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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in DJUSD

Working Document on Racial and Ethnic Disparities Data from the Davis Joint Unified School District compiled by Jann Murray-Garc ía, M.D., M.P.H. Nicelma J. King, Ph.D. Blacks for Effective Community Action Davis, CA September, 2002. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in DJUSD.

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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in DJUSD

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  1. Working Documenton Racial and Ethnic DisparitiesData from the Davis Joint Unified School Districtcompiled byJann Murray-García, M.D., M.P.H.Nicelma J. King, Ph.D.Blacks for Effective Community ActionDavis, CASeptember, 2002

  2. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in DJUSD Jann Murray-Garcia, MD, MPH Nicki King, PhD BECA -- May, 2003

  3. Data on African American and Hispanic Youth: (Nation) • Nationally: • Between the ages of 18 and 34; 791,600 black males are in prison or jail, while only 603,000 are enrolled in some form of higher education. [Jet Magazine, September, 2002] • In 2000, 87% of African American, 94% of Asian American, and 62% of Hispanic Americans aged 24 had finally received a high school diploma or its equivalent.

  4. Data on African American and Hispanic Youth (Nation) • In 1999, Black and Latino 17 year olds Read and did Math at the SAME grade levels as White 13 year olds. [NEA Priority Schools Initiative, 2002] • African American and Latino 10th graders are less likely to be enrolled in a college preparatory track.(I.e. GATE & AP classes) [Jet Magazine, September, 2002].

  5. “Leave No Child Behind” Initiative and Federal Law GOALS • To ensure that ALL students are proficient in reading and math within 12 years. • To close the achievement gap between poor and minority students and their more affluent, non-minority peers.

  6. “Leave No Child Behind” Initiative and Federal Law • Requires annual testing of ALL students in 3rd through 8th grade (same as 1994). • States must set measurable or numerical performance goals for students. • Numerical targets must be set for for all disaggregated groups of students. • First increase in performance must be shown within 2 years. • Performance thresholds must be raised at least once every 3 years .

  7. “Leave No Child Behind” Initiative and Federal Law After chronic failure to meet “adequate yearly progress” (6 years in a row), a school must do at least one of the following: • Reopen as a charter school; • Replace the principal and other staff deemed relevant to the failure; • Turn the school over to a private management company; • Turn the school over to the state; • Other restructuring that constitutes making major reforms.

  8. DJUSD Students, by Race/Ethnicity, 2002-2003 Source:http:/data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest

  9. DJUSD Enrollment Compared to Statewide Enrollment, 2002-03 Source:http:/data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest

  10. DJUSD and California Teachers by Race/Ethnicity, 2001-2002 • Over 95% of DJUSD Teachers are fully credentialed, and turnover is low • Overall number of minority teachers is low

  11. DJUSD Administrators by Race/Ethnicity, 2001-2002 • Small school district, small number of administrators, but efforts can and should be made to identify and recruit minority applicants for open positions

  12. Percentage of 11th Graders by Ethnicity who have passed the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) (required for graduation 6/04) Source: DJUSD Table (as of 2/24/03

  13. Percent of DHS 11th Graders w/scores at 50th Percentile or better, 2002 Sat9--Reading & Math *Pacific Islander and Filipino scores not included Source: SAT9 data provided by DJUSD

  14. Average Percent of Davis High School Graduates who met UC/CSU Entrance Requirements, by EthnicGroup,96-97 through 00-01

  15. Comparison of Davis High Graduates who met UC/CSU Entrance Requirements with Berkeley High Graduates2000-2001

  16. Racial Composition of DJUSD Students Assigned to GATE classes, 2001-2002

  17. Racial Composition of DJUSD Students Assigned to Special Ed classes, 2002-2003 Source: DJUSD Table-Ethnic Distribution by Disability 5/1/03

  18. Suspensions from DJUSD by Race, Ethnicity, 2000-2001

  19. Average Racial/Ethnic Composition of Students Attending DHS and MLK Continuation High School, 1997-98 to 2001-2002

  20. APPENDIXEvidence of Ability Tracking by Race from Research Studies (Non-DJUSD Data)

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