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Top 10 Things Avoid on Social Media - TopXListing

If you are not getting desired result from your social media profile by using SMO then may be you are doing something wrong. Find out what are the 10 things which you need to avoid on social media.

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Top 10 Things Avoid on Social Media - TopXListing

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  1. Top​​​​10​​​​Things​​​​Avoid​​​​on​​​​Social​​​​Media Today social media is one of the most influential things. It is almost impossible to ignore it as it becomes a necessity of our daily routine life. Now in this, if you are running a brand or have a website then surely you are promoting your brand using social media but if you are not getting the desired result then maybe you are making one​​of​​these​​social​​media​​mistakes.​​Read​​and​​implement​​now. Things​​​​Avoid​​​​on​​​​Social​​​​Media 1.​​​​Stick​​​​With​​​​Facebook​​​​Only When talking about branding, the first thing which comes to our mind is Facebook, right? Most of the people start their branding process with Facebook. Well, there is nothing wrong in it but as you know if you want to get most of your branding then you need​​to​​choose​​or​​try​​different​​platforms​​too. There are many other social sites which give you enough attention which may be you can’t imagine. You can go to sites like Twitter and LinkedIn. Apart from it, you can also try Pinterest which is currently one of the most underestimated social media platforms. If you have an eCommerce site, then you can optimize your pins for converting sales. Now depends on your nature of your blog or site you can choose the​​social​​site.

  2. 2.​​​​Handling​​​​Too​​​​Many​​​​Social​​​​Networks Now it is not like you need to make account everywhere. By doing this, you are just making a mess. Yes, you read it right. It’s better to focus on few social networks. As said above depends on the nature of your site you can choose the social networks. Facebook and Twitter are recommended for all. Apart from it if you are selling any professional service, then you can choose LinkedIn. Now if you have lots of amazing graphics​​or​​infographics​​then​​don’t​​hesitate​​to​​go​​with​​Pinterest​​and​​Instagram. 3.​​​​Post​​​​Random​​​​Things If you are the one who is posting totally random things on social accounts, then you need to stop yourself immediately. This is the main reason why you are not growing and if you are growing then definitely you are getting a wrong audience. If you really want to grow then post the things which related to your blog or brand. Now posting only links is too odd because it may completely spoil your brand. If you really want to get a targeted audience then make sure to post things which are related to your brand.​​It​​could​​be​​tips,​​images,​​video​​and​​more. 4.​​​​Forget​​​​Spell​​​​Check Most of the people proofread their article before publishing the post. But when it comes to social media, the same group of people becomes totally careless. If you are one of them, then post carefully. We are saying this because your text is more highlighted and people tend to like to read more as it is a single line of text. It is recommended​​because​​even​​experts​​made​​typo​​mistakes. 5.​​​​Responding​​​​Unprofessionally On social media, if people like your post then they start responding to it by liking and commenting on it. Now if you are offering any services then people may ask lots of question like how to contact you, how to get particular products and more. Maybe you respond few but don’t get frustrated when you have to reply every question again and again. Deal with them professionally and reply them patiently. This will show​​how​​much​​you​​are​​caring​​about​​your​​audience. 6.​​​​Being​​​​Too​​​​Casual Social media lets you directly communicate with your audience. If you are too casual with your audience, then you may hurt some high-class people sentiments. We are not saying you need to follow a set of rules of conversation. All you need to deal differently. For instance, if someone commented on local language then reply them on the same language, it will give comfort to him/her as maybe he/she don’t know

  3. English properly. Apart from it don’t use textspeak abbreviations like “u” instead of “you.” 7.​​​​Unattended​​​​Comments This rule applies on both, social media and your site too. Unattended comments show that you don’t care about your audience. Even if you have a large base of followers or visitors who post hundreds of comments try to reply to everyone. However, sometimes it may get impossible but still try to reply. Now if you are a newbie then you may get fewer comments. This is a great opportunity for you to make a habit of replying every comment. This will not just ​increase the creditability of your​​brand​​​but​​also​​gives​​an​​​​SEO​​boost​. 8.​​​​Posting​​​​in​​​​Hurry Most of the people are posting things on social media in a hurry like broken links, pixilated images, incomplete messages and more. Don’t be the one, before hitting the​​publish​​or​​post​​button​​make​​sure​​to​​have​​a​​look​​at​​what​​you​​are​​posting. 9.​​​​Cross​​​​Posting If you are the one who is utilizing the same post for every social media platform, then let us tell you that most of the time you are not getting what you are expecting and the reason is simple. All social media have their own fields and rules. For instance, Twitter allows you only 140 characters, and if you utilize the same post on Facebook and​​Tumblr,​​then​​it​​may​​not​​work​​as​​it​​will​​go​​unnoticed. 10.​​​​Ignoring​​​​Negative​​​​Comments If you are hiding from negative comments, then you need to face them. Apologize for your mistake, and even someone tries to create a wrong impression of your brand deal with them professionally and provide the resources to prove them wrong. Negative comments are a great way to learn your mistakes. Fix them and make your brand​​more​​powerful. Source​​​​Link:​​​​​http://www.topxlisting.com/top-10-things-avoid-social-media/

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