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The true cost of slow connectivity for businesses

The true cost of slow connectivity for businesses

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The true cost of slow connectivity for businesses

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  1. The true cost of slow connectivity for businesses Think that your business’s Internet connection couldn’t get any faster and isn’t having a detrimental effect on your business’s income? Think again. It most likely is. Your Internet connectivity may seem advanced when comparing it to the dial-up days of the 1990s – but internet speeds from only two years ago are now not enough to run your business efficiently. They are too slow, and like anything that’s too slow within a company – it sucks up time, halts productivity, and sees sales opportunities and profits go amiss. Slow Internet connections are crippling small to medium-sized business all over the US. They waste hours of employees’ time per week, losing them tens of thousands of dollars per year, and cost the US economy billions. The average employee whittles away no less than one week per year waiting for a network to respond. Now multiply this loss by 10, 20 or 100 employees. "Our entire business runs in the cloud. We use Slack, Google Drive and Zoho CRM to tie everything together. If our team can’t access those three pieces, the whole thing comes to a halt." - Matt Antonino, Head of Operations for Digital Eagles Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of an Internet connection. It measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of time – and the US is crying out for more of it. The US is lagging behind is in upgrading infrastructure that will see the nation bask in quicker Internet speeds. The US isn’t even in the top 10 countries of fastest average connection speeds worldwide – and we invented the damn thing. Why is your business's internet connectivity so important? Employees are now connecting to your WiFi connection with additional devices: smartphones, tablets, IPads, and laptops are all running music players or image and video heavy apps. Even in their downtime, employees expect to be able to access the internet and make the most of their breaks.

  2. These days, the office is built on cloud-based apps, including one of the most critical clogs within a business: a cloud-based CRM system. Most companies are aware of the issue of hidden cloud use inside their company by employees, but they may be significantly underestimating the extent of the problem. The average medium to large-sized business is using over 400 cloud- based apps. It’s likely that the most popular apps used on your business’s server won’t be used for business purposes. In a medium to large-sized business, a single app like Instagram will be used by thousands of people. We all know the frustration of a slow internet connection. File transfers, pages buffering, documents downloading – and generally any blue circles that spin for what seems like an eternity can demotivate your staff and makes them less productive. Even in this day and age of technological advancements, it’s high on the list of office grumbles when it doesn’t need to be. When staff are dealing with customers, the connectivity can vastly improve the speed at which CRM works and that clients are dealt with meaning better efficiency and happier clients. Should your organisation’s CRM system be sluggish, your customers’ experiences will suffer. So, don’t be that fun vacuum who bans YouTube for staff, get an internet connection that suits your business now and in the future. Dedicated bandwidth is now cheaper than ever. To find out how TelcoSolutions can help you find the best internet connectivity for your business at the best price, request a free quote. View & Download Original Source @ https://www.telcosolutions.net/post/the-true-cost-of-slow- connectivity-for-businesses

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