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March 20 - 26, 2016

Weekly World Watch. Andy Walton ’ s. March 20 - 26, 2016.

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March 20 - 26, 2016

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  1. Weekly World Watch Andy Walton’s March 20 - 26, 2016 “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” (Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version) PRESS SPACE BAR TO CONTINUE To skip the introductory slides and go straight to this weeks developments click here.

  2. What is a Weekly World Watch? The idea is simple. It is to look at current events and compare them to events spoken of in the Bible. . I hope to build up a picture of God’s hand working in the affairs of this world. God is bringing about a day when all nations will be gathered to Jerusalem to battle. At that time God will send His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, back to this earth. Jesus will then establish God’s kingdom on earth. This kingdom will last for ever. This is our hope and the reason we watch. The following six themes will appear repeatedly in WWW: • Israel: The continuing conflict in the Middle East and focus on Jerusalem. • Europe: Its developing union, both political and religious. • Russia: Its return to anti-Western ways as Bible prophecy’s “king of the north.” • The UK and the US: Bible prophecy’s “king of the south.” • Moral standards in decline and violence on the increase. • Increasing natural disasters: including earthquake, famine etc WWW presentations in PowerPoint can be ordered as audio/visual CDs by clicking here. Move your mouse to place the cursor on the blue link and click.

  3. BIBLE QUOTE What is in a Weekly World Watch? Each WWW looks at a few key developments that have happened during the past week. It is in no way meant to be exhaustive – just a look at those events I saw as significant from a Biblical point of view. Every WWW event slide has the following format. To reveal each block of text just left click your mouse or press the space bar. You control when it appears. News Photo This is straight from a news report that caught my eye because it looked significant from a Biblical perspective, usually that of prophecy. HEADLINE The source of the headline and the date are included. This is the reporter’s description of the event. It is always a direct quotation from the news report and reflects the understanding of the reporter and editors. EVENT This is my comment on why the event is interesting to a Bible student. The intention of the WWW is to offer brief Biblical perspectives without going into detail. If more detail is desired, please e-mail me: (andy@weeklyworldwatch.co.uk). Please note that these are personal thoughts and the aim is purely to stimulate Bible study. COMMENT This is normally one verse which backs up why the event that has occurred is interesting from a Biblical perspective. Please read in its context. Unless stated otherwise, all quotes are from the King James Version.(Book, chapter, and verse)

  4. This Week’s Developments March 20 - 26, 2016 • Russia plans army build-up amid strains with West • Russia warns US over truce violations • Brussels tragedy strikes at the heart of a fragile EU • Terrorism could break the EU and lead to Brexit • Secret operation brings Yemen's last Jews to Israel • Temple of Baal to be rebuilt in New York and London To print any of the event slides that follow, click the picture on the upper right PRESS SPACE BAR TO CONTINUE

  5. “Get ready; be prepared! Keep all the armies around you mobilized, and take command of them. 8 A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future you will swoop down on the land of Israel, which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war • Russia plans army build-up amid strains with West Daily Telegraph, March 25, 2016 Russia is to beef up its military forces all the way from its western border to the Pacific islands amid on-going strains with the West, the military said on Friday. No financial details were disclosed but the build-up will likely be costly and takes place at a time when the Russian economy is in recession under the dual impact of low oil prices and Western sanctions imposed on Moscow over its role in the Ukrainian crisis. While announcing the build-up, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the deployment of NATO's forces near Russia's borders has caused concern. As part of a response, he said new units in the Western Military District, including two new divisions, will be formed. EVENT COMMENT Despite Russia’s financial woes Putin has ordered a massive build-up in military strength. The military forces in western Russia will receive 1,100 new weapons systems, including warplanes, helicopters, tanks and other armoured vehicles. And it’s not just western Russia being strengthened. In the far east, Russia will deploy state-of-the art anti-ship missile systems and new drones to the southern Kurils, a group of islands that Japan calls the Northern Territories and claims as its own. In the far north the defence minister said the military will also continue to strengthen its presence in the Arctic region. The Kremlin has made expanding Russia's military presence in order to protect the country's national interests in the Arctic a top priority in light of increasing international interest in the region's vast oil and other resources. And so as the Bible says Gog (the Russian leader) is preparing for war… BIBLE QUOTE (Ezekiel 38:7-8 NLT)

