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Presidents of the USA: Their Contribution to American Political Life

This revision lesson covers the important information about the Presidents of the USA and their significant contributions to the political aspect of American life. The lesson includes reading, speaking, dialogues, lexical and grammar exercises.

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Presidents of the USA: Their Contribution to American Political Life

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  1. The theme of our lesson is Begin

  2. The purpose of our lesson. • It’s a revision lesson, during which you’ll tell some new information about Presidents of the USA, their great contribution to political aspect of American life. • We’ll try to fulfill different tasks concerning reading, speaking, making dialogues, doing lexical and grammar exercises. • I would like you to be active at the lesson. • If you are ready for the lesson, let’s start. Next (new words)

  3. We’ll revise and pronouns new words. • Militia • Storyteller • Private • To shoot • To measure • To trust • To respect • Wisdom • To retire • Career • Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army • Mount Vernon • Preserve • Constitution of the US Next (Presidents)

  4. George Washington George Washington is the first U.S. President known to all Americans as «The Father of the Nation». He was born in February the 22d in Virginia into a planter's family, got education in a private school, learned to ride a horse, to hunt, shoot. As he was good at Math he learned to measure land, everyone respected and trusted young George. George began his career in the service of his country in the army of King George the 3d of England and commanded a troop of soldiers and showed courage that inspired all his men. Washington was Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War until the colonies won their independence. How people honour presidents. Monuments Next President

  5. Abraham Lincoln Of all U.S. presidents, Lincoln is probably the one Americans remember the best and with deepest affection. He wanted to see all the people of the U.S., including the Negroes, free from oppression and exploitation by the rich, the owners of the big plantations. Abraham Lincoln was born on February the 12th 1809 in Kentucky and spent his childhood working hard at his father's farm as a farm‑ laborer, a shop-assistant and later as a clerk in the post office. His dearest mother died and his father remarried. Abe was able to go to school only one year. This lack of education made him hungry for more Knowledge. And his stepmother encouraged him to read. Later, he noticed that people loved to listen to his stories. His speaking talents led him into politics and law. In 1834 he was elected to the House of Representatives and began studding to become a lawyer. Monuments President’s Day Next President

  6. Franklin D. Roosevelt Next President

  7. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Next President

  8. Thomas Jefferson • Thomas Jefferson was the 3-d president, represented Democratic – Republican party. He was a statesman and revolutionary leader. Drew up the Declaration of Independence. Next President

  9. Barak Obama Next (Historical Figures)

  10. How people honour presidents: American people honor the memory of the first President George Washington, they named the capital of the USA after his name, they erracted the giant monument to George Washington made of marble in front of the White House, and they celebrated Washington's birthday while he was still alive. They were grateful to a strong leader who had proved that democracy was a feasible way to govern, the growing country. The state of Washington is the only state named President. Many cities, parks, streets, bridges, lakes and schools bear his name. Washington's portrait appears on postage stamps, on the first bill, and on the quarter. Back

  11. How people honour presidents: Back

  12. How people honour presidents: Back

  13. President’s Day (February 20) Back

  14. Historical Figures In groups or as a class, answer these questions about each picture: Why do you think this person was famous? • Susan B. Anthony • (1820 - 1906) 3) Thomas Jefferson 4) George Washington 2) Bill Clinton (1743 - 1826) (1732 - 1799) (Was born in 1946) 8) Duke Ellington 7) Franklin D. Roosevelt 5) Henry Ford 6) John James Audubon (1899 - 1974) (1882 - 1945) (1863 - 1947) (1785 - 1851) 11) Lawrence Welk 12) Abraham Lincoln 10) Benjamin Franklin 9) John F. Kennedy ( 1809 - 1865) (1706 - 1790) (1903 - 1992) (1917 - 1963) Next (Text)

