put a star (Stern) and at the foot of the tree is the crib (die Krippe).

    Slide 7:Das Christkind

    Now its time for the Christ Child (das Christkind) or the Weihnachtsmann (Father Christmas) to bring the presents. When he has been, the children are allowed into the Weihnachtszimmer for die Bescherung (distribution of presents).

    Slide 8:Das Weihnachtsessen

    The Germans and Austrians often eat carp (Karpfen) for their Christmas meal. This is usually followed by goose (der Weihnachtsgans).

    Slide 9:Das Weihnachtsessen

    Other Christmas foods are Lebkuchen, which are spicy ginger biscuits, and Stollen, which is the German Christmas cake.

    Slide 10:Jingle Bells

    Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, klingt es weit und breit. Schn ist eine Schlittenfahrt im Winter wenn es schneit. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, klingt es weit und breit. Mach' mit mir 'ne Schneeballschlacht, der Winter steht bereit!

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