  6. And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.. • Russia warns US over truce violations BBC, March 21, 2016 Russia says it will unilaterally start using force against those violating the partial truce in Syria, if the US does not agree to joint rules by Tuesday. A Russian general said delays in agreeing the rules were "unacceptable" and proposed holding an urgent meeting. However, the US rejected the call, saying Russia's concerns were already being handled in a constructive manner. The cessation of hostilities has significantly reduced the violence in Syria since it began on 27 February. However, both the Syrian government and opposition have complained of repeated violations. Last week, Russia started pulling out most of its forces from Syria, saying it had largely achieved the goals of the air campaign it launched in September to bolster President Bashar al-Assad. But it vowed to continue targeting the jihadist groups Islamic State (IS) and al-Nusra Front, which are excluded from the truce. EVENT Behind the scenes Russia and America are trying to do a deal over the future of Syria. But it is proving impossible for them to agree. A so-called ceasefire is underway to allow both sides some breathing space to get this deal. However Russia’s patience is wearing thin and publically accused America this week of violating the truce. On Monday, Lt Gen Sergei Rudskoi, chief of the main operational directorate of the general staff of the Russian armed forces, said the US had not responded to repeated requests to draw up measures to tackle "groups that systematically violate" the truce. "In the absence of US reaction to these proposals the Russian Federation will begin unilateral application of the rules provided under the agreement on 22 March," he warned. We see a stand off between the king of the north and south. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Daniel 11:40)

  7. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. A new Holy Roman Empire will rise up out of the ashes of Europe Brussels tragedy strikes at the heart of a fragile EU Globe & Mail, March 25, 2016 This week’s bombings in Brussels shattered the peace, and the sense of self-confidence, in the heart of the European Union. The Islamic State militants who carried them out may yet achieve a much larger goal: speeding the breakup of the 28-country bloc that is the grandest geopolitical project since the Second World War. Even before the massacre, the EU – based on lofty ideals about the free movement of people, money and ideas – was reeling from a seemingly endless series of body blows. There was the refugee crisis, the spectre of Britain voting to leave and the rise of parties of extreme right and left, movements united only by their anti-EU positions. All these problems were exacerbated by Tuesday’s bloodshed. Throw in the continent’s lingering economic malaise – symbolized by shocking jobless rates in Mediterranean countries – and an institution that was lauded just four years ago with a Nobel Peace Prize for its role in maintaining stability in Europe seems at genuine risk of falling apart. EVENT COMMENT Brussels is Belgium’s capital and home to the headquarters of the European Union. Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council. So this might be why ISIS is targeting Brussels. Passport-free travel throughout most of the European Union, has allowed jihadists posing as migrants to enter Europe through Greece and make their way to northern Europe virtually undetected. The EU project is to get rid of borders and create a superstate. It reversing what God did back at Babel. God divided the world into nations of different languages. The Bible says is that a new Holy Roman Empire will appear one day. These events are hastening the breakup of the EU as we know it. BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:8)

  8. Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil? • Terrorism could break the EU and lead to Brexit Daily Telegraph, March 22, 2016 EVENT These attacks are likely to sow yet more seeds of doubt in the minds of British voters on June 23. Downing Street had hoped to make security a key plank of the campaign to remain in the EU, but on days like today, the very phrase “European security” sounds like a bad joke. Mr Cameron wants to argue that we need to remain part of European agencies like Europol and Eurojust precisely to prevent terrorist atrocities in Britain, but in the rough and tumble of the campaign that counter-intuitive argument will be hard to make. Inevitably, attacks such as this – striking at the very capital of the European project – risks deepening the urge among some British voters to retreat behind our borders, throwing up the “Brexit” sign as we go. Mr Cameron and other leaders will argue that would be a short-sighted mistake – unravelling the same Europe now under terrorist assault – but every new attack renders the argument that the EU makes us safer a little harder to make. Anther potential nail in Europe’s coffin could be a British exit - if the UK vote to leave the EU in June. Events like the ones in Paris and Brussels actually show that the European project – far from keeping people safe – are bringing terrorists unhindered into the midst of the continent. Whether Britain does leave or whether it doesn’t will not effect the long term prophesied outcome. The Bible says that a resurrected Holy Roman Empire will appear on earth. Britain was NEVER part of the HRE – ever. So this excludes Britain from this future empire that will one day be formed. Also Britain is Tarshish and part of the king of the south block of Ezekiel 38:13 who stands independently of Europe against Gog / Russia. Events like the terror attacks this week though swing the UK further away from the EU. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Ezekiel 3813)

