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Malteser Germany: “Thai village health project” in Mae Sariang District, Thailand

Malteser Germany: “Thai village health project” in Mae Sariang District, Thailand. Development of the “Thai village health project” – main reasons for implementation.

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Malteser Germany: “Thai village health project” in Mae Sariang District, Thailand

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  1. Malteser Germany: “Thai village health project” in Mae Sariang District, Thailand

  2. Development of the “Thai village health project” – main reasons for implementation MALTESER started working with Burmese refugees in 1993 – the following problems concerning the local population were identified: • Poverty – many people cannot afford services that are provided to the refugees • Many local people are not registered and therefore no budget for their care provided to the local health authorities

  3. Refugees Local population Standards of living of refugees and many of the local population are similar

  4. Start of “Thai village health project” • Support was needed mainly for preventive health services and improved accessibility for the rural population • All activities are implemented in collaboration with partners: • mainly DPH and VBCU - to avoid duplication and confusion

  5. 3 Specific Objectives • Increased community involvement in PHC delivery through capacity building • Improved management of communicable diseases and MCH at community level • Increased awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention in target groups and support for the affected

  6. Activities – PHC health education for CHW • 247 CHW have been trained in first aid, hygiene & HIV • 241 CHW have been trained in EPI & related diseases • 65 CHW have been trained on diarrhoea, ORS, worm infections, ARI, pesticides etc

  7. Activities – PHC Training of TBAs • 97 TBAs have been trained in safe motherhood and delivery • 46 TBAs have participated in follow up training

  8. Activities – PHC Health Education for student leaders and teachers • 584 student leaders have been trained in basic health issues • 45 teachers have been trained in subjects such as innovative teaching methods, refresher training on basic health care

  9. Activities – PHC Health Education for pregnant and lactating mothers and village committees • Training of 83 mothers in FP, nutrition, hygiene, etc… • 14 village committees participated in training on hygiene, latrine construction, etc

  10. Activities – PHC Construction of latrines and distribution of mosquito nets • 929 households received latrine construction materials, health education • 4.350 mosquito nets were distributed through the VBCUs (10.3 and 10.4)

  11. Activities – PHC medicines and materials • Ongoing support for all partners of • medical supplies and essential drugs • Transport • Equipment (e.g. microscopes, spraying machines)

  12. Activities – HIV health education • HIV/AIDS & STD education for border police, military, prisoners and ISW • Support a radio HIV/AIDS awareness program • (Peer) counselling training for military, border police, 1 prison nurse, prisoners and members of the HIV-group

  13. Activities – HIV Provision of condoms • Promote safer sex method by providing condoms to risk groups

  14. Activities – HIV scholarships for AIDS orphans • Provision of scholarship to 71 orphans and regular follow-up visits – together with the local HIV-group

  15. Activities – HIV Income generation activities for PLWA and caretakers of AIDS-orphans • Income generation for people living with HIV and care takers of AIDS orphans • Set up of an IG-committee • Set up of regulations for loans and follow-up • so far 17 loans have been provided

  16. Monitoring and co-ordination arrangements • general health and HIV/AIDS KAP-surveys • FGD concerning HIV/AIDS • Monitoring of indicators such as health data, number of trainings and participants etc • Internal quarterly review and comparison of targets and implemented activities

  17. Management and coordination with partners • All activities are planned and implemented in collaboration with local partners: • Monthly meetings • Yearly evaluation and activity planning workshop

  18. Continuation - Management and coordination with partners • 4-monthly coordination meetings organised by PHO • Monthly reports for all partners and other authorities • Quarterly and 6 monthly reports for MOI with copy to DPH and provincial public health office

  19. End

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