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”Hobbit” by J.R.R.Tolkien . The book that shook the world.

Made by Sophie Diloyan Form 8 “A”. ”Hobbit” by J.R.R.Tolkien . The book that shook the world. The book that shook the world. “Hobbit” is an epic high fantasy novel written by English philologist and university of Oxford professor J.R.R.Tolkien .

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”Hobbit” by J.R.R.Tolkien . The book that shook the world.

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  1. Made by Sophie Diloyan Form 8 “A” ”Hobbit” by J.R.R.Tolkien.The book that shook the world.

  2. The book that shook the world. • “Hobbit” is an epic high fantasy novel written by English philologistand university of Oxford professor J.R.R.Tolkien. • Tolkien`s children`s fantasy novel “The Hobbit”,eventually developed into a much larger work, “The Lord of Rings”.It was written during World War 2.

  3. What is amazing? • “The Lord of Rings” is the second best selling novel ever written, with over 150 million copies sold. • The book includes philology, mythology, religion and the author`s distance for the effects of industrialization.

  4. Since mid-century Tolkien has made a tremendous influence of the modern image of the genre. His famous book “The Hobbit” fits into the genre of fantasy. The author developed his literary genre, made it popular with the readers. His fantasy also may be classified as a philosophical prose.

  5. What is Fantasy? Fantasy is a genre of fiction, based on the use of mythological and fairy-tale motives. Fantasy may be classified as a philosophical prose.

  6. The representatives of the trend. In the genre of fantasy worked 1.James Cabell 2.JoAbercrombie 3.DavidEdding 4.DmitryV. Raspopov 5.Sergey V. Karelin 6. Arthur C. Clarke

  7. Facts of biography John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. • J.R.R. Tolkien was born in the town of Bloemfontain, South Africa on January 3rd, 1892. • He died on September 2, 1973 • Tolkien attended King Edward's School, Birmingham.

  8. Creative activity of J.R.R.Tolkien.

  9. Creative activity of J.R.R.Tolkien.

  10. The central idea and the theme of the book. • The majortheme of “The Hobbit” is a quest, one of the oldest themes in literature. • The idea of hobbits was rooted in his experiences with rural Englishmen of his own time, Bilbo’s development might allegorically represent the heroism of England in World War I or the inner, latent heroism common to everyone.

  11. The major characters of the “Hobbit”: • Gollumis ashort creature, veryskinny,withbigglowingeyes. • Gollum speaks of himself in the plural first person.

  12. Gandalf,a major character. • Gandalf is one of the most powerful Maiar junior angelic spirits. • The real name of Gandalf is Olorin. • He is immortal, as any magician is.

  13. ThorinDuboschit ,a major character. • Son Traini II, became the new King of the Mountain pod.

  14. Bilbo Baggins, a major character. • Short, stout hobbit. • Date of Birth: 2890 Third Age. • Hobbit is good-natured and a bit lazy, he loved a good dinner (twice a day), he smoked a pipe sitting at the door and basking in the sun.

  15. Smaug, a major character. • This is one of the dragons living in the Misty Mountains. • He attacked the kingdom of the dwarfs.

  16. Minor characters: • Thranduil,Elrond,Bard Archer • Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, SPE, Gloin, Bofur and Bombur - satellites and relatives of Thorin • Dain-King of the Iron Hills dwarves. • Supreme Goblin- Goblin leadre Misty Mountains. • Bolg –the Goblin`s king.,Azog`s son.

  17. Why did the book by Tolkien shake the world? • The reason of it is in the following facts: • the book has an exciting plot; • incredible adventures andthe most • memorable stories; • it can be read by people of any age as • there is philosophy, secret and • very wise sense at every turn of the plot.

  18. As a result: • The enduring popularity of the book has led to numerous references in popular culture, for founding of many societies by fans of Tolkien`s works and the publication of many books about Tolkien and his works. • The book inspired and continues to inspire, artworks, music, films and television, video games, and subsequent literature. Award-winning adaptations of the “Hobbit” have been made for radio, theatre and 3 epic fantasy adventure films.

  19. THE END…

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