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Maintaining Culture as Your Business Grows


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Maintaining Culture as Your Business Grows

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  1. Maintaining Culture as YourBusinessGrows By the time they come to us, our healthcare clients have already established that growth is a priority. As we’re putting together a roadmap for what that growthwill look like, there’s usually another priority in our clients’ minds: culture. Specifically, how to keep a positive culture inplace as thebusinessgrows. We know thatpractice ownerspoura lot of effortintobuildinga positivecultureattheir first location. And with these tips, you’ll be able to maintain that culture among employees andpatientsateverynewlocation.Here are a fewideasto getyou started. Scaling amedicalaestheticspractice?Read our tips onwhattoconsider asyougrowhere. Scalinga DSO? HereareourtopDSO scaling strategiesfor2023. WhatDoesCultureLook Like in a Healthcare Practice?

  2. First, let’s bust the myththat culture is about having great benefitsor Fridayafternoon pizza parties.Whilethesemight beindicators of a good culture,whatmattersmore ishow itfeelstowork atyourpractice.Whenemployeesfeelsupported,invested in,and excited to beat work,thesearegreenflags for the stateofyourcompany culture.Inversely,a toxic workplace culture often leadsto the opposite: employeeswho don’t feel supported,valued, orhappy atwork. When itcomes togrowth,practiceswithpositiveculturesarebetter positioned for expansion.Therearemanyintangiblebenefits to apositiveculturelikeloweremployee turnover,higher production,andeven moreloyalcustomers. Ofcourse,thisdoesn’t comeautomatically.Mostthetime,smallbusinesseswithstrong cultures haveintentional missionstatementsandcorevalues thatthey’vebuiltintoevery aspect of the practice.Theyhave passionateleaderswhokeepthe missionsand values at the heart of hiringdecisions,branding,and even operations.And,theyhaveprocesses that preventsome conflict andfrustration that leadsto a toxic environment. Let’ssee whatthat looks like atthe practicelevel. How Do Practice Owners Foster a Positive Workplace Culture? Beforewe getahead ofourselvesandtalkabout growth,let’s start atbuildinga strong foundation.Here aresomeways to createapositive workplace culturethatmakesyour staffexcitedto walk through the door each day. Values,Mission,andVision Wordscan’tdefinetheorganization’sculture.However,theycanactas solid remindersof who you are,whatyoucare about,and howyou want to treat peoplewhointeractwith your business.That’s why it’s importantforleadersto comeupwithaclear mission statement, avision,and corevalues.

  3. (If you alreadyhaveamission orvisionstatement,considerwhetherit’s anaccurate reflectionof thebusiness.Itmight betimetorestructurethatstatementtoreflectwhoyou are.) Onceyour company valuesare identified,rememberthatto build theminto the culture, they need to bepracticedand experiencedby everyemployeeand patient.Thatwhy communication iskey.You canlistyour mission statement or values onyour website, businesscards,advertisements,andonthewalls of yourpractice. Communication Communicating a positive culture isn’t just about telling your employees your core values orposting your missionon yourwebsite.(Though,it’s astart!)It’s alsoaboutcreating an environment where people feel safe to give and receive feedback. It’s important for leaders to create lines of communication between all providers, staff, and patients–they will be the truemirrorsof workplaceculture.Whatdoemployeescareabout?Whataretheirgoals? Howmighttheybestruggling? Dothey havegreat ideastoshare?Howdothey best feel supported? Not only is communication key to understanding your culture, it will be key to expandingit as yourorganizationgrows. Processes for Hiring, Training, and Developing Your Team People aretheheart ofyourpractice’sculture.That’swhyit’s soimportanttohireandtrain ateam equippedto carryout thevalues and mission of your business.So, makesure that throughoutthetrainingprocess–fromhiring totraining togoalsetting–yourcompany’s vision is clear.You’remorelikely to find teammemberswhoare a culturefit ifyou can clearly identifyanddescribe some keyelementsto the culture. Whenhiring,lookforcreativity,problem-solvingcapabilities,and,aboveall,apositive attitude.Ifyou’reheadingforgrowth,theseare thetypes ofpeoplewho canhelp take you tothe next level.

