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Customer Dialogue

Customer Dialogue . By: Maria Link. Types of customers . Argumentative: Ask simple, polite questions Impatient: Agree first on common points Leave-me-alone: Be patient, give them space Irritable/Moody: Be Positive Insulting: Be neutral, especially with your body language

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Customer Dialogue

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Customer Dialogue By: Maria Link

  2. Types of customers • Argumentative: Ask simple, polite questions • Impatient: Agree first on common points • Leave-me-alone: Be patient, give them space • Irritable/Moody: Be Positive • Insulting: Be neutral, especially with your body language • Dishonest: Don’t jump to quick conclusions or accusations • Complaining: Respect their thoughts, listen actively • Domineering/Superior: Let them have their say, compliment them • Suspicious: Explain and demonstrate good service • Slow/Methodical: Be sure not to overwhelm, give them space and simple choices

  3. CONTROL C- Calm O- Observe N- Needs T- Think R- Reassuring O- Opportunity L- Listen

  4. Introduction My mom gave me a story when she was dealing with a difficult customer that didn’t want to pay full price and what not, for having one error.

  5. Dialogue Cherie- “ Hello john, I just wanted to follow up on the business cards as Brett mentioned you were with holding all payment due to a typo on one of your employees cards.” John- “ Yes, I needed these cards yesterday and will now have to wait a few more weeks to get the correct cards.” Cherie- “ Did you have a chance to proof the business cards?” John- “ Yes, but I didn’t catch it and you or the designer should be proofing them; Its not my job.” Cherie- “ Did you send us approval of the proof?” John- “ Well, I didn’t look at it that close and I will just get them fixed and printed somewhere else. I will not be paying for any of these orders because it was your fault.”

  6. Dialogue Cherie- “ John, we successfully provided 5 other business card re-designs that you said you loved. We also provided 3 new brochures, again, that you approved. I am sincerely sorry that we missed the e-mail address, however you can’t withhold payment for the entire order due to one typo.” John- “ Well, I needed these cards and I want you to send me the file so I can correct it myself and I will get it printed somewhere else. Actually, I don’t want to have anymore marketing materials done by you, so just send me all of the files.” Cherie- “ John, those files are our work and we never provide them in a format for clients to modify themselves. Think of it like an original piece of artwork.” John- “ Well once I pay for it, it belongs to me. I will give you half of the bill that you sent and I want all of the artwork.”

  7. Dialogue Cherie- “ John, paying for half of the order doesn’t even cover our printing expenses. That just won’t work. What if we took 20% off and we also provide a free business card design for your next employee. Does that seem fair?” Josh- “ Well, I won’t pay for anything until I get the correct cards. Then I will have to pay you in 3 payments over the next few months.” Cherie- “ Ok, John. You have a deal. I will get the new card ordered and delivered shortly. Thank you for your patience with his and my sincere apologies for any problems you experienced. I truly hope we have an opportunity to work with you in the future.”

  8. Citations http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=quotient+marks&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=6C89C705AC010157F463089F06BEDD0F6CF51ACE&selectedIndex=14

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