

Purpose IN Community Speaking IN English A Certain variety of scholar speaker is like the male in the old music with the blithe refrain:"I never know where I'm heading, but I'm on my way." He has no objective, no goal, but he goes ahead just the identical. Question him what his objective is, and as I have aleady remarked he wiU search vaguely about and say, " Why — er — to tell about so-and-so " — mentioning his matter, not his objective. Uncommon certainly is the genius who responses unhesitatingly, " To persuade the class that this sort of-and-such a evaluate would be wise," or, " To entertain my viewers with an account of some private adventures." Nevertheless it ought to be apparent that in English talking as in other things a very clear set goal is essential if one particular is to stand a realistic likelihood of accomplishing it. Absence of a clear objective is a habit with twentieth century men and women. Rapidity and complexity of existence guide by natural means to confusion, haste, superficiality and muddle-headedness and with these goes vagueness of function. If the college student speaker is to defeat the routine in his personal situation he have to very first discover by examination what the achievable purposes of a speaker are, and then so govern himself that he by no means speaks except with 1 of people reasons certainly and dominantly in thoughts. Remembering that function in a speaker is to be considered in terms of what he is attempting to do to the audience, we might pretty say that the possible reasons are : l. To tell 2. To enlighten . To influence 4. To impress 5. To excite six. To actuate 7. To entertain Observe that each of these is offered in the kind of a transitive verb to which the words and phrases "the viewers " may be included as direct object. The classification is arbitrary, of training course. Other writers divide in a different way, or use different termssome blend figures 1 and two, or four and 5, or 5 and six. The scholar could extremely well assess for himself, deciding on his own phrases. The crucial thing is that he shall have some rational classification adequately extensive to incorporate all feasible functions of the speaker, and that he shall use it.


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