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Ways to keep your vascular system healthy-Vask

The health risk of vascular diseases must not be ignored, considering the fact that it can wreak havoc on the human body. We might not necessarily understand the seriousness of vascular diseases unless we or our loved ones end up having one. Vascular conditions if not treated in time can progress to a point where it may leave the affected person in a state of permanent disability or can even put oneu2019s life at stake too. Despite the inevitable increase in prevalence of these conditions with advancing age, it is quite often also seen in relatively younger individuals who follow an unhealthy life

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Ways to keep your vascular system healthy-Vask

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  1. Ways to keep your vascular system healthy The health risk of vascular diseases must not be ignored, considering the fact that it can wreak havoc on the human body. We might not necessarily understand the seriousness of vascular diseases unless we or our loved ones end up having one. Vascular conditions if not treated in time can progress to a point where it may leave the affected person in a state of permanent disability or can even put one’s life at stake too. Despite the inevitable increase in prevalence of these conditions with advancing age, it is quite often also seen in relatively younger individuals who follow an unhealthy life-style or suffer from lifestyle related diseased. Understanding the graveness of vascular diseases and making all the necessary lifestyle changes accordingly are vital for the good health of our vascular system. Vascular diseases may also be inherited, but are rare. So positive lifestyle changes are necessary to improve our overall well-being and reduce our chances of developing vascular ailments. Lifestyle Changes for Vascular Health Maintain a Healthy Diet The food you choose to eat makes a lot of difference. Maintaining a healthy diet can reduce your chances of developing life-style related diseases. Unhealthy food habits lead to the building up of plaque in arteries. Clean eating is the key. Stay away from foods that are rich in saturated fats and bad cholesterol. Avoid excessive salt intake, high calorie foods, and also avoid over-eating. Vascular surgeons recommend a healthy balanced diet that is rich also in protein and fibre. It is always advisable to consult a dietitian on deciding the proper healthy diet that suits your need. Exercise regularly Individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to vascular diseases. Being physically active is beneficial to overall well-being and vascular health. This does not mean that one has to undertake arduous physical activity. Basic exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming and yoga are all good in boosting vascular health. Even walking for at least 30 minutes per day has a positive impact on our health and well-being. One can choose whatever exercise they are most comfortable with and can be regularly performed. A doctor or a qualified fitness expert can help you find the right fitness regime. Maintain a healthy body weight It is essential to maintain a healthy body weight to avoid various risk factors associated with vascular diseases. Maintaining body weight within the ideal range can help keep your blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid (cholesterol) levels under control. Losing weight keep you agile and physically and mentally fit.

  2. Hydrate often Hydration is crucial for vascular health. Not hydrating well enough not only hampers the efficiency of the heart to pump blood throughout the body, but also it can increase the chance of clots developing within the blood vessels. Good hydration is also paramount in the upkeep of your kidneys. The recommended amount of water intake would vary according to multiple factors like climatic conditions, the extent of physical activity performed, the amount of food consumed, any other disease states that may restrict our fluid intake etc. Ensure that you consume at least eight glasses of water every day. Manage diabetes Diabetes is strongly linked to a number of vascular ailments. High blood sugar levels contribute to plaque build-up in blood vessels and also deteriorates their elasticity. It is often the vascular affection of arteries of various organs in the body by diabetes that ultimately cause their dysfunction to develop later on. Poor control of blood sugars expedites the onset of vascular diseases and also makes them complicated to manage. Thus, optimally managing diabetes is of paramount importance to prevent vascular diseases. Control blood pressure High blood pressure is another common form of life-style disease. Hypertension can also lead to damage of the blood vessel walls affecting their function and also predispose to formation of blocks. Hence it is necessary to keep blood pressure under control to safeguard the vascular system and lessen the risk of heart attack, aortic aneurysms, kidney failure, stroke, and other deadly diseases. Quit smoking Smoking and the use of other tobacco products adversely affect the vascular system and many other organs as well. Chemicals in cigarettes accelerates atherosclerosis and can also predisposing to thrombosis(clotting). Tobacco smoking thus causes blocks in major arteries which may ultimately lead to heart attack, stroke, amputation of limbs etc. It is also associated with weakening of major arteries like aorta that may result in abnormal dilatation or ballooning called aneurysm, which may be fatal if they rupture. Alcohol consumption also doesn’t get along well with vascular health. Thus, it is also important to restrict alcohol consumption to maintain vascular health. Beat the stress Being overly stressed will take a toll on your vascular health. Stress management is essential for overall health and well-being. Higher level of stress can trigger an upsurge in blood pressure,

  3. blood sugar and cholesterol levels and is well known to be a major inciting factor for many life- style diseases. Practising yoga or meditation is very helpful in keep stress at bay. Sleep well, stay healthy Getting adequate sleep is essential to maintain vascular health. For most people the recommended duration of sleep is about eight hours, but this duration can vary from individual to individual based on other factors like age. Not only the duration but also the quality of sleep is important. Avoiding drinks like coffee, tea at night and not watching electronic devices or television at least two hours before intended sleep time are helpful in achieving a sound sleep. Sedentary life paired with unhealthy lifestyle habits is a recipe for deterioration of our vascular health. It is very vital to be vigilant about the different changes occurring in the body due to our lifestyle choices and act accordingly. Optimal care of mental and physical health is necessary to achieve the best potential of our vascular system. Nonetheless, when disease strikes, it is equally essential to consult an expert vascular surgeon or specialist for further assistance and advice. Find the best vascular surgeons in Kerala with the Vascular Society of Kerala (VASK). For more information, visit www.vask.co.in.

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