  15. Abe Lincoln Grows Up • On the Knob Creek farm the child Abraham Lincoln learned to talk, to fore words with the tongue and the roof of the mouth and the force of the breatl from lungs and throat. "Pappy" and "Mammy", the words of the people mean ing "father" and "mother", were among the first syllables. He learned what the word name meant; his name was Abraham. The same as Abraham in the Bible the same as his grandfather Abraham. It was "Abe" for short; if his mothe called in the dark, "Is that you, Abe?" he answered, "Yes, Mammy, it's me.' The name of the family he belonged to was "Lincoln". • Seven-year-old Abe walked four miles a day going to the Knob Creek schoo to learn to read and write. • The schoolhouse was built of logs, with a dirty floor, no window, one door The scholars learned their lessons by saying them to themselves out loud till i was time to recite; alphabets, multiplication tables, and the letters of speller words were all in the air at once. It was a "blab school"; so they called it. • He learned to spell words he didn't know the meaning of, spelling the word before he used them in sentences. In a list of "words of eight syllables accented upon the sixth". was the word incomprehensibility. He _learned that first. an( *then such sentences as "Is he to go in?" and "Ann can spin flax". • Some neighbours said, "It's a poor make-out of a school," and father com plained it was a waste of time to send the children nine miles just to sit with a lo of other children and read out loud all day in a "blab school". But mother, a she cleaned Abe's ears in the corners where he forgot to clean them, and as sh combed out the tangles in his coarse, sandy black hair, used to say, "Abe, you go to school now, and learn all you can." And he kissed her and said, "Yes, Mam my," and started with his sister on the nine-mile walk through timberland whey bear, deer, coon, and wildcats ran wild. • He wanted to learn, to know, to live, to reach out; he wanted to satisfy hungers and thirsts he couldn't tell about, this big boy of the backwoods. And some of what he wanted so much, so deep down, seemed to be in the books. Maybe in books he would find the answers to dark questions pushing around in the pools of his thoughts and the drifts of his mind. He told his pals and other people, "The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I haven't read." And sometimes friends answered, "Well, books aren't as plenty as wildcats in these parts o'Indianny." • What Abe got in the schools didn't satisfy him. He went to three different schools in Indiana, besides two in Kentucky — altogether about four months of school. He learned his A B C; how to spell, read, write. And he had been with the other barefoot boys in butternut jeans learning "manners" under the school­teacher, Andrew Crawford, who had them open a door, walk in, and say, "How do you do?" Yet what he tasted of books in school was only a beginning, only made him hungry and thirsty, shook him with a wanting and a wanting of more and more of what was hidden between the covers of books. Next (Text)

  16. Make sure you know these words: • R W r • C of the U • Am n G t • A Pr • S p m C t • J s • G W n • D c n of I d ce • A m L n • C s • H e of R p s Exit

  17. Grammatical test. • 1)Use article "to" where necessary to complete the sentences. • 1. Our teacher wants us ___speak English fluently. • 2. They let us____use dictionaries during the exam. • 3. Her parents wouldn't allow her____miss her classes. • 4. The teacher asked Kate read the text once more with the right intonation. • 5. He was not allowed____drive a car. • 6. Did you hear Lena____speak English with Americans? • 7. Will you let me____go to the cinema? • 8. I'd like you____be more serious and attentive. • 9. We didn't expect him___ make off with the money. • 10. We would like them_____make up for their bad behaviour. • 2)Open the brackets in if/when clauses. • 1. I can tell Jim about it if I (to see) him. • 2. If I (to get) any news, I (to find) you. • 3. Hurry up! If you (not to catch) a taxi, you (not to meet) them at the station. • 4. Call for an ambulance, if you (not to feel) better. • 5. Your parents (to worry), if you (not to phone) them. Next

  18. Grammatical test. • 3)Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. • 1. This site uses a__________ way DIFFER • of searching the Internet. • 2. We need a new department of__________ GOVERN • to direct our work. • 3. He always sounds more__________ CONFIDENCE • than he feels. • 4. You can't be a teacher - you are very__________ PATIENCE (neg.) • 4)Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals. • 1. We will know their__________next week. DECIDE • 2. His life is very__________at times. STRESS • 3. Clothes can tell the world about our__________. PERSON • 4. Some people__________in the supernatural. BELIEVE • 5. Cars cause a lot of__________. POLLUTE Next (Game)

  19. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th, 1917, in Massachussets, USA. • He studied at Harvard Universrty. then (1)__a__the US Navy in 1941 where he served until 1945. • John F Kennedy planned (2)_____a joumalist and his older brother, Joe, planned to be a politician, but when Joe (3)_____ In the war, the family expected John to follow a career in politics instead. He was a successful politician (4)_____he cared about his country and its people. • On September 12th, 1953, John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. They were happy together and had two children. Jackie Kennedy was (5) _____ beautiful and glamorous that the whole of America loved her. • John F. Kennedy became the 35th President of the USA in 1960 - the youngest man ever (6)_____ He worked very hard, and (7) _____ was very popular at home and abroad. • On Friday, 22nd November, 1963, however, John F. Kennedy was shot and killed (8) _____ he and Jackie were travelling through Dallas in an open top car. The people of America will never forget him. • 1 A joined B had joined C was joining • 2 A being B to be C be • 3 A had been killed B has been killed C was killed • 4 A because B although C so • 5 A such B such a C so • 6 A to elect B to be elected C being elected • 7 A as a result B whereas C however • 8 A as B after C until Next (Grammatical test)

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