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winning the game of procrastination

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winning the game of procrastination

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  1. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay Here is an urgent message to fellow procrastinators short on time: Read this Winning the Game of Procrastination review as this may be the first important step on becoming a doer and not a dawdler. Procrastination may seem like a problem with time management and willpower, but it’s actually an emotional issue with its footprints rooted to the brain. It’s our brain’s way of protecting us from dealing with situations that feel unpleasant or painful. Yes, admittedly, dragging our feet prevents us from achieving goals; but, on a positive note, procrastinatory behavior serves as a defense mechanism. It guards us against disappointment, sadness, shame, and failure. And procrastination may help us slow down to gather more information before we act. But ultimately, whether procrastination results from conscious or unconscious motives, it is a counterproductive force that can exert negative consequences in our lives. It can adversely impact career, relationships, productivity, and even health. Consequently, it is imperative to win this procrastination game and John Assaraf has a game- changing approach. The purpose of this Winning the Game of Procrastination review is to acquaint you with the program's particulars.

  2. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay To Win the Game of Procrastination, Get to the Root of the Problem Procrastination is the thief of time. It’s the biggest saboteur in business and life. Telling yourself that you’re going to get serious about this thing tomorrow is like putting your head in the sand and hoping that it will all just go away. It’s an excuse to live in denial of what you know you should be doing. Does this sound familiar? Tomorrow I will start exercising. Tomorrow I’ll put my financial house in order. Tomorrow I’ll start on my novel. Tomorrow I’ll start a diet. Tomorrow, I’ll look for a job No, we have to stop procrastination in its tracks today. Again, you must realize that procrastination isn’t mismanagement of time; rather, it’s an emotional/mindset issue. You may be setting unrealistic goals for yourself that you feel you can’t achieve. You may be taking on too many tasks at once and not giving yourself enough time to complete them all. You may feel overwhelmed or under-qualified for the task at hand.

  3. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay Trying to change your behavior without addressing the underlying emotional issues that are driving you to procrastinate is like trying to treat a physical ailment with a Band-Aid instead of going to the doctor with a prescription. In Winning the Game of Procrastination, John Assaraf offers a procrastination-busting prescription. His mission is to fundamentally change how our mind processes and reacts to our responsibilities through the power of… Neuroplasticity - Teaching Our Old, Predictable Brains Clever, New Tricks Wait, what? What the heck is neuroplasticity? That’s a good question. Let’s back up. We used to think that the brain was “hard-wired” — meaning that we’re born with certain synaptic connections, and they can’t change. Now, it’s pretty clear that this isn’t exactly true. The brain can form new connections if you work at it It’s called neuroplasticity, and it happens all the time in your brain, without you even knowing it. And you can use this to stop procrastinating and achieve your goals. Here’s how: When you do something new, neurons in your brain fire off to one another (that’s what strengthens them). The more they fire together, the stronger their connection becomes —which means they’ll be quicker to fire together again in the future. The more you repeat an action or thought pattern over time, the faster those neurons will fire together every time you do them.

  4. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay This neuron phenomenon can prove disastrous if you connect work with stress. Work avoidance then becomes a habit to avoid the disconcerting feelings of stress. By forming new associations to work (e.g., pride, satisfaction, eventual gratification, etc.), you become less predisposed to putting off your to do list. We can trace it all to the powerful limbic system. It’s part of the brain that’s all about impulse and emotions, two powerful influencing agents that motivate immediate actions (good or bad). The prefrontal cortex is weaker and less dominant, but it’s the part of your brain where you can realistically make long-term plans. When the limbic system is talking, the prefrontal cortex can’t do much about it. So, if you want to stop procrastinating, you need to enhance the prefrontal cortex’s dominance over the limbic system. You need to override short-term pleasure for long-term gain. This might involve tricking your brain to favor productivity over procrastination. How can this be possible? John Assaraf details how to take steps forward and put immobilization and delay to the wayside.

  5. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay You will be privy to many Innercise techniques that will transform your thought patterns, preventing procrastination from rearing its ugly head. Winning the Game of Procrastination by Exercising Your Innercise Innercises™ is a neuroplasticity-based program that helps you to change your brain so you can stop procrastinating. Procrastination is a neural pathway in your brain, meaning it’s created from years of repeating the same behavior over and over. The more we repeat something, the easier it becomes for our brains to go down that path. It’s similar to how a path through a forest gets worn into the dirt. Innercise, designed by John Assaraf, is a proprietary combination of scientifically studied methods, including (but not limited to) mindfulness, meditation, reframing, positive self-talk and Brain Activation Sound Technology (B.A.S.T.). These strategies will help you form new habits, achieve self-mastery, and beat procrastination. By combining the latest brain science and self-improvement techniques with practical tips on building new habits, John shows you how to unleash your mind’s full potential to win this procrastination game. It’s also why you don’t have to be “bad” or “lazy” to procrastinate. Your brain has just learned this pattern, and it will keep going until you learn a new one. These methods can provide a shift in consciousness to eliminate procrastination.

