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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Topics: Previous Years Questions

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Topics: Previous Years Questions

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  1. 5 Previous IELTS Writing Task 2 Exam Questions and Answers To Target Band 9 Writing skill is something which we are predominantly good at because we have been writing from our childhood and it becomes something we are good at as well. The IELTS writing task 2 is full of essay topic questions where you have to write a lot. The problem students face here is not writing 250 words, but writing a well-structured essay under the 40 minutes time frame. In this article let us look at some IELTS writing task 2 topics. Here you will get 5 recent writing task 2 exam questions along with sample answers Sample Answer for IELTS Test:

  2. Technology has made rapid progress in the past decade. It has changed the way people communicate with each other. It has made lives easier yet taken out the aspect of physical presence which was essential to communicate with another person in the past. Technology has opened up new avenues in the way we communicate with another person situated anywhere on the globe. It has enabled us to connect and share information with people irrespective of their location. This advancement in technology makes it easier for us to find and befriend like-minded people. Each new method that is developed also gives us the option to choose the level of intimacy and frequency of our communication with another person. In my opinion, this growth can make people feel socially active and more willing to engage in conversation with new people. Other View On the other hand, technology takes away the physical aspect of communication. This limitation can make people feel an absence of the human touch and can take away from the clarity of a message. Communicating through messaging or phone can only go as far as getting the words across. We human beings are social animals and need to connect with other beings in their physical form in order to feel a deep connection. One always has the option to ignore social interactions online, but it’s harder to do that in real life. I feel that technology doesn’t allow for deep connections to be built because of the above limitations. Now Wrap it Up To summarize, technology can be used to build newer connections at one’s own comfort and pace but its limitations don’t allow for deep lifelong relationships to blossom.

  3. Essay Topics Question Number Two: The only way to solve the increasing crime rate of young offenders is to teach parents better parenting skills. To what extent do you agree? Sample Answer for IELTS Essay Test: Family environment and upbringing has a huge impact on the psychology of a child. It is the value system they are brought up in that shapes their personalities. I completely agree that parenting skills play a major role in how children behave in society. Many studies point to an unhappy childhood as the root cause of juveniles committing acts of crime. Parenting skills are an ignored topic in many societies. Learning how to communicate better with children is a skill that needs nurturing and development over time. One needs to understand the impact that bad parenting can have on children. In recent years we have seen a rise in Juvenile crime. This could be due to families becoming more nuclear and not having the support or wisdom of elders in the family. Wrap it Up Slowly There is also an increasing trend of both parents working which can make a child feel alone and disconnected from the family. Given these circumstances, it becomes essential for parents to communicate well and to plan their schedules effectively. These skills are not viewed as essential by a lot of parents. This can have a negative impact on the behaviour of a child and cause feelings of depression, anger and sadness. If these feelings are left unaddressed, they can escalate into acts of crime.

  4. For a harmonious and peaceful society, every individual needs to contribute and develop the future generation is a task that starts at home. Hence, teaching parenting skills to parents is the right approach to decreasing the crime rate of young offenders. Sample Question Number Three for IELTS Writing Task 2: Employers should give longer holidays to employees to encourage them to do their job well. Do you agree? Sample Answer for IELTS Essay Topic: I partly agree with the above statement that employers should give longer holidays to employees to increase productivity. I think that the productivity of an employee depends on many factors. And for each employee, it can be a different factor. Keeping subjectivity in mind, we cannot say that one solution fits all. Each employee has a different motivation for working and coming to the workplace. Some employees work for monetary benefits while some enjoy the social aspect of a workplace. Longer holidays are definitely helpful for employees to achieve work-life balance. Employees would be able to spend time focusing on their health, family and other interests which can lead to a happier life for them. This may not necessarily lead to an increase in productivity at the workplace as long periods of absence from work can cause the momentum of a project to halt. Wrap it Up Slowly It has also been observed that when employees are away from work for long periods of time, they build resistance to coming back to work. This mindset is

