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District III A rkansas F oreign L anguage T eachers A ssociation Har-Ber High School

F oreign Language and the Common Core : Not So Uncommon Dr. Freddie A. Bowles Mr. Stephen R. Adamson. District III A rkansas F oreign L anguage T eachers A ssociation Har-Ber High School Springdale, Arkansas June 5, 2012. Text-dependent questions and tasks. Close reading.

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District III A rkansas F oreign L anguage T eachers A ssociation Har-Ber High School

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  1. Foreign Language and theCommon Core: Not So UncommonDr. Freddie A. BowlesMr. Stephen R. Adamson District III Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association Har-Ber High School Springdale, Arkansas June 5, 2012

  2. Text-dependent questions and tasks Close reading College and Career Ready Independent reading Substantive discussion Sustained reading Writing to sources • Anchor text Text complexity

  3. Common Core State Standards Fact ? or Fiction?

  4. The CCSS were created by the U. S. Department of Education.

  5. FICTION The CCSS were created by a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governor’s Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.

  6. Only a few states have adopted the CCSS.

  7. FICTION 45 states and 3 territories (Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands)have adopted CCSS.

  8. The CCSS offer a prescribed way to teach.

  9. FICTION Local educators will decide how to meet the standards and teachers will decide how to develop lesson plans and tailor instruction for their own classrooms.

  10. The CCSS will replace the current state standards for math and ELAs.

  11. FACT —though many of the standards already align with the CCSS.

  12. The CCSS focus on skills and not on content.

  13. FICTION! ELAs include Classic myths and stories from around the world, America’s Founding Documents, foundational American lit, and Shakespeare by using the four skills. (See http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Publishers_Criteria_ or_3-12.pdf for publishers’ criteria)

  14. The CCSS don’t include a reading list.

  15. FACT! The CCSS include sample texts that demonstrate the level of text complexity with the learning demands set out in the Standards. Teachers can decide what texts to use.

  16. I will have to teach social studies and science in addition to language.

  17. FICTION! The CCSS state that in meeting the literacy standards in grades 6-12, a balance of texts across the curriculum include 1/3 each of literary, social studies/history, and science.

  18. The CCSS are a national curriculum.

  19. FICTION! The standards are a clear set of shared goals and expectations for what knowledge and skills will help our students succeed. Local educators decide how CCSS will be met.

  20. References • Arkansas Department of Education (2012). Common Core in Arkansas: FAQ, http://www.corestandards.org/frequently-asked-questions . • Common Core Standards Initiative (2012). FAQ, http://www.corestandards.org/frequently-asked-questions . • Common Core Standards Initiative (2012). Myth v. Fact, http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CoreFacts.pdf .

  21. For More Information Stephen Adamson (Ricky) stephen_adamson@rocketmail.com Freddie A. Bowles (Freddie) fbowles@uark.edu

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