  6. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay For example, B.A.S.T. is the brainwave state where your mind is focused and concentrated to the exclusion of other thoughts—the optimum state for profound learning and for internalizing new behavior patterns and modifying old ones. Most people are not in this state very often, particularly when performing their everyday tasks or during procrastination, which can lead to critical outcomes in one’s life. Innercise is an extensive, yet simple set of neuroplasticity tools, backed by decades of scientific research, designed to help you 1) Free yourself from past conditioning that clouds your thinking; 2) Learn practical methods to help you live a healthier and more fulfilling life in the present moment; 3) Directly contribute to the creation of new mental and behavioral associations that can lead to more confidence, clarity, self-motivation, willpower, self-efficacy, productivity, creativity, and inspired action. Other innercise methods include guided imagery, visualization, subliminal messaging, cognitive behavior therapy, hypnosis, and a host of other mind-altering exercises. John Assaraf uses a revolutionary approach that incorporates the latest discoveries in neuroscience, technology, positive psychology, and cognitive psychology to achieve long-lasting success in any area of life that presents itself as an obstacle to be overcome, including procrastination. Indeed, Winning the Game of Procrastination is a proven step-by-step system that has received high praise from folks on social media platforms. It has garnered attention without much marketing due to its stellar quality. View the Program's 5 Essential Elements:

  7. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay Level 1 of Wining the Game of Procrastination teaches you the fundamentals to procrastination mastery - a lifelong, systematic approach to beating procrastination. Most people never figure out what is really going on with their procrastinatory tendencies and why they do it at all. We don’t even teach people how to think about procrastination in our society. The average person just thinks of it as some bad habit that didn’t get the memo that it was bad to be lazy. Level 1 gives you the tools to finally conquer your procrastination, regardless of how old you might be at the time of taking this course. It wasn’t until I understood what my underlying, powerfully negative emotions were, that working through my challenges became more manageable. I implement Assaraf's anchoring techniques on an almost daily basis now. They help me feel strong and confident when I am most vulnerable and ready to give up. In level 2, John Assaraf unlocks the secret to overcoming procrastination. For instance, in the audio part of the program, a revolutionary brainwave technology allows you to shift your thoughts into high gear, overcome procrastination, and achieve what you’ve always wanted to do. When your motivation is at an all-time low, or when you feel frustrated about accomplishing even minor tasks, Winning the Game of Procrastination has the answer.

  8. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay The principles John teaches in Level 1 are reinforced here, but now with specific practical strategies for harnessing fresh motivation and turning ideas into action. You're now ready for the third important prong introduced in John Assaraf's Winning the Game of Procrastination. You will learn how to apply the power of mental contrasting to ease into productivity and focus with little or no resistance. You'll learn how to visualize your future without procrastination by creating a positive blueprint of what your life will look like when you succeed. This program enables you to create a more powerful anchor for change than before. By anchoring these positive emotions to your success rather than avoidance, you're setting yourself up for faster progress and better results in your journey towards changing yourself. The fourth level in this bestselling program opens your mind to self-hypnosis and the power of affirmations and declarations to repattern your subconscious mind. Find out how self-hypnosis can create introspective time periods that focus your energy on where you desire to go with your productivity goals. This section of Winning the Game of Procrastination explores a number of those Innercise strategies discussed above. The latest addition to John’s Winning the Game of Procrastination course is Levels 5 & 6.

  9. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay These levels contain advanced tools his students are using to achieve transformation on every level. With accelerated Innercise techniques, you’ll learn how to reprogram your brain to program powerful mindset and empowering beliefs directly to your subconscious mind, accelerating your ability to create any reality you desire. In addition, these levels help you to hold yourself accountable for procrastination, prioritize the most important things in your life, and deal with limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. Exciting news! Winning the Game of Procrastination now offers hours of bonus instruction, including powerful video-based lessons on how to increase your confidence and self-esteem, reduce and even eliminate bad habits, and change your life for the better. You will also receive further bonus content: "How to Get More Done in Less Time." This Winning the Game of Procrastination bonus helps you to maximize your productivity without feeling busier than you actually are. The material reveals simple strategies you can use to make more time for your highest priorities in life. You’ll learn how to create a system that works with your lifestyle, not against it. John Assaraf is an entrepreneur, author of several best-selling books, philanthropist actor, world- renowned thought leader, and a neuroplasticity pioneer.

  10. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay He is the founder and CEO of NeuroGym, a leading brain research (neuroscience) company, dedicated to using the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals strengthen their mindset and emotional skills to achieve their goals faster and easier than ever before. During his tenure at NeuroGym, John has created a number of widely heralded programs, including Brainathon Winning the Game of Money, Innercise, 7 Days to a Millionaire Mindset, Winning the Game of Fear, and Winning the Game of Weight Lostt. (You can read my Brainathon and Winning the Game of Money review here.) John Assaraf has also built five multimillion-dollar businesses … and he’s done it one at a time. He holds regular seminars on a variety of topics, including using the brain's neuroplasticity to build business, enhance self-esteem and self-confidence, get rid of anxiety to make fundamental life changes, and end procrastination. Assaraf is known for his energy, humor, and the practicality of his ideas for creating massive improvements in life. In short, if you want to stop spinning on the procrastination wheel, it may be time to follow John Assaraf's blazed path. Winning the Game of Procrastination - Here are a Few Crucial Takeaways There are literally hundreds of ideas explored in Winning the Game of Procrastination. Here are just a couple to wrap your finger, or should I say, mind around:

  11. Read the Truth About John Assaraf’s Winning the Game of Procrastination Review Without Delay Procrastinators are very smart — they know just what to do to avoid doing something they don't want to do. Procrastinators have an internal conflict between their conscious self and unconscious self. The bigger issue with procrastination is that most people don't believe they can achieve their goals. It is more difficult to avoid procrastination when a project is incomplete; it is easier to procrastinate before taking that first step. Take a true inventory of your goals to have a clearer idea of the ultimate direction you wish to go. Identify and compassionately consider the emotional barriers that reinforce procrastination. Use vision boards, positive affirmations, and motivational self-talk to win the procrastination game. Reframe your list of responsibilities as doable instead of insurmountable. Reframe your self-limited beliefs, replacing "I can't" with an "I can" attitude. There are literally hundreds of takeaways in Winning the Game of Procrastination with associated strategies to accomplish each procrastination-busting goal.

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