  5. counter-productive for the workplace. It can lead to employee demotivation and unhappiness when at work. A lot of employees also use the workplace to socialise and meet with friends and colleagues. A long gap can leave them feeling lonely which can, in turn, affect productivity. An employer must find out what drives each employee and try to find a balanced solution to building a great workplace. Trying to use a single solution to solve a major problem like productivity may not work very well. Longer holidays have benefits as well as drawbacks which need to be evaluated carefully. Sample Question Number Four for Common IELTS Topics: Some students tend to play computer games rather than do sports. Why is this? What can be done to tackle the problem? Sample Answer for IELTS Essay Topic under 40 Minutes: I feel that students end up choosing video games over sports as it causes the brain to release adrenaline causing hormones in high quantities. These hormones that make people excited can be addictive to a certain extent. The other motivation for students to enjoy video games is because it offers them an alternate life through virtual reality. Games often have characters that a player can build. Some games help you to connect with your friends worldwide and play together, which also gives the game a social element.

  6. In sports, one needs to work with the body. Training it regularly and practising physical skills can take a toll on individuals. Some people avoid physical exhaustion and fatigue. There is also a heightened risk of injuries in sports. This fear of injuries can be detrimental to people who are afraid of getting hurt. Wrap it Up Slowly This problem can be solved by educating students on the health effects of a sedentary lifestyle. School curriculums should include mandatory sports as well as theoretical lessons on the benefits of playing sports. Sports should be taught with the right format and training for students to see value in it. They should also be encouraged by peers and parents to pursue sports for the immense benefits it has. Families should replace television watching with sports and outdoor activities to encourage children from a young age to develop the habit. Making it a part of their childhood routine can make it harder for them to break the habit of playing a sport. Sample Question Number Five for Essay Topics of IELTS Writing Task 2: Tourism is encouraged in many countries. Does tourism bring more advantages or disadvantages to a country? IELTS Essay Answer for Common IELTS Sample Topic: I feel that tourism has more advantages than disadvantages to any country. Tourism is an industry that contributes to the economy of a country. It not only brings foreign exchange to a country but also creates awareness about the culture of a

  7. region. There are several countries that spend money on advertising and marketing because they have realized the importance of creating a new source of income. Nations like Thailand, Mauritius and Bali are highly dependent on tourism and are tourist-friendly nations as well. There are many advantages to encouraging tourism in a country. It can help a nation open new streams of income. The hospitality industry, the transport industry and commodities market are some sections in the society that will benefit immensely. Also Read : Simple Ways to Improve Your IELTS Writing Vocabulary: Guide to Your Desired Score Wrap it Up Slowly The locals will find new opportunities for employment and will also be able to exchange culture with visitors from other nations. Tourism will also help educate visitors from other countries about the local heritage and history. The disadvantages of encouraging tourism in a country can be unchecked immigration, illegal trading of goods and services and the increase in crime rate against foreigners. All of these limitations can be dealt with effectively if the government makes tourism development a part of their plan and standardizes certain processes. Educating the locals and building effective transport systems within and outside a city can help combat crime rates against tourists. If tourism is regulated well within a country, it can help in the progress of a nation and its citizens. Some More Sample Essay Topics for IELTS Writing Test 2 To help you gear up for the IELTS test, here are 15 sample essay topics for IELTS writing task 2 that you have to answer under 40 minutes. Star practising these

  8. IELTS essay topics for widening your scope of achieving your dream band score. All these IELTS essay topics are from IELTS tests in 2018 from January to October.which are written by IELTS test 8 Band scorers. In this way, you can read the sample answer and learn how you can answer similar questions in your IELTS essay test. Sample Question Number One: Some people think that modern technology is making people more sociable, while others think it is making them less sociable. Discuss both views and give your opinion Bonus – 15 Recent IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics So we thought it would be an added benefit we can add 15 more recent IELTS writing task 2 topics on this task and you can start practicing those questions by following the above ones. Well, it will surely help if you start practicing these given questions because all of these were asked in 2018 from January to October. 15 Recent IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics These IELTS writing task 2 essay topics are some of the finest which were selected and reviewed by the experts. These are solely meant for helping all the IELTS test aspirants. These sample questions are offered with detailed answers. You can also enhance your writing task 2 vocabulary and start writing the answers by yourself under 40 minutes. Conclusion

  9. Hopefully, this article will help you enhance your writing skills for different essay topics that are under common IELTS test. Do let us know how are you preparing for the IELTS writing task 2, by sharing your comment in the box below.

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