  4. Here aremoretipsfor building cultureintoyourteam development: • Collaboratewithall staff (providers,frontdesk,hygienists,etc…)toset personal goals. Whether this is through quarterly reviews or regular conversations, it’s importantforleadersto know what team membersvalueand areworkingtoward. • Ask questions! How are team members motivated? How do they like to communicate?Whataretheypassionate about?Thisstarts at theinterview,but it • shouldcontinuethroughout eachperson’semployment. • Create a safe environment for informal check-ins. Feedback shouldn’t only be given in formal settings–and that goes both ways. Leaders, managers, and team membersshouldbeable to shareideasinproductivewaysand feelincluded in • carryingoutthe company’s vision. • Finally, remember that the best hire is the one you don’t have to make. In other words, keeping employeeretention highand turnoverlowis keyto a consistent culture. • Promotions,payraises,benefits, and respectingindividualemployees’needswillgetyoua longway. • Leadership • Underlyingall of this issolid leadership.And for leaderstofoster apositiveculture,they need to spend time where the people are. Great leaders have a true pulse on every position inthepractice–spending timeatthefrontdesk,withpatients,and withproviders.Analoof owner who communicatesfrom behindacomputerscreen won’t havemuchimpact on • company culture.But onewho’s inthe officeand feelslikepart of the staff will. • Ifyou’rejuststarting,answer a simplequestion:Whatdoesworkplaceculturemean to you?Whatdoyouwantyour practicetofeel like–for employees,patients,andyourself?

  5. Once you’ve gotthat nailed down,it’s time to put it intoactionatanoperational level.Of course,notethat“culture”isnotthe sameas“policies.”Policiesmighthelp setboundaries, butculturesets the tone. • HowCanLeadersMaintain WorkplaceCultureas Your BusinessGrows? • Ifyou’verecognizedthestrengthof your currentculture,congratulations!You’vealready done thefirstpart—you’vegot thesecretsauce forahappy,productiveteam.Now,you can learn howto carry the culture as your businessgrows–from one location to many. • Hereare a few tipsformaintainingcultureasyouopen new locations: • Communication is key.Be clear about yoursharedvision,mission,andvalues and createanenvironmentwhere peoplefeel empoweredto share in it. • Hirepeoplewithagrowth-mindedattitude. Makesureyouhaveaninterview processthat helps you to figure outif people are ready to grow alongwithyou. • Be willing to stay flexibleandflytheplanewhile you’restillbuildingit. Evenif • you’ve doneit once,everynew ventureisdifferent.Bewillingtoadaptand find new ways. Chancesare,yourculturewill bestrongerforit. • Be transparentaboutyour growth goalsanddreams.Thatway,everyone can feel included in thevision. • Train the trainer.Ifyou’veledasolopractice,you alreadyunderstandthe importance ofdelegation.Createmoreleadersreadyto helpyourbusinessthrive.

  6. Keepinmindthathowyougrowwillimpacthowyou’reabletoduplicateculture.Ade novostrategyisacleanslate.You’llgettohireyourteamfromscratchwiththesame values,mission,and proceduresthatworked thefirsttime.Acquisitions cansometimepose morechallenges,butwithclearcommunicationandcollaboration,youcanidentify the shared values thatwillset the tone fora strong shared culture. SkytaleGroupCan Help YourBusinessGrow Effectively At Skytale,we’re in the businessof growth—butgrowth thatlasts.Wedon’twantyour employeestoburn outor yourcash flow to rundry.Our combineddecades ofexperience leadingmedicalaesthetics anddental practices to successhave taughtus how to help businesses likeyours growin a sustainable way. If you’reready topartner witha financial CFOand growthguru,pleasegetin touch today.

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