  9. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labour than she gives birth to her children. • Secret operation brings Yemen's last Jews to Israel Free Beacon, March 18, 2016 Some of Yemen's last remaining Jews have arrived in Israel after a clandestine operation retrieved them from the war-torn country, an Israeli nonprofit group said Monday. Over the last few days, 19 Yemenite Jews landed in Israel — among them a rabbi carrying a centuries old Torah scroll —according to the Jewish Agency, which works closely with the Israeli government and acts as a link to Jews around the world. The rabbi, Saliman Dahari, said the Torah scroll he brought is 800 years old, handed down over the generations. Some of those airlifted to Israel relayed in Yemenite accented Hebrew to Israeli media the horrors of the fighting in Yemen along with dangers they faced from extremist groups. Hundreds of Jews have arrived in Israel from Yemen in recent years, but the most recent arrivals could mark the end of this immigration. "This is a highly significant moment in the history of Israel," said Natan Sharansky, the chairman of the Jewish Agency. "Yemenite Jewry's unique, 2,000-year-old contribution to the Jewish people will continue in the State of Israel." EVENT Some 50,000 Jews have arrived to Israel from Yemen since 1949 and have grown to become an integral part of Israeli society. It truly is a miraculous sign that the Jews continue to return to the land. Israel did not exist as a nation for 2000 years and in one day (14th May 1948) it was born. Read the verse below! The re-establishment of Israel is proof God exists. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Bible passages predict the return of Israel to the land of Palestine. Here is one.. Ezekiel 20:34 - "I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered -- with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath.” It may only be a few more that have returned this week – but God’s arm is still gathering them… he COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 66:8 NIV)

  10. And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. Call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the LORD: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. See 2 Peter 3:7 • Temple of Baal to be rebuilt in New York and London New York Times, March 19, 2016 Next month, the Temple of Baal will come to Times Square. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temple’s entrance are to be installed in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra. The group’s rampage through Palmyra. Numerous nongovernmental organizations are now cataloging and mapping damaged cultural heritage sites in the region. It will be uncanny and thrilling to see this arch from an ancient desert civilization set against the bright lights of New York. Unfortunately, facsimiles can achieve only so much. Denuded of people, stripped of the rich social contexts in which they were once embedded, antiquities appear just as evidence of the grandeur of the past, the accomplishments of another place in another time. EVENT Baal is a false god mentioned many times in the Old Testament and also in the New Testament. The worshippers of Baal sacrificed their own children (Jeremiah 19:5). They also worshipped him as a god of fertility. Sexual orgies / homosexuality and prostitution were all part of Baal worship. Baal means “my Lord”. It was a title originally given to Nimrod himself who began the kingdom of men at Babel. It was Elijah of course that confronted the 450 prophets off Baal in 1 Kings 19. Elijah challenged these false prophets to call on their God to set fire to their sacrifice. Of course nothing happened. Elijah prayed to the God of Heaven and fire descended, burned up the sacrifice. All the prophets of Baal were killed. With all this in mind it is incredible that a replica temple of Baal is to built in New York and London this April. Judgement of fire is coming… soon. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE 1 Kings 18:21+23)

  11. Weekly World Watch YouTube Videos

  12. Weekly World Watch The end of this week’s WWW will be e-mailed to you each week. If you think others may find the WWW helpful please direct them to the website www.weeklyworldwatch.co.uk They can register on the site PLEASE NOTE: The Weekly World Watch is written and sent by myself – it is my take on events and I accept that on occasions I will miss significant events and also misinterpret them as well. However I will endeavour to be faithful to the scriptures and hope that it will be of benefit to both of us. Please take a look at this excellent Christadelphian Prophecy website Just click the image To watch again, click here.

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