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How Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health

Keeping up with physical wellbeing is very important. Whenever it comes to maintaining a healthy regime, we always think of maintaining our physical health. We all take jogging, exercising, and weightlifting into consideration. But, we often neglect the importance of maintaining a sound psychological health. It is very crucial to keep up the balance between the two, because compromising any one of them can create unrest and can imbalance your lifestyle.

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How Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health

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  1. How Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health Keeping up with physical wellbeing is very important. Whenever it comes to maintaining a healthy regime, we always think of maintaining our physical health. We all take jogging, exercising, and weightlifting into consideration. But, we often neglect the importance of maintaining a sound psychological health. It is very crucial to keep up the balance between the two, because compromising any one of them can create unrest and can imbalance your lifestyle. Wellbeing of mental health plays an important role in controlling the physical health. Because a sound body can only resonate with a sound mind. Mental health consists of our social, psychological, and emotional stability. This whole ecosystem influences how we will feel, think and how we react to situations in our daily lives. Your capability to handle these emotions, stress, how you mingle with the society, and taking decisions according to these instances are associated by your psychological state. Below are a few reasons they will tell why you should prioritise your mental health along with physical well-being 1. Psychological health connects with physical well-being- Do you know, there is a very deep connection between the well-being of the mental state to keep up in good physical health or vice versa. For example if you are having an emotional breakdown, you would not be able to go to gym and focus on that strength training. No, it won't create the synergy needed to do so. So it's important to know that staying sane in your head can lead you to a well done physical work. Having a stable mind helps you to stay focused in all your daily chores. Because, in that way you can easily focus on your work, without getting distracted. 2. Mental stress leads to money stress- People often fail to understand how mental unrest can hamper financial stability. Because it's not as showcasable as when it affects physical health. Improper mental conditions can often result in decreased productivity, which directly affects the work. According to a study, people having a bad psychological health take more leaves from work, resulting in pay cuts and demotions, which directly affects the salaries, leading to lower income rate. So, it should be noted that to increase financial freedom, one must

  2. be mentally sound to take care of all the financial aspects. 3. Spoiled Family- If a person is suffering from mental unrest, it's the family who often catches the heat of it. With excessive mental stress, it's possible to get frustrated at times. As the victim spends most of the time at their home, it would be safe to say that families can often be the soft target to vent out their frustrations. This may include verbal or physical abuse. If the stress is not addressed immediately or ignored for long, it starts reflecting onto your children or other family members. Kids in such families often grow up introverted, low on self-esteem, sensitive or impulsive with the issues or with a similar disrupted mental state. So, it's important to understand them and address them at the right time. A family counselling can often help with this. 4. Leads to substance abuse- When the psychological instability is ignored for a long time or when you don't understand it, a person often routes towards substance abuse-. That can be excessive drinking, smoking, consuming drugs etc. All these ways are just a means to produce dopamine, a type of neurotransmitter, responsible for making us feel pleasure. When you are stressed, the dopamine level drops and creates a need. When you smoke, drink or consume drugs, it triggers the dopamine level and results in unrelieved stress, that's why they are often used as a stress buster. Well, these are some few examples and facts that state why it is important to keep a balance between physical and mental health. If you are looking for some extra care for you or anyone who's not able to maintain a good mental well-being, feel free to contact Space2BHeard. We are experts in handling all kinds of treatments, ranging from work force wellbeing to all the necessary personal counselling. All your therapy secrets are safe with us and it would be a great change in your life, once you decide on choosing therapy.

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