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Representative Organisms

Representative Organisms. Protists. Transport and Excretion: carry out diffusion to get nutrients into the cell and waste out of the cell Once inside the cell, nutrients are moved about by the movement of cytoplasm, called cyclosis . Sometimes excreted through anal pore

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Representative Organisms

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  1. Representative Organisms

  2. Protists • Transport and Excretion: carry out diffusion to get nutrients into the cell and waste out of the cell • Once inside the cell, nutrients are moved about by the movement of cytoplasm, called cyclosis. • Sometimes excreted through anal pore • Respiration: diffusion through cell membrane • Regulation: diffusion • Nutrition: Some absorb nutrients through cell membrane; pseudopods surround food and create a food vacuole; cilia sweep food into gullet

  3. Protists cont… • Synthesis: enzymes to digest food • Reproduction: asexual reproduction; conjugation- sharing of genetic material • Growth and Development: unicellular organisms grow larger in size

  4. Annelid Worms • Transport: circulatory system is a closed system, meaning the blood, which carries oxygen and carbon dioxide in addition to nutrients, is inside the vessels at all times • Excretion: digestive waste through anus; cellular waste through nephridia- excretory organs that filter fluid • Respiration: Aquatic annelids often breathe through gills; Land-dwelling annelids, such as earthworms, take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide through their moist skin.

  5. Annelids continued… • Regulation- nephridia through coelum • Nutrition- filter feeders or through single digestive tract • Synthesis- creates and secretes a mucus to keep the worm’s skin moist • Reproduction: Most annelids reproduce sexually; hermaphrodites; clitellum- bad of thickened segments secretes mucus that creates cocoon around fertilized eggs • Growth and Development- multi-cellular; young worms hatch and grow larger

  6. Insects • Transport: open circulatory system, meaning the blood flows into the tissue and comes into direct contact with all the cells • grasshopper’s blood only carries nutrients • Excretion: Malpighian tubules are saclike organs that extract wastes from the blood and then add them to feces, or digestive wastes, that move through the gut • Respiration: Air enters and leaves the tracheal tubes through spiracles • Regulation: waxy covering on exoskeleton to prevent body loss • Nutrition: various mouthparts depending on source of food

  7. Synthesis: produce saliva containing digestive enzymes that help break down food; pheromones- chemical signals used for communication • Reproduction: Terrestrial arthropods have internal fertilization; Aquatic arthropods may have internal or external fertilization • Growth and Development: involve metamorphosis, which is a process of changing shape and form. Insects undergo either incomplete metamorphosis or complete metamorphosis; grow larger by molting (shedding exoskeleton)

  8. Amphibians • Transport: double loop circulatory system • Loop 1- oxygen poor blood to lungs and skin; oxygen rich blood returns back to heart • Loop 2- oxygen rich blood to rest of body; oxygen poor blood returns back to heart • Excretion: cloaca- muscular cavity through which digestive wastes, urine, and eggs or sperm leave body • Respiration: larval amphibians breathe through the skin as well as gills; lungs replace gills in the adult stage • Regulation: kidneys filter wastes; regulate temperature through evaporative cooling and behavioral techniques

  9. Amphibians continued • Nutrition: tadpoles-filter feeders; adults- mouth  esophagus  stomach  small intestine  large intestine  cloaca • Synthesis:Most adult amphibians have skin glands that ooze an unpleasant-tasting and poisonous substance, or toxin. • Reproduction: in most species of amphibians, the female lays eggs in water, then the male fertilizes them externally

  10. Growth and development

  11. Mammals • Transport: closed system with two loops- one going to lungs and the other going to the rest of the body • Excretion: highly developed kidneys to filter wastes; anus-opening for removal of digestive wastes • Respiration: lungs; diaphragm- powerful muscle to lower chest cavity to increase volume • Regulation: homeostasis; kidneys

  12. Mammals cont… • Nutrition: teeth and digestive tract have changed as feeding trends have changed; enzymes in stomach break down food; lining is designed to absorb nutrients • Synthesis: Endocrine glands regulate body activities by releasing chemicals called hormones that affect other organs and tissues • Reproduction: internal fertilization; The male deposits sperm inside the reproductive tract of the female, where fertilization occurs • Growth and Development: specific to the organism

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