

Though the study was intended to determine which societies were most insistent on wearing clothes with the objective of modesty, this study discovered that children's awareness of nakedness was strongly tinged with remorse. As they aged they conformed more to their parents' modesty training, thereby causing children's guilt about nakedness to grow with age. Such guilt was found in kids who didn't comprehend, accept, or appreciate their body and its sex organs as natural and ordinary. Robin Lewis and Louis Janda conducted a study in 1998 to analyze the connection between adult sexual adjustment and childhood exposure to nudity, sleeping in the parental bed, and parental attitudes toward sexuality. These parts had mixed results in previous studies, which necessitated additional research. Lewis and Janda used an extensive questionnaire to study 210 undergraduate university students about their youth encounters with nudity. The results of the study were clear: there is a positive association between youth exposure to nudity and adult sexual comfort. Further, the study found that children from birth to age five who were exposed to nudity felt less discomfort with affection and physical contact as they grew older. Kids ages 6-11 who were exposed to nudity (i.e. nudist kids ) had greater self esteem and knowledge about sex. Margaret Mead is an anthropologist who has finished many studies on the effects of nudity on children and is one of the most well-known researchers on this subject. Dr. Mead analyzed cultures throughout the world and noted many negative effects that clothes had in the western culture's garments-dependent society. These effects include a separation of self from your body, a deficiency of point of comparison for all body parts as a result of clothes covering them, a preoccupation with sex that's accentuated through clothing, and a lack of education about the human body associated with lack of exposure to it. She further identified the nudity or partial nudity common to more primitive cultures was not an indicator of a deficiency of modesty, and the way nudity is managed within a culture is more important compared to the existence of nudity in ascertaining whether it'll have negative effects. One area that she emphasizes is that a child must see nudity among adults so which they know what their body will become; this is critical to the developing individual. One common theme throughout the research was the effect of the household's and society's attitude about nudity on kids. The existence of a favorable or negative approach towards nudity was far more important than another factor in nearly every situation when it came to how a kid would respond to nudity around them. These studies reveal that not only is nudity not harmful to kids (sorry Dr. Spock), but that they can benefit in various ways from exposure to nudity in a body-positive, accepting environment. Children can get increased knowledge and comprehension of the body in every one of its types along with greater comfort with sexuality and physical contact as they grow old. learn to accept their own bodies and have greater self esteem. Thus it's really up to us as parents, as educators, as individuals, as a society, to embrace a more open and accepting perspective of nudity for kids to gain. On a continuing note: Nudity, Family Nudism and Raising Naturist Children Guest nudist Site Family Naturism and Raising Nudist Kids Nudism is a way of life, a doctrine for some. It's not about stripping offone's clothing to be an exhibitionist. It is about personal independence and acceptance of the human anatomy in all its kinds and . I grew up in a nude home that supportednudismand family nudity. It was only natural that my husband and I also practice family naturism. When in private, we and our childrenrefrain from wearing clothing in our house and secluded garden. We have selected a homethat is away from others, enabling us to express ourselves in our own manner. Family Naturism is one type of expression for us. Just as others pick particular clothing to wear, we, in our family, simply pick to wear none. Family nudism, nudity in your family and parenting naturist kids Our young children, ages four and six, have complete approval in their bodies. They understand the proper names for their human body and use them so. There's no fear or embarrassment about seeing a man naked. My loving husband and I regularly speak about how lovely our kids are. Nudity, in many ways, has brought us all closer together. As a family, we honor the rights and wishes of others as well as most social norms. If company comes to call, such as other youngsters from from our kids school, or when we go out in public, everyone is dressed. However, the moment privacy is restored, we are all fast to discard any covering and poof - back to being the nude family again.


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