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How To Control Blood Sugar Spike

Most of us experience blood sugar spikes, which typically occur after meals. This might lead to a variety of bodily symptoms and ailments. You can prevent blood sugar rises by making easy dietary modifications, such as adhering to a low-carb, high-fibre diet and avoiding added sugars and processed carbohydrates.

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How To Control Blood Sugar Spike

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  1. How To Control Blood Sugar Spike Most of us experience blood sugar spikes, which typically occur after meals. This might lead to a variety of bodily symptoms and ailments. Sugar, commonly known as glucose, in the meals you eat provides energy to your body. Consider it as a source of energy that keeps your body active all day. Since glucose is essential to how our bodies work, having too much of it can have negative effects on almost every element of our physical and mental well-being. COMMON CAUSES OF BLOOD SUGAR SPIKE Diet: Consuming foods that are high in sugar or carbs increases the likelihood that blood sugar levels may rise. Remember to keep track of the carbs in your drinks because they all have an impact on your blood sugar levels, including juice, soda, electrolyte beverages, and sugary coffee drinks. Skipping breakfast: There is a reason why breakfast is regarded as the most significant meal of the day. Blood sugar levels can rise if breakfast is skipped. It could be more difficult to control blood sugar levels as the day goes on. Stress: When the body experiences a lot of stress, it generates chemicals that raise glucose and decrease insulin’s efficiency. More glucose remains in the circulation as a result. Sleep issues: There are several benefits to prioritising proper sleep hygiene. Blood sugar levels can rise as a result of sleep deprivation; even one night of insufficient sleep might impair your body’s ability to utilise insulin. SIMPLE TIPS TO REDUCE BLOOD SUGAR SPIKE ●Complex carbs aid in blood sugar regulation. Your body converts every food you consume into sugar, which serves as its primary source of energy. However, this process takes longer for some meals, giving your body more time to metabolise the sugar. Because of this, whole grain foods like brown rice, pasta, and bread are better for you.

  2. The additional fibre slows down digestion, prevents a sugar surge, and prolongs your feeling of fullness. Your pancreas will be taxed by the refined white varieties, which will also probably make you want to consume more. In order to balance blood sugar, your body releases insulin, which makes us hungry. As a result, following a surge in blood sugar, you’ll be looking for more food. Other simple switches involve substituting fruit juice with whole fruit. ●Always start your meal with vegetables Starting each meal with vegetables, especially leafy greens, cucumbers, zucchini, or other non-starchy vegetables, is one of the greatest methods to reduce blood sugar increases. After that, consume your protein, good fats, and finally carbs (such as rice, roti, and breads). The fibre helps prevent any blood sugar spikes, followed by the fat and protein. CONCLUSION There are other factors to consider when strategically eating to maintain blood sugar level. Given that you can use it with any meal, eating your food in a specific order is a practical and easy strategy to prevent blood sugar spikes. Furthermore, the order is simple: Vegetables first, followed by protein and lipids, and then carbohydrates. You can prevent blood sugar rises by making easy dietary modifications, such as adhering to a low-carb, high-fibre diet and avoiding added sugars and processed carbohydrates. Beyond aiding in blood sugar regulation, frequent exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and drinking plenty of water can all improve your health. To know more: https://transformwithnatasha.com/how-to-control-blood-sugar